[General Asian Friendship Thread]

Do asian girls have souls?

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Yes I think so. I like long walks on the beach, I love the smell of dried leaves burning, and I despise white people. I also write poetry when I wake up at 2 pm.

Fuck Adrian girls

Welcome back.

What happened to you?


kept getting banned from all boards >_

No, only plastic and a CPU implanted during assembly.

For what?

I missed you

No. They are walking robots that show some emotions that are programmed to them.

for unrelated topics

how you been husbandru?

Hmm that was silly of you.

I've been pretty ok. Had to drop out of this semester ;_;

idk took the piss and was shitposting here too much

what do you mean by drop out this semester?

Meh its a bit of an excuse but I got half my essay done and a fella dropped in for some help and I couldn't really concentrate while he was here. Still we're pretty good mates I guess so I wasn't going to turn him away at the door. I'd already failed a month ago though when I was shitposting and looking at filthy things rather than actually studying

shitposting on Sup Forums rather than /pol


Are you two in love or something?

I don't go to Sup Forums though

Too cancerous

Kinda, maybe

what filthy things were you looking at?

That's cool, I'm not judging I was just curious...

People like Anzu and the chilean

did you watch anzus new video?


Watching now.

I thought you didn't like anzu anymore?

Nope, can you give me a link? too drunk and lazy to google...

idk i like looking at her face sometimes


Do you find it soothing?

Do you find repetitive tasks soothing?


i wish anzu did ASMR

Thanks mister

Do you want them to lesbian

Ansu said she has a bf :/

what BF?

idk I just saw it in an Anzu thread

This rainbow chick is turning me on :/

the rainbow chick does porn ;/

link me

I want her to suck my cock ^____^

google pronhub cherry crush

She's super qt hey.

Kinda don't want to get cucked by the man fucking her

pretend you are the guy

works everytime

No I'm not that far gone

If you watch porn you are getting yourself cucked

porn is haram but i watch it sometimes due to curiosity

Watching porn without wanking is good for you

Make you control your desire and build big qi!

i just watch wierd fetish videos

like those japanese ones

Maybe that is not good for you

very interesting

when leeches come out of ass hole

Yeah I used to have a webm of someone with fish coming out her ass. I got perma banned for cp when I posted it on Sup Forums and had to appeal but it was all good


rude ;_;

I was banned for ages because of that

yea had that happen to me b4 too

do you like Tiffanny ??


Bit chinky ^____^

Just saw the rainbow girl get analed :/

did you touch your self?

no i don't do that

Ever since i started listening to asian music i cant get back to western music anymore man

dont know what happend

Chink state controlled media conspiracy

but koreans are not chinks

look at the aesthetics of this video

I don't wanna. What if it turns me into a homosexual too?

im not homosex

You are homosex, just not gay

Watching videos for teenage girls mate

its not for teenager girls its for guys too

80% of fans of girl idols are guys

You said homosexuals wrong

And its only because porn is illegal there.

i used to think kpop was gay too but then i realized i was a man

You are just a racist, yellow fever victim

But yes western music is shit atm

how am i racist??? wtffff???



Racist against white girls ;3

how am i racist to white girls?
one of my best friends is a white girl

Pretty gay

Would you marry her? ;p

no but i would fugg ;p

Don't you try to reverse double chink me mate. I know very well that you would no

t. You're a khv


>Says he goes on Sup Forums
>does not know Sup Forums memes

And a khv is a kissless handholdless virgin I think idk I'm not from /r9k/

i think iu is a wily little bitch even now she is dating a much older boyfriend about 12 years older than her though this old korean rock singer is her current boyfriend and it's a his song


im virgin by choice

When did you choose?

when i was baptised as a baby

Did you choose to be baptised?

how did i choose when i was like couple months old

So you didn't choose to be a virgin!!

Its is forced upon you by your kike on a stick meme

its not like ima get laid any time soon anywys

Maybe if you cut your hair and nails and stopped being a wereperson

Fun banter

bujt muh hair is so beautiful ~~~~

Only girls and fags have long hair! Which one are you?

john snow has long hair

He has hair down to his shoulders. There's a difference

Plus he has curly hair and men can have long curly hair

mine is down to my sholdiers too

>tfw random girls come up to you and pet your hair and say they are jealous of how silky it is

Looks longer. Sure you're not telling me porky pies?

sometimes i fantasize about being a trap
no homo

How is that no homo?

So you want to get railed by a tall strong maple nigger?

no i just wana cuddle with anzu and pretend were cats


Why are you so beta? You're a good fella. You sounded pretty normal when I heard your voice.

Why are Canadains shit at cricket?

How do you do, fellow Asians?

i just act beta online

Suuuure you do

is anzu actually a guy

i feel so fucking stupid now everyone's say it is

Asian girls only love your money, they are literally money monger.


mfw peeking in to your conversation

>Asian girls only love your money, they are literally money monger.
all grills love money you fucking stupid jap radiation mutant.

how does that happen

oh sorry lol I didn't mean to post someone with fishes coming out of her ass haha


One less chinese that can reproduce. A victory for the white man I'd say

yes guy


No well I obviously did but it had censor things so it was technically sfw

Also the main thing was that it was not cp so I got unbanned

>yes guy

They will make up for his sterility by having three more children