Python is the best programming language

Python is the best programming language

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I was going to learn it first, but decided on ruby for now, since people are arguing about python 2 vs python3

No html is

why do you post with such an image

I agree

Java is best

>Other people """arguing""" is going to influence my actions

Python is comfy af. Wouldn't know what 2 is like because it's ~10 years old.

No, lua is because it's python is if it were good enough to make video games with.

Python is trash.

Python is the best language if you are fucking retarded and need syntax sugar

Isn't it simply funny as hell that nazis are more tolerant and cooperative than liberals ever could be.

dynamic typed languages and the people who use them should be gassed on the spot

Dynamic typed languages are the future sadly. Ease of language is now the "future" of programming opposed to tangent able benefits in a language.

Statically typed languages are trash.

I want to see you make an OS kernal with dynamically typed languages.

Now list the OS made with statically typed languages. Just cause you can build something with trash doesn't mean that something is good.

How about Linux, with its numerous vulnerabilities?
A lot of good those statically typed languages did!


fite me

because he's an alt-right cuck

It's sad, it just shows how much the truth has been distorted. Imagine the world that could've been.

lol shut up Nazi scum

dont you have a bull to prep over on reddit

The trash you link not only has numerous vulnerabilities, they probably have numerous runtime issues as well due to being dynamically typed. The only reason these 2 are more pronounced is because they are trash that no one uses.

Every system has vulerabilties, Linux vulnerabilities don't stem from it being statically typed but rather memory management.

You cannot name one good reason why dynamically typed is better aside from "ease of use" aka I am fucking retard and need the interpreter to guess what type I am using.

ironic, considering that's where all the alt-right faggots came from!

back to tumblr, newfag

back to r/the_donald for you more like :3

Not him.

You didn't say why statically typed is better either.

Rust is dynamically typed at compile-time. There are no runtime costs.

And a lot of vulnerabilities come from being statically typed. It's not just the memory management.

what color is your hair, friend :)


please lurk 2 years before posting, newfag. this is my last response to you

>inb4 he still needs to respond to "save face" or "get the last say"
we're anonymous retard

I see a bunch of emotionally charged statements and little argument. Are you peeved? Dynamic types are better for the simple reason that the programmer isn't limited to the BDSM of statically typed languages. The best language is one which lets the programmer sketch their ideas, instead of imprisoning them. If a programmer wants to use types with this language, it provides them when necessary. They can define types when they want, and these types can be as expressive as they desire.

>You didn't say why statically typed is better either.
Error are more easily caught
Typeclasses result in shorter code
Easier to refractor
Easier to document

You sketch your idea during the pre-production phase retard. Not during the mother fucking production phase.


It's funny how Americans think their inane concepts are universally applicable

>And a lot of vulnerabilities come from being statically typed
Citation needed.
Linus is a autist that is good at C programming. He fucks up due to floating pointers and shit. He isn't the kind that fucks up syntax and typeclasses.

No one suggested otherwise.

C++ is the master race

been posting here since before you were in your daddy's ballsack kiddo ;)

>The best language is one which lets the programmer sketch their ideas, instead of imprisoning them

With proper planning languages will never imprison a programmer. Duck typing and monkey patching aka fucking hack techniques only exist so it is "easier" for the programmers aka fucking retards to use.

If your types are not expressive enough to depend on values, they are deficient. This is the only statically typed system that should be considered acceptable, for if you have to resort to hacks just to encode simple properties of your types (e.g. create a type which is only inhabited by negative integers in say, Haskell), then the type system is next to useless.


Did Sup Forums brainwash you? Nazis hated colored people. They just didn't kill them on a huge scale. They only worked with these people because it was the means to an end


"I'm not a fan of religiously taking some idea to the extreme, and I try to be pragmatic in my design choices (but not *too* pragmatic, see the start of this sentence :-). I value readability and usefulness for real code. There are some places where map() and filter() make sense, and for other places Python has list comprehensions. I ended up hating reduce() because it was almost exclusively used (a) to implement sum(), or (b) to write unreadable code. So we added builtin sum() at the same time we demoted reduce() from a builtin to something in functools (which is a dumping ground for stuff I don't really care about :-).

If I think of functional programming, I mostly think of languages that have incredibly powerful compilers, like Haskell. For such a compiler, the functional paradigm is useful because it opens up a vast array of possible transformations, including parallelization. But Python's compiler has no idea what your code means, and that's useful too. So, mostly I don't think it makes much sense to try to add "functional" primitives to Python, because the reason those primitives work well in functional languages don't apply to Python, and they make the code pretty unreadable for people who aren't used to functional languages (which means most programmers).

I also don't think that the current crop of functional languages is ready for mainstream. Admittedly I don't know much about the field besides Haskell, but any language *less* popular than Haskell surely has very little practical value, and I haven't heard of functional languages *more* popular than Haskell. As for Haskell, I think it's a great proving ground for all sorts of ideas about compiler technology, but I think its "purity" will always remain in the way of adoption. Having to come to grips with Monads just isn't worth it for most people." -Guido van Rossum

you spelled Lisp wrong

(defun lisp (x)
(eq x 'lisp))

(deftype python ()
`(satisfies lisp))

Well, think of it from my perspective, I want my first language to be one that I dont have to relearn due to changing tides.

It's not really a huge deal because I am going to eventually learn python, I just decided against it for my first language.

funny goy

>he hasn't heard of Ruby, an elegant programming language designed for programmer happiness



Just learn Python 3

>I want my first language to be one that I dont have to relearn due to changing tides
You wont need to relearn it even if you move from python2 to python3 senpai, its the same language with little changes

Poo in the loo socialist pajeet