Times you're happy you fell for Sup Forums memes

Ever been happy to fall for Sup Forums memes? Happened to me today:

>be me
>be teaching corny introductory linguistics class
>student presentations today
>first student gets up
>asks for marker
>i pick up and shuffle thru my bag looking for one
>in the commotion, I accidently push my 100% free as in freedumb GNU slash Linux ThinkPad X200 running Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
>it falls out of bag, knocking itself on the table
>it is catapulted to the floor, and official ThinkPad dock shoots off
>students all aghast in pity and empathy
>one girl swoons and faints
>everyone