Are you people just dumb or do you not understand how the world works?!

Intel had no fucking reason to price their CPUs lower because they had zero competition.

AMD just poked the Intel bear.

You guys have no idea whats going to come.

Intel is going to 8 x AMD performance at 2x the price and AMD will fad away just like they did in the early 2000's.

Fucking idiots lmao.

>unironically assuming Intel puts out the best they have at the most competitive price they can offer without any competition

WEW .... 4th grade must be a struggle for you idiots.

Other urls found in this thread:

why does this board get flooded with shitposting when a big event happens?


its not shitposting

look im glad that AMD finally puts up some competition because in the end WE AS THE CONSUMERS are the ones who benefit from healthy competition

its just laughable to me that people think Intel will go bankrupt because some pajeets who work for AMD put something together that doesnt fall apart instantly ... for the first time in 15 years or something lol

I hope Intel MURDERS AMD and we get even better Intel CPUs at a lower price

why not?!

>frog meme
>You guys have no idea whats going to come.
>Fucking idiots lmao.

you have to be 18 years old to post here

>Intel is going to 8 x AMD performance at 2x the price
How is that a bad thing? It's called competition you utter spazmoloid.




>I hope Intel MURDERS AMD
>in the end WE AS THE CONSUMERS are the ones who benefit from healthy competition

you can't seriously be this retarded right?

>tfw to Intel-ligent too fall for AMD tricks

murders as in BTFO Ryzen

calm down pal ... no blood will be shed

>6950x clocked at 3ghz
>1800x clocked at 4ghz
>1800x only manages to match haswell ipc with 25% higher clocks

looks like a great product for the prosumer/hedt market but its clearly going to lag behind in the mainstream and gaymer market.

shouldn't you be in school kid?

>things are only going to improve
>why aren't you being sad and bitter?

sources on your claims that they only clocked the 6950x at 3.0ghz? because i'm pretty sure it has a boost clock of 3.5ghz.
oh right your ass.

>people think intel isnt stuck in a hole, on their last leg, depending entirely on their overpriced server processors to survive as they can no longer advance consumer cpus to validate the price. Literally takes 4 years to get an entirely new architecture now that introduces 4%+ ipc gain

Watch this and you will understand why AMD has a real fucking chance of squashing the monopoly. Intel is in its death throes panicking

Intel still owns a fab. This is a blessing and a curse. Right now, their fab is sucking up enormous amounts of money. AMD can just say "fuck it, GloFo's problem" while Intel tries to squeeze money through a 10nm hole

>anything that disputes my amd fanboy bullshit is fake

liberal cuck

It is truly a new world user

>alternative facts work for me
fuck off to Sup Forums retard.

>d-daddy will wake up and wreck everyone
>j-just you wait

you sound like AMD fans did in 2013

What if the bear is dead ?

>You guys have no idea whats going to come.
Faster and cheaper CPUs from both intel and AMD, that's what.

Are you literally stupid. You go through China to prove the direct. Intel is already better, this new shit is nothing more than a rehash of their "more cores" meme.

Good, then I'll use AMD for the rig I'm building this year, and go back to Intel when I build my next rig. Consumer wins.

Wow 6950x with 3.0Ghz is beating 6850k with 3.6 Ghz and 6900k with 3.2Ghz. It's almost as if they all have 4.0Ghz max single core turbo

Nobody believes Intel will go bankrupt, they can literally release shit for 10 years straight and still have over 50% of the desktop market. Normies will still believe the Intel marketing and continue buying Intlel.

However they might lose the enthusiast market for a couple of years, assuming they don't want to cut drastically in their margins.

Having a somewhat healthy AMD is also good for Intel, given they don't want to get in trouble for monopoly practices.

Jim Keller has made AMD great again, enjoy a competitive market for the next 4 years and stop making these kind of threads.

That's great, but 14nm cost too much for intel to jump quickly. The only thing that can save intel now is their deep wallet and the good old OEM contracts. Sup Forums is just a pc builder faggotry, so don't care about these things.

>wants blood
checks out

This exactly, I'm so annoyed by the fact that retards are flipping their shit without looking at IPC which was the problem in the first place with AMD.

I couldn't care less about performance.
Intel is a pajeet NSA botnet.

So I will get a higher price-performance result if I buy the upcoming Intel CPUs?

Thanks AMD!

I don't even care. I just want competition to give us faster CPUs, more reasonable prices and less monopolisation. Thank god Intel flopped so hard with their cellphone foray.

Its not even competition my man, Intel is winning because of their consumer grade quadcores with HT, and the whole market revolves around them.
There isn't nearly enough people who will benefit from affordable 16 threads to make them competitive again.


>1800x only manages to match haswell ipc with 25% higher clocks
>match IPC with higher clocks
You're a special kind of retard.
IPC is independent of clock, that's the whole point of the number.