INTEL BLOWN THE FUCK OUT. This was built with the cheapest parts for each system

INTEL BLOWN THE FUCK OUT. This was built with the cheapest parts for each system.

>he uses a mac

>he doesn't hackintosh and have macOS on a secondary drive

Shouldn't non-X 1700 be compared to a high end LGA1151 i7, not an LGA 2011-3? That saves a couple hundred bucks. Still looks brutal for Intel.

will amd make a 12 core cpu?

you're right, OP should up the price of the AMD build by 100 poorbucks

>1700 non-X vs. 6900K
Isnt that stretching it a bit? The 1700 is marketed as being a competitor to the 7700K, it's only the 1700X w/OC and 1800X that might be up to par.

definitely but it will have to be for servers then

>waaaaah mac is so shit
>btw guise, unix is teh best everrrrr

>Canadian prices

the 1700 can OC

all Ryzen CPUs can OC

>>Canadian prices
american education boys

>buttmad wintoddler
kek. I bet you even play gaymes, manchild.





If IPCs are as good as shown they are similar minus some cache.

He was clearly referring to how the canadian prices are much higher than the ones in OP's pic.
non-american reading comprehension boys



Probably yes, but I wager it'll be for the server market, I doubt they'll have something more substantial than what we've seen for consumer use.

Not that it's a bad thing, if AMD doesn't go the Jewtel path of clockblocking their server chips even in dual-chip configs, we may see the resurgence of boards like the EVGA SR-2.

Feel better?

>48 threads over two Opertrons
This seems like it would only exist as a one of for Linus to make a video about and then drop

Fucking hell Ryzen was needed. Not to mention the cheapest 2011 boards are $300

>implying windows is only for vidya and not due to most of the market knowing how to use it

shipping is cheaper tho

>WAAAAH (everything not apple) is shit

jesus christ almighty

>damage control

only flipping the tables, not moving the goalposts.

Uhh why did you get a 6900K?

Ryzen can't even beat a 7700K

Hell you could put a 6700 in there and it would destroy the Ryzen and be $100 cheaper.

nice ESs you got there


Just wait til these fuckers get overclocked.

Those are six cores retard

oh baby

Picked my X99 FTW K up for 2 hundo even

which one should I get Sup Forumsuys?

Neat. Single core performance is most important to me so I'll probably still go Intel, but hopefully this drives their prices down a little.

>but hopefully this drives their prices down a little.
Desktop computers is the less important market for Intel right now. They can keep fucking you in the ass with jewish price and they will, as they have been for decades now. And you'll keep handing out money to them.

Also, i'm fairly sure that any Ryzen cpu with the same number of cores and thread as it's counterpart could outperform it in singlethreaded workload using manuak overclocking, as every Ryzen are unlocked.

why isn't intel dropping their prices?

Desktop CPU is the least important market for Intel right now.
If they lower price in response to Ryzen, it would only confirm to any Intel buyer that they've been jewed the fuck out for the past 10 years, it would cause a great backlash
Intel has huge profit margin, Shareholders would not like price drop
If they drop the price of a CPU, they have to drop the price of all other or they'd risk cannibalizing their own products, which would end up reducing massively their current profit that is enormous (reminder that Intel got their record profit in 2016)

People will keep buying Intel anyway.

didn't intel just leave the mobile market? why are they returning? and why is amd returning to?

Mewtwo has better market branding anyway. AMD really needs to catch up in that space

Buy Intel goys

>it's another "lets make everyone pay 20-30% more than MSRP because fuck you" episode from all the major sellers

Whew looks like I wont be buying anything until next year, just like my GPU situation.

Those are Canadian dollars. Read.


not on amazon

there's even a mobo bundle
