Why does Windows Update take forever?

It's the slowest update mechanism I ever saw.

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.Net is what makes it shit the bed, Windows 2000 has this issue too


That is the problem. You can minimize your efforts on update by replacing Windows Update for Ancile.

Wasn't there a updated update client for Win 7 a few months ago? It didn't speed things up as much as the old one stopped working

They fucked up windows 7's updater. The thing was using an entire CPU core all on its own plus like a quarter of my available RAM and it was still taking hours to do anything.

>Why does Windows Update take forever?
Windows 10 doesn't, so just upgrade.

no point in trying to use windows update on windows 7 on a fresh install. Best bet is offline update, rollup update, or the new install media that has all updates to mid-2016. After that windows update works ok

Windows Update runs 24/7 on W10, this is why is "faster".

i think if you didn't install the telemetry updates it got shitty. I booted into my 7 partition and got annoyed that I couldn't install virtual XP without updating. Ended up just installing virtual box on my xubuntu host

Windows update on mechanical hard drives under windows 10 is hell, stuff that takes a few seconds on an SSD takes 5-10 min on spinning rust

Because the botnet thinks your time is worthless.

This update took over two hours to check and install, CPU pegged the whole time, fan going like a jet engine.

I have it in a VM but for fuck's sake it was really chugging along.

>Because the botnet thinks your time is worthless
If it was, normies would be using Linux.

To be fair, this is a Windows XP install that I changed to POS in the registry (a hack that seems not to work right any more for new installs but which works fine still here) running in a VM and I need it to program my ham radios.

I do run a real certified Unix™ OS as my main OS.


Yeah I have been a faithful OS X user since the Public Beta days.

Best Unix™ OS by far, shame about the chicklet keyboards these days on the laptops though.



Install this:

>has Windows XP which I've fooled MS into thinking is POS 2009
>using Windows 7 software

I had only experienced this on windows 7.
brand new installs takes almost days to get updated. IT monkey here, so I made my fair share of image preparations for deployment and update the darn windows is the most time consuming part of it.

Nonetheless ther is an update (cant remember the KB that fixes this), if you apply it the "seraching for updates" part gets about an order of magnitude faster.