Ryzen is nice and all, but I don't see any point of getting it if I have to use Windows 10

ryzen is nice and all, but I don't see any point of getting it if I have to use Windows 10

Other urls found in this thread:

asrock.com/mb/Intel/Z270 Taichi/index.us.asp#osW764

Still using that old ass windows holy fuck, it's been nearly 9 years you autists time to move on.

You don't have to use Windows 10. There is no processor in existence that does such a thing and that's not going to change anytime soon.


You wouldn't use a 9 year old Linux kernel would you?

The Linux kernel doesn't go to complete shit every other version.

Newer is not always better, user.

Neither does Windows. Windows 8(.1) is objectively superior to Windows 7.

CPU's don't need drivers, this is probably some useless bloatware that comes with ryzen like OC assist tools and shit.

The backend yes but the UI is trash.

Nah, it's overall better.

I'm used to windows 7 and don't like change.

Not my fault you've got the mentality of an 80 year old woman

the only change you can possibly feel bad is the new control panel
which you can remove it with three clicks..

overall its faster in all aspects

>CPU's don't need drivers

Not true.

correct, it goes to shit every version

>does not know it is a SOC

>shitposting outside of Sup Forums
to your containment board.

This, while Microsoft has skull fucked the UI the NT kernel has had some decent work done to it since Windows 7. its much more lightweight (can compress itself down to 256mb of ram) while still keeping pretty good compatibility with programs built in Windows 7

Since when is UI more important than backend ?

You want to change something because its better, sure, ill go for it, hell I may even like it.

You want to move shit around just so it looks new so retards wont complain they they pay for the same thing over and over again, then no, fuck you and your god damn change its not wanted. Reminds me of that material design shit google loves but it completely fuckes the browser hard... sadly much like windows, I don't have much choice as everything is chrome based anymore and firefox committed suicide.

It was changed for the better, Aero is ugly design.

when the ui gets in the way of every single thing you do to the point you spend more time fucking around with it then you would save by increased potential productivity.

8.1 is garbage and was the beginning of the end

10 is the final nail in the coffin

stick with 7, dont let global megacorps bully you into submission, show them the power of the closed wallet

Good. The sooner Windows versions before Windows 10 die, the sooner IE dies.

Is this a joke?

I will hands down agree that 8/8.1 is much better and faster, I even used it myself for 3 years

the UI is trash though

>This guy pays for windows

Anyone unironically using Windows 10 right now is a colossal fucking moron who doesn't deserve the right to use a computer.

The only thing that's arguably bad is the Metro Start menu, and that's easy to get rid of. You literally have no excuse.

>they fell for the win8/10 meme

You think i'm talking about about the borders on the edge of windows, god that's cute.

for one, I prefer the glass as i keep notifications behind windows, so when I get a new alert on something, I can see it in what would otherwise be wasted space.

And two, I'm talking about every menu changing just enough that you have to relearn where every setting you may want to have access to is. oh what's this, something that use to be in power management is now in network management and the other part sound management? fantastic, i get to spend every single day googling issues that I use to know the exact answers to because someone decided if they didn't move shit around people would think they bought the exact same os again.

>this guy thinks cpus are free

Id gladly pay an extra 200$ if microsoft gave up the joke that is 10 and went back to 7.

>that last post
There is not a single tripfag present in that screenshot.


Wow you just happen to have traffic on your network while using Windows 10! That's some hard evidence that Windows is a botnet!

need to use third party programs to make the os useable
need to use a vulcan wrapper as they fucked dx9 support.

such fantastic things you need to do with 8 and 10.

G N U + L i n u x

It absolutely is true, dumbass. The chipset needs drivers, but these will be provided by the motherboard manufacturers. We've literally already fucking seen Ryzen being benchmarked on Windows 7.

>being this pedantic

dont need evidence for something that is common knowledge

I'm not wrong.


doesnt matter, you're pedantic, and this latest post from you is making you look hyper autistic too

There is the problem, we don't know how well or compatible any of the motherboards are, all we know is that the cpu worked on it.

that's the most scientifically backwards claim I've read in a while, genius

All I had with Windows 8/8.1/10 were crashes and slow startup times. Specs are i5 4690k, 8GB RAM, SSD


IE is already dead.

>the Start menu's the only thing that's arguably bad, and it's easy to fix
>but user, what about the start menu!?
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

I'm still not wrong.

wew, nice cringe pic

>thinks science has anything to do with it
>win 10 user sarcastically calling other people "genius"


An OS compiled for amd64 instruction set will run on a CPU with amd64 instruction set -full stop-

win10 shills getting mad

I like how no one shits on Apple and Android, they have had the same telemetry and diagnostic bullshit for years but oh no Microsoft is doing it there the evil ones

>needs to post anti-windows propaganda to feel good about using his incompetent, broken OS

well lets see here
I don't have apple
I don't have android
And neither of them push updates and force me to upgrade, hell most celphones refuse to update phones.

now all they need is to get everyone to actually make software for it, and not autistic people who think cli is a valid ui.

>user posts Microsofts own terms of service and examples of telemetry
>Microsoft shill calls it propaganda and resorts to insulting other peoples choice in OS because hes out of defenses for windows
Really makes ur nogging go joggin

Does Windows 10 allows use yo use ":" in filenames?

I will change if it does.


Again faggot, the cpu will run, every other aspect of the motherboard may be so broken its unuseable, that is the fear, do you understand it now or does this very simple concept go over your head.

hell, my only real hope is here

asrock.com/mb/Intel/Z270 Taichi/index.us.asp#osW764

that's likely the motherboard I will get, at least the intel version of it.

