Amd's new OC tool called "RYZEN MASTER"

amd's new OC tool called "RYZEN MASTER"

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wtf is with these shitty names?

They're going full Nvidia now.

You will see.

Kellman and the Master of Ryzen

a cooler named wraith
a cpu named ryzen
a gpu named vega
a oc tool named ryzen master

>Max 6.3GHz
We housefire 2.0.

only decent name is Vega.

ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้༼◉Д◉༽ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้ AWAKEN MY MASTERS ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้༼◉Д◉༽ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้


>announcing reports


This is one of the best things about Ryzen. The CCX design is genius.
You can have 1 or 2 cores clocked to 4.5ghz.
You have have 4 cores clocked to 4.2ghz.
You can have all 8 cores clocked to 4ghz.
High single core perf, high multicore perf, all inside of the same low power target.
Individual core clocking, each core having multiple adjustable pstates. Its genius.

This. Surely Intel allows you to OC cores individually too, right? Or are they just that far behind?



Huh?! Like that son?!

>disabling cores
>individual core clockspeed
literally shit nobody ever uses. and yes "pro" overclockers are nobodies. fuck off with these memes.

AMD is pretty far ahead of intel here. The closest equivalent with intel exists only in the Broadwell-E line. The Turbo Core 3.0 scheme will find its "best" core, and it will allow that one core to clock to a higher state in a purely serial workload. The chip does internal tests to find which core is favored, you can't control it, and you can't control the rest of them individually.

shoo shoo shill

Nice gymnastics Schlomo.

oy veeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

SJWs are going to chew on them for this

XFR will take it to the next level, and every ryzen cpu supports it

it is basically killing the pricetag argument because every 4 core ryzen will be sufficient for every game when XFR hits

Keller, Koduri and Su are the pillar men.

Its actually pretty ground breaking. The level of performance Zen has, the features they're offering, the pricepoint these chips are at. Its a total market shake up. The fact that we have a 65w 8c/16t part with a 3ghz base clock is pretty fucking wild. They have energy efficiency on their side. Even on the high end we're comparing a 95w part to a 140w part, and Ryzen is actually pulling 95w.

Not just as a feature for consumers, but it changes a fuck ton on the production side of things. They've automated the binning process to an unprecedented degree. The chips themselves reveal how capable they are and instead performing exhaustive tests they can jusy define minimum goals.

Go read that paper they published on mounting individual cores on an interposer for their upcoming APUs. AMD isn't just blowing intel the fuck out on price/performance, they're creating all the set pieces required to forever alter the way CPU's are designed, produced, and used.

Another user mentioned an older proposal to fab individual components of an overall architecture on separate wafers and then combine them in various configurations on special interposers. Essentially a method to maximize yields like never before and create fully modular architectures.

It's funny how often people say "Intel's gotta be sitting on years worth of future designs! They're just waiting for the right moment!" When in reality AMD has been introducing the building blocks of the future one feature and one arch at a time.

Fuck you if being excited makes me a fanboy, this is genuine technological advancement and a shining example of what woldclass tech giants should be doing.

>software cpu overclocking

>this is genuine technological advancement and a shining example of what woldclass tech giants should be doing.

Its the most exciting time for tech ever.

It's just like how it's called AMD64


How to do that

This, it's so much more efficient plugging your CPU directly to a power supply, connecting a volt meter and adding resistors to achieve desired voltage. You aren't a real tech enthusiast if you need a program to hold your hand.


t. reddit kid

wrath and ryzen are awesome 90s names

This. Zen sounded cool, Ryzen sounds like overpriced gayman shit with LEDs everywhere.

I will forever refer to it as Zen. Ryzen sounds so dumb.

Zen is the name of the core arch.
Ryzen is the product line.

t. underage b&
I bet you think "razer" sounds good too.

I think it sounds like something that would come out of sony desu

lol you sound like a fucking retard

tell me more about AMD Posi Track

Neither of those are true lol x--D

Master of O'Ryzen

best game

Zen Master

they were going to call it Zen and Zen Master, but then they realized "Zen" is such a generic name that so many other products use (Asus Zenbook for instance) that would make it hard for people to google AMD products. Would also cause massive trademark issues.

Ryzen is unique and therefore easily trademarkeable everywhere and easy to remember and search for by customers.

Stop making shit up, kid.
Zen is the name of the core architecture. This hasn't changed.
Ryzen is the name of the product line. The product line was never going to be called Zen.

None of their product lines are named after the codename of the core arch.

Neat no one gives a shit.


I thought only X sku get XFR but all are unlocked.

That's actually pretty cool.

>posted by Amd's new shilling tool called ryzen masterbater.


Thats a nice load of bullshit oped, kid.
No product line has been named after the core architecture.
Kabini is not called Jaguar.
Brazos is not called Bobcat.
Llano is not called Husky.
Zambesi is not called Bulldozer.
Vishera is not called Piledriver.
Kaveri is not called Steamroller.
Carrizo is not called Excavator.
Ryzen is not called Zen.

>interview with VP of marketing for AMD
Rather believe what he has to say over some random user.

Sure thing, kid.

Why can't intels tool be this fucking intuitive?

This is basically AMD's new Wattman tool, but a bit more advanced. They put a huge effort into it. They're trying to build brand confidence so they're pulling out all the stops.
Intel doesn't really have a need to reinvent themselves.


>giving that kind of low lvl access to a program is not massive security issue.
stop being fucking retarded please


Do they ALL thai chracters bleed like that?

So just tibetan characters?༼༽
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So thats weird.

Literally autism. If it's good even a name such as "dog's bollocks" wouldn't make it worse.

not calling Ryzen Dragon

u gun goofed

so you just manually reflash your GPU BIOS every time you want to change the OC on that?

its because the dyke at the release event is a chink