Tfw it only took me 2 months to understand how classes work in python

>Tfw it only took me 2 months to understand how classes work in python

Am i in the upper ranks of genetically gifted programmers?

I read somewhere that it usually takes normal people 6-8 months to understand classes

Other urls found in this thread:

>thinks understanding a class is special

We're all objects nigger


for your own sake, have some self.__respect

That is half of what it took me. Good job!

>2 months to understand classes

are you like sub 50 iq ape

for your own sake, self.__delete

how do classes work?
do you mean you understand what python does under the hood or the concept of classes?

>Taking 2 months to understand Python's neutered OOP
Congratulations, you might qualify for a free lobotomy.

Do you want me to give you a quick rundown of how classes work?

If OP, please do.

I'd love to

op i've been using python for many years now and i am only starting to get this. any website or tut you followed specifically?

I think I need a quick run down on these classes.


You're fucking kidding me

How about deez nuts? I think I can run them down your face.

Wow, you guys must be brainlets.

Classes are basically blueprints for how to build an object.

You specify within a class what methods or behaviors you want it to have.

You can then create instances of the class and call their specific methods or behaviors when needed.

That's pretty much it

tell me more.. are you op or someone else? i have not been able to find this information anywhere else. how do more people get this?

just put self everywhere

lol are you being serious?

I have nothing to gain from helping you acquire knowledge that you could then utilize to surpass me.

I want to help you, but one of the side affects of being intelligent is being unable to willfully do stupid things.

Yes go forth my child

i tried asking my professors in school but they tould they havent touched python yet

i will not surpass you i am just a beginner my friend. please give me your journal

journal of knowledge



What kind of gay shit is this?

I dont get it. Why use classes? Why not just use methods?

because you want dynamic dispatch

I'll give you a hint



>genetically gifted
Go learn whole C++

I'm still a novice when it comes to programming, but I've yet to actually understand the purpose of Classes/Objects.

I just don't understand how/why people write their code with a fuck ton of OOP.
I mean I understand what it does and I've used some of that stuff myself, but I just feel like it's sort of unnecessary. Maybe my brain just isn't wired for OOP. I don't understand how people can come up with code that's like 60% abstract, even if I wanted to do that I couldn't if I tried.
It just feels so much better and easier for me to do things the "hard" way, it's more simple

>I have nothing to gain from helping you acquire knowledge that you could then utilize to surpass me.

Nice inferiority complex bro

Is going from Python -> C a common thing?

I did and I love C now.

Switching languages is actually really easy desu

Do people actual struggle with classes? It's really not difficult.

kek. Like 2 months from not programming at all to understanding classes in their entirety? hmm. Maybe that's the average person.

I googled to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding what OP meant by classes. I'm actually really upset now that people struggle with this enough that OP feels special for understanding in *only* 2 months.

>he doesn't dream in python

OOP is a meme

Yeah, as soon as you notice that Python is slow as a pig.

Classes and by extension object-oriented programming are probably the simplest idea to hit CS after structural programming. A natural extension if you will. If you have functions, and you have data operated on by functions, doesn't it make sense from an organizational perspective to tightly couple the functions to data that they operate on? These encapsulation prevents pollution of the namespace and (if used correctly) makes it easier to understand what a program is doing.

The goal of OOP is to remove global state. I frankly don't get how people struggle to understand classes/objects because they are literally an idea derived from the real world functioning of objects.

prove it faggot

but interfaces, but abstract classes, but inheritance, but design patterns

>(if used correctly) makes it easier to understand what a program is doing

The opposite.

>remove global state by creating a singleton


took me a weekend

OP is confirmed retard

>it only took me 2 months
It took me 15 minutes.

Don't worry, I'm sure Pajeet is willing to share his cubicle.

The upper ranks are those I take two weeks and they're fluent in Ruby.

Two months? You, on the other hand, should look for a different pastime. And don't even think about making it into a career.

6-8 minutes

that's how classes work in a lot of languages.

Come back after you learned numpy and caffe

A genetically gifted programmer can learn from books rather than attending classes.

Basics of OOP in C++/Java are covered in a 12 week university course. Students usually take four to six courses at a time.

So yes, the fact that you learned one subject in 2 months, while every CS student will learn that subject plus 3-5 more in 3, makes you a fucking genius.


