
>NVIDIA GPU market share now stands at 70.5% compared to 70.2% in the previous quarter. AMD’s shares now stands at 29.5% compared to 29.8% in the previous quarter

Ignorant shit faggots and brand loyal goy cattle can't see a good deal even if it slaps them in the face, what a shock.

>amd cant beat the 1070
>amd draw more power
>amd cant linux
>blame nvidia



As If AMD and NVIDIA aren't a cartel. They hog the GPU patents not letting anyone in. Fuck both of them, let actual Foundries like Samsung or Intel enter the discreet GPUs market and you'll see those two both dead and the prices halved.

It's not that easy. Intel tried and failed.

>Good deal

Is this slang for "middling budget trash"?

Maybe if AMD gets off their ass and makes a top performance card for once I'll give a shit. If I wanted 1080p gaming in 2017 I'd get a console. I left that trash resolution behind in 2009.

They can't. It's illegal. NVIDIA and AMD literally don't let you make a discreet GPU for a PC.
Fuck. Both. Of them.

Kind of sad considering Nvidia used to have like 88% market share. Nvidia is finished and bankrupt

I blame AMD for being more expensive than Nvidia in Oceania

There isn't a such thing as a bad product, just a bad price.

next morning I'll produce something for you then and you can have it for free.


Looks like the relentless shilling of the 480 didn't pay off.

A bad product typically means it wasn't marketed properly, the company didn't look at what their target customers wanted and deliver on that.
AMD knows what customers want and they're trying pretty fucking hard to deliver to them.
Having said that I haven't bought a new card since the HD 5850

>no cuda

No free lunch, bad product availability and very high import taxes (electronic goods tagged as luxury)

kek this

How exactly? How can either of them prevent anyone else from making a card? If they can, why didn't one of them prevent the other from making a card?

One word Patents

I would never buy AMD but I need to compete with Nvidia's high end in order to drop prices back to normal. 1070 gtx should cost as much as 970 and 770 which is $300 instead of $400. This shit is heading towards Intel where you pay 300% more cause of a Goliath of a company.

The Intel/Nvidia combo is worth the extra $ over AMD/AMD

>money green, nigger, so they envy

nvidia sucks btw

Their suckage is still 2 times better than what AMD street shitters have to offer.

I forgot that my console has an Nvidia chip

nvidia is the best btw

>yeah fuck 99% of the market, AMD doesn't make muh autism super GPUs

Hopefully vega is good for a decent price so nvidia can't go full intel. I really don't want to get fucked without lube on my GPU and CPU.

The idea of a graphics card has been patented and no one else is allowed to make one? How can both of these companies hold a patent for it? If one of them patented it first wouldn't the other not be able to make one?

Welcome to IT.

RX 480 is a piece of shit and no amount of "MUH DUMB NIGGER CATTLE SIMPLY REFUSES TO BUY SUPERIOR AMD" posts will change fact that 1060 outsold 480 something like 6 to 1. It runs hotter and louder while bringing you your usual driver bullshit.

I mean clearly there is something in it if I type "amd 480 artifacting" and "1060 gtx artifacting" in youtube and RX 480 has only 50% more results than 1060 while selling 6-7 times less units according to steam hardware survey. Fuck AMD's GPUs. Fuck their CPUs with pins too.

Basically they both have important patents but they have agreed not to sue each other into oblivion because if one of them dies the other would get declared a monopoly and broken up anyways. Of course they only need two to tango so they both will team up to buttfuck anybody else who tries to muscle in on their duopoly.

If you want another example of this see how microsoft bailed apple out so they didn't die so they could still have a competitor on the OS market and not be declared a monopoly.

Or how AMD Ryzen was presented with an NVidia GPU at their press event.

>nvidia gains more market share thanks to continued brand brainwashed loyalty
>AMD aren't going to bother investing in the high end market unless they can make a return on investment
>vega will not produce a titan killer and will merely match or be good enough
>/r/pcmasterrace-xtreme-gaymer-1999 upgrades his 1070 to a 2070 for the low, low price of $599 + monthly driver update (windows 10 only) subscription

It's gun be beautiful.

I only buy intel because AMD has been shit for a long time. I have the money to buy high end, so when I go to build a new PC, I put whatever is high end in it. Two months ago I built a new PC for about ~1600 USD. I put a 1080 and a i7 7700k in it because that's high end right now.

AMD had nothing that could compete, and hasn't for a long time. I wasn't gonna wait an indeterminate amount of time for a maybe, which is what AMD is considering how long it's been since they had anything competing at the high end.

Maybe AMD could have had my money, but they were too slow, and that's their fault. Hopefully Ryzen and Vega will both be amazing, and hopefully in 2-3 years when I sell this build and purchase a new one AMD is still competing at the high end. If not I go intel again.

The average person is like me, they don't have brand loyalty, they will buy what the best shit is at the time because they aren't poor and can afford it. They aren't going to wait and hope a competitor comes along because there's no need.


>confuses superior products with people being brainwashed

this is why amd is failing.

I'm sure Intel is rich enough to buy them out, they just don't care. Who really gives a fuck about gpu? They can do it just as well with an igpu. Servers don't give a fuck what gpu you have. It's just not profitable to get into the gpu business when you already have the hold on cpu.

This is still better than what it used to be

>yfw this chart is outdated and 1060/1070 jumped by 2% each while RX 480 gained 0.27% since then.

Sup Forums is like an AMD echo chamber.

This chart was bullshit to begin with. Nvidia never went above 80%. It just doesn't make any sense. They supposedly spiked up by 10% after 900 series which I could understand and the magically lost it back to 300 series? Who exactly would upgrade from Nvidia to 300 and why.

you cant patent an industry, If you have a patent that effectively makes you a monopoly if its enforced you are forced to license them out at fair rates.

The problem with intel was they wanted to make an x86 gpu, failed miserably at it, and spon the shit off to the phi lineup.

They were never trying to make a gpu gpu, they were trying to make a gpu that was more of a gpgpu see avx 512, or an accelerator more so then just fast fro graphics.

>Nvidia never went above 80%
the 3xx rebrands