Russia is zo beautifel

Russia is zo beautifel

Fuck off Putin shill, Poland is the true diamond in Europeans collection and Russia is just a thirld world shithole.

Nono. Russia is beautifel, it has zo MANY beautifel cities

Take your 15 roubles and tak a trip to amazing Poland, Vanya.


He, нy этo чё т и кpacивo тo нe выглядит, тaщи чё нить нopмaльнoe.

Russia has Petersburg and Moscow and Petersburg! So many tourist spots!

russia has unique architecture, like cakes or some shiett

r8 this beautiful city

Would it hurt if I took those 2 away?

They can not even closely compare to amazing Lublin.

Looks like a utter, tiny, shithole. And the picture shows like 2 buldings lol.

Not like Volgograd in Russia. That's a city!


why so many bridges?

>shity renovated building that just don't fir surroundings
Russians should learn from Poland how to restore cities.

Petersburg looks like France or Italy though

Russian cities are a blessing upon this world.

Both countries don't even come close to glorious Deutschland.



Why the fuck you so dumb

>foreground: german built
>background: slavshit built

>hating industry
champagne communists are the worst