Kek classes are basic OOP. Takes an hour(s) to understand then apply

Is this thread a joke of some kind?

structs + information hiding = classes

Am I stuck in the nineties?

jokes aside, how long should it take to understand classes? I took a cs101 class last year and I think I understood them within about a week of the class starting, so I'm a little confused about OP unless he's trolling

...Classes aren't even hard to understand in the first place. At the maximum, 5 days.

Now that you understand the concept, it's now time to learn object oriented design.

k so if loops and conditionals are step 1, and classes are step 2, what's step 3?

You should be able to learn classes in 30 minutes if you re not a brainlet.

Depends on what you mean by understanding. The basic concept, and implementing them, with documents at your side? A day to a week.

Being able to code a basic design pattern in your sleep without even thinking about it? A few months.

If you truly understand something, it has to be second nature, and that doesn't come in a week.

algorithms and data structures

where do I start?

Low level intrinsics
Memory management

I'm not the best authority on that. This is often recommended:

The book I used in uni was Java based and pretty terrible.

You're obviously narcissistic, pretentious and idiotic enough not to realize that it was tongue-in-cheek and you had to chime in how you're smarter. Kill yourselves.

>it took me 2 weeks


Here's a quick rundown:
-objects bow down to classes
-in contact with class-private methods
-possess parent/child-like abilities
-control object instances with an iron but fair fist
-are included in 99% of mainstream languages
-people with 215+ IQ use classes
-you likely have classes in you RIGHT NOW
-fuck off

>-people with 215+ IQ use classes
>-you likely have classes in you RIGHT NOW
>-fuck off

It took me about 5 minutes in my C++ and I am on the retarded end of the spectrum.

I also realized that OOP is a complete meme and an awful way to programm.

>itt Sup Forums baby OP tries to troll and gets effortlessly counter-trolled and derailed by Sup Forums
I love it.

Iktf OP, it took me 20 years to understand the Von Neumann architecture

Classes are just collections of related attributes and methods

ignore javatards that try to tell you otherwise and self.360°() out of there

I'd like to learn SmallTalk to see the real power of OOP.

That's wrong on a pretty simple level tho tbqh senpai. Like, that's babby's first explanation.

Classes in python are much more than blueprints for objects.

You can use classes without ever defining methods for instances. Hell, you can use classes without ever defining __init__ or __new__. I use Mixins and multiple inheritance all the time to make sure I write code in one place that gets used by tons of instances. Many of those Mixins never __init__, and some are exclusively class or staticmethod mixins that make no reference to instances.

A great example of that is how you can make a counter shared by all objects of the same class that indicates how many instances of that class are alive. That attribute is a class attribute, not really something for the instance.

You're right, but what you've said is babby's first book on classes, and should be grokable in under 2 months.

You'll understand a big deal about OOP when you completely undersatnd the SOLID principles:

[S]ingle responsibility (a class should have only a single responsibility)
[O]pen/closed principle (open for extension, but closed for modification)
[L]iskov substitution principle (code stays correct if you pass a subtype of a class instread of the class)
[I]nterface segregation principle (many client-specific interfaces, no god-class interface)
[D]ependency inversion / Inversion of control (bascially over-enigneered callbacks)

It's destroy u CIA niggers

Rather learn Ruby instead.

It's heavly inspired by SmallTalk and gives you a big deal of what SmallTalk does, but it's not an obscure language nobody uses.

Also the SmallTalk community is super cancerous.

>Learn the language i, some random retard on the internet, suggest you learn.


Dude, I'm pretty langauge agnostic. But if you want "OOP done right", Ruby is the way to go.

SmallTalk has sunken into oblivion, see:

While Ruby is among the most used langauges..

..and has plenty of Jobs:

Also just surf some random SmallTalk discussion and see them hating about how great their language is and how bad other langauges are. It's basically the D community in denial.


You might be in the above average class of code monkeys.

>>Tfw it only took me 2 months to understand how classes work in python
>Am i in the upper ranks of genetically gifted programmers?
Well, it took me less than a week to understand classes in all languages, since it just a concept.
How do you feel now?

It's actually quite a good idea to start with Python and then switch to something else.
Python teaches you good style and basic programming logic that you can build on with a more advanced language.

I feel sorry for you.