/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Nothing worth mentioning.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


O P P A I T I M E !

nice oh pee


It's your fault they're named Redacted, they're afraid of this Sup Forums guy.

AB is a fucking curry tracker. All the weebs /out/.

you mean moot?

What's that one classical music tracker?

we're all moot

who is moot?

you know, that one jewish handsome fella working for google

Some oldfag


No it's not. I used to run recruitment for a pretty big tracker and we copy paste all the email addresses manually. There's no parsing, that's ridiculous. PTH staff just have sticks up their asses, extra content in invite PMs doesn't matter at all.

this is a good op!

PTH was a perfectly fine name, why did they do this autistic shit? Also there's no fucking staff picks so I can't even begin to build a ratio, what the fuck...? This site is literal shit and you guys have been memeing it for months.

Question for anyone who isn't autistic: Is Apollo any better?


>Question for anyone who isn't autistic: Is Apollo any better?


fuck off babby


APL is good and bad, depending what you seek, traveler.

Passtheheadphones was a stupid name. Nobody even does that act and it was cringe how close it was to PTP. Redacted is way worse though.


>we copy paste all the email addresses manually
that's true, that's why they ask for only the email in one line without periods, so they just double click to quickly select it

Alright, now that this shit is REDACTED is notwhat.cd the new cabal music tracker?

Yes it is better.

If the day comes that Apollo gives up, it won't happen for at least 4-5 years. Both sites just mirror each other with their content so you're not missing anything.

That doesn't make it any more difficult. I copy pasted hundreds of emails inviting people from PMs. It made absolutely no difference what extra content there was. It was completely fine to me if people were polite or asked questions, and I spoke with some people for a few messages who had extra shit in their PMs, stuff like that. I'm not who originally complained about all the rules in their invite threads but I agree it looks retarded and really autistic.

As soon as it gets some content maybe

Does anybody have any information about the staff at notwhat.cd?

how the fuck did ptp get 5k over the limit? when will it go down?

They're trustworthy and seem pretty good at what they're doing, and they're not trying to be the next WhatCD. More transparent and relaxed than PTH and Apollo's staff.

312c is on it

>he hasn't completed the triforce


75$, cheap for such an edgy tracker.

>Paul Coffield / 12.01.2017
>Hi there,
>I would like to purchase an invite for PTH if >possible?
>Kind Regards,


ah you got me

as much as a ptp one. cabal confirmed

yes I puts lots of effort into my post like yours I was replying to did


>redtarded staff hard at work in this very thread forcing the "redtarded is cabalz and shiiiit" meme

Honestly can't say I'm surprised

don't worry, we already know that you are

Nala you're getting awfully defensive about your shitty tracker.

pm me on site for some extra buffer :*

I can't believe they thought this new name was so fucking good they had to change the already established name that was also retarded but people just used the acronym anyway

It's because PTP was tired of people thinking they had anything to do with that curry-ass tracker.

stop using it then. we won't miss you

was it so hard to ask for input? "hey users, give us ideas for our new name, we won't poll it because of security reasons"

and everyone would be happy

Dear Sirs, I implore you for sharing one invite to the music site (RED)ACTED... Fastly send to [email protected]

May Vishnu bless you!

You are pushing these cringe memes way too hard.

there was already a suggestion thread filled with retarded names. i don't think they needed more

but i do believe that they should've announced it 1 day before

Literally no one cares about your opinion. Do you even realize that? Literally and I mean L I T E R A L L Y no one of any worth gives a shit what anyone on /ptg/ cares or thinks about. There's a reason why every one of you faggots who post your username here get banned on all major trackers. You are literally the subhuman scum of private trackers. 3rd world trash.



i'm glad that you joined the subhuman scum scene user! welcome!

>There's a reason why every one of you faggots who post your username here get banned on all major trackers
Why would that happen? It's not against the rules to post on Sup Forums.

Why would I stop using it just because the name is retarded?

Post your username here and find out ;^)


it's against the rules to talk bad about Retarded, that user gets really triggered

mfw these are all me :^)

It has been posted before and nothing has happened.



post your ptp username. I fucking dare you.



HAHA, you're straight up triggered just because it's universal opinion all across the interwebs that your site name is RETARDED


Will general trackers care if I upload my Sup Forums folder?

post screenshot of your profile and username pussy.


tehc recruiter from ptp died?

I care

When do you think we'll get the next name change, and what will it be? They've already changed 1) the tracker URL and 2) website name.


If marking isn't real you shouldn't be afraid to do it senpai

Tehc recruiter from mam is dead as well

RIP peska

What do you mean by marking?

My username is 312c, do your worst

Peeing on


get the fuck out

epic moments in history of Sup Forums



fite me

>AnimeBytes $25
Yui on suicide watch.


only if you don't bring your katana, faggot

Oops, Wrong file

i'd fuck her in the ass, most definitely

but i'd never call again

jesus henry

fuck this and i don't even can ask a invite to another fucking recruiter.


na, he just sent me an invite the other day

>want to watch Lion tonight
>fucking HDB goes down and they don't put their shit on PTP

you have a guardian angel that saved you from watching that piece of shit

>using the smiley with a carat nose

I would care

More plz

Was there a superior encode on HDB than the 1080p WEB-DL?