What SSIDs do you see around you?

>Jamal's wifi network

You won't get me this easy, fucking nasa


mfw san jose


aka 'Women in STEM'
aka 'Orbiter Magnet'
aka 'Donglegate is Wronglegate'

Someone needs to make an online SSID triangulation service. Just fucking type in all the SSIDs you see and it'll pop out a rough location estimation, because I don't think these anons realize how they're essentially doxxing themselves by posting their nearby WiFi.

does Google expose their API that does this?

also, can't really triangulate without signal strength like picrelated ;)

can you guess where i'm at? will send 50bux via paypal or bitcoin if you get it within 1 km

Mine has my current fucking GPS coords. Oh noes!

Did you guys even look at what I offered?

Retards. Also being this paranoid

>muh dox

Why'd you censored your WiFi MAC address if you aren't paranoid?


Tampa Bay, Fl

fellow potato from idaho?


not even close

SWAT will be there in 5. Have fun :)

guessing you're a student in AZ

Swimming in a sea of default SSIDs. Is there a deposit of default WiFi passwords?

Yes I'm a recovering Oregonian

does anyone outside of the UK have to deal with the monstrosity that is BT-Wifi everywhere?

>not knowing what the red hat society is
aka google it fag8

She's not still at with that crap I hope. didn't they chase her off with eggplants already?