[Beta] VGA driver ver:4565 (for Kaby Lake CPU)
Windows® 7 64bit
227.02MB 1/23/2017

That right there gives me a lot of hope.

Windows 8.1 is objectively the best Windows to date.

I said nothing about updates, I only spoke about the data mining telemetry crap which is done on almost any google android phone and apple devices. Apple on the other hand does force you to upgrade, you get a new macbook guess what? your not installing anything older the macOS Serra. not to mention the fact they drop support for older OSX versions way quicker than Microsoft does with windows, but yet everyone is happy with Apple

>Microsoft own terms of service
>covered in pictures of actual Nazi
gee you sure had me there with you non-propaganda

you know what the sad fact is, if I liked macs, if I like that ecosystem, THEY fuck me over less version to version then microsoft does.

but no that's not updating, I mean they don't push updates and you have no choice in the matter, sure you can dance through hoops to try and stop microsoft from pushing something, but you will get it whether you like it or not.


>I like how no one shits on Apple and Android
First day?

What about LTSB? I haven't tried it yet, but it seems nice.

i would never knowingly use an OS that forces me to update and gives me no choice in the matter

i would never knowingly use an OS that takes screenshots of my desktop at random intervals and sends them to a database somewhere

i would never knowingly use an OS that turns on my microphone at random, records an audio clip, and then uploads it to a databse somewhere

i would never knowingly use an OS that lists every file on my computer, and checks them against a database of illegal/pirated files

i would never knowingly use an OS that punishes me for trying to install software from outside of the windows store

i would never knowingly use an OS that doesnt allow me to install the drivers i want, and will reinstall the latest drivers every time, even if the latest drivers are broken or reduce functionality

i would never knowingly think that someone who uses windows isnt a dumb cunt

You can use those drivers on any z270 motherboard, you don't have to buy ASRock to use them

Yeah, but Apple asks you if you want to send back telemetric data in the beginning (default to opted-out, I think. Can't remember) and actually follows through on that promise.


This is even worse than stock Windows 10 ui.

You know what happens to your opinions on this board, right?


Have you even bothered to read Apple's ToS? apple.com/privacy/approach-to-privacy/

>We are absolutely committed to protecting our users' privacy and have built privacy right into our products. For Spotlight Suggestions we minimize the amount of information sent to Apple. Apple doesn't retain IP addresses from users' devices. Spotlight blurs the location on the device so it never sends an exact location to Apple. Spotlight doesn't use a persistent identifier, so a user's search history can't be created by Apple or anyone else. Apple devices only use a temporary anonymous session ID for a 15-minute period before the ID is discarded.

>We also worked closely with Microsoft to protect our users' privacy. Apple forwards only commonly searched terms and only city-level location information to Bing. Microsoft does not store search queries or receive users' IP addresses.

You can also easily opt out of Spotlight Suggestions, Bing or Location Services for Spotlight.

>i would never knowingly use an OS that lists every file on my computer, and checks them against a database of illegal/pirated files

>i would never knowingly use an OS that takes screenshots of my desktop at random intervals and sends them to a database somewhere

Is this true or this guy is spreading FUD?

> nearly 9 years

Feb 2017 - Oct 2009 = "nearly 9 years"

Using that Win10-calculator, don't you?

>takes screenshots of my desktop at random intervals and sends them to a database somewhere
>turns on my microphone at random, records an audio clip, and then uploads it to a databse somewhere
Windows 10 does that? Shit mang

i hope any win10 users here arent planning on running for government in the future

The checkbox was checked by default IIRC. But it was very clearly displayed during the install.

Ignoring the spying/privacy issues , what I really hate is that they use all this to spam the ever living shit out of you with advertising

>linux exposed for being the elitist useless trash it is

Vulcan wrapper? DX support broken? What are you talking about? I am able to play DirectDraw games just fine in Windows 8.1 while recording in OBS on Direct3D.

Only on the Home versions, never had an issue with Pro or LTSB

>uses Linux daily
>lol it's useless guise

Well that's good.

I can understand not supporting Win10, but not supporting Linux? They have no reason not to. Fuck this new gen data mining trend on everything

People are just retarded with their wording. The proper way to word the OP would be "Windows 10 is the only officially supported Windows version." These retards disregard the fact that other operating systems exist.

As someone who regularly flies with British Airways, no it's fucking not. Even Edge won't show the necessary checkbox, only IE will.

>not supporting Win10, but not supporting Linux?
Assuming you mean windows 7 but regardless, Linux is less than 2% of the market with regards to consumers. I can imagine Linux support will come with Ryzen Opterons.

if AMD wants any server market share Linux support is going to be day 1. Desktop Ryzen already has support on mainstream Linux

I specifically point that out as both processors are technically not supported in win7, kaby definitely isn't, and they are making a am4 version of this board and it looks to be one of the better ones available.

Not my fault if you cannot just tolerate and accept nefarious garbage. Think of the less fortunate.

From my understanding the implementation of dx9 is broken on 8+ and you need to use a vulcan wrapper to un fuck it.

Whats broken? DX9 shit runs fine.

look up the dx9 vulcan wrapper, they will tell you better then I half asleep ass can.


Windows 7 is old and archaic. No DX12 support, no memory compression, no Action Center and it's already out of mainstream support.

Aero Glass feels antiquated now.

Windows 10 is the name of the game.