I'm not even pissed off at this kid. He trolled the media, got free shit...

I'm not even pissed off at this kid. He trolled the media, got free shit, got a free fucking scholarship to Dubai and offers at Ivy league schools around the US, along with tons of meet ups with famous people. What I am pissed off at is the fact that people like Obama, Chris Hadfield, and other famous and well off individuals decided to give him all this shit. Just think about it, there are probably a ton of poor rednecks, blacks, and spics that do goofy shit with their tech everyday. They get discriminated against, bullied, beaten up by their meth moms, et cetera. These kids have their dreams taken from them. So what does Obama feel like he should spend his limited time on? Seeing some upper class Arab kid who was the subject of an arrest and managed to make it into public eye. The kid honestly doesn't need ANY of this shit. It's a waste of resources. It's like giving bread to the fat, what good does it do? What really hurt me was Chris Hadfield.

Cool guy, great at getting the public interested in space, and a humble person. Yet now I think I'm very disillusioned. He seemed to have partaken in a very greedy PR move that isn't justified in the slightest.If he has time to see Ahmed and his dumb clock, why isn't he seeing some techno geek in Newfoundland that is forced to become a fisher by his drunken dad? Why isn't he seeing some black kid in Toronto that is dealing dope at 14 instead of going to school and programming? I just don't get it. There are obviously people that need these resources much, much more and yet these big names stand up and give to the haves.

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i-is this pasta?

Didn't he literally become a terrorist?

No, I just got pissy over this subject again. It's just kind of depressing, you know? I'm sure some nigger boy could have used that surface pro to maybe keep his interest and hopes in tech up instead of being a rock slinger.

We've done this before and if it ends up he can't program/whatever, the private sector will still not give a shit. By the time he's an adult the meme will have run out and it won't be enough if he doesn't have the skills.

All of the media tech stars = total failures 10 years later if they can't actually do anything

Private sector is the real equalizer and the last hope for humanity

Yeah it takes a genius to take advantage of liberal guilt cuck culture you fucking dumb mudslime.

It's all okay, if he has any talent he'll be fine.
If doesn't, he'll be in trouble in the end.

The lost opportunity is unfortunate but there are so many other lost chances you don't see on the news. What's one more?

Doesn't he have a guaranteed scholarship to MIT or something? Maybe they'll retract it later. I'm just more upset about the kids out in the world that don't get the support or PR because of their situation. He really was a kid that was "in the right place at the right time" and it worked for him. Good for him, I'm glad he kiked the media and people out of their money.

All I'm saying is that this seems like fake support. If this hadn't hit the news, nobody would have given a fuck. It's only because the media picked it up that Obama and Hadfield decided, "Oooh, I"m going to be charitable and a good person today."

Like imagine I only saved a child if I thought I was going to be famous for it. That'd be fucked up, right? How dare I place value over a human life more just because I think it'll be good PR.

>The lost opportunity is unfortunate but there are so many other lost chances you don't see on the news. What's one more?
I think this is probably the best point. It's one out of a million. Plenty of times people could help but don't. I just wish people would stop getting praised for doing charitable acts only when it's good PR. I get a sort of Kantian rage over that shit.

He does. I'm not saying this stunt didn't give him a huge advantage. Long term, you are only going to make it if you are actually worth anything. Meme event might have given him a free scholarship but he could fail out and it could end right there. Like I said, even if it doesn't, private sector solves everything.

Scholarships won't do him any good, he's kinda been blacklisted

By who?

Ultimately, people only act on what they know. Maybe 12-year-old Jimmy Redneck in Alabama needs that laptop a lot more than Clock Boy, but Chris Hadfield sees Clock Boy and knows Clock Boy, and does not know anything about Jimmy Redneck.

cool clock ahmed


his father has to pay $200,000 in court legal fees after his defamation lawsuit got thrown out recently, but they're in qatar and cant get back in united states for some reason even though they really want to because
>muh muslim sanctuary

>I'm not even pissed off
Then why did you make this thread?

Do you mean old literally or new literally?

To have a discussion you dumb fuck.

Yeah, this is what it comes down to. There's no way to give Jimmy Rednock resources if you don't know he exists.

>Proudly showing off his free USB cable.

Litrially 0 tech knowledge.

It is now

>I don't know what marketing is
how does it make you feel to be retarded OP?
all the products in that image are not associated with helping the oppressed in the minds of millions of people.

if its not in the news a company wont donate money to it

Yeah, it's just a shame though. It's such a "feel good" thing to do. I might not know Jimmy Redneck, but I sure as hell no where he'd approximately live. Somewhere in the rural south. It's just so lazy to give clockboy free shit.

Discussing what though? You keep claiming to not understand when you obviously do. Like you said it was nothing but a PR move.


He made a fake bomb by taking a clock and installing it in a suitcase to look like a bomb, and brought it to school to impress his friends. The school overreacted, and the boy (and his family) played the victim to get media attention, resulting in a bunch of free garbage.

Based clockboy, swindled the libshit morons.

I wish I could be him

When your born into the world your given a ticket to the freakshow. When your born in America your given a front row seat.

Sure wish i was a sand nigger so i could do this and play victim for free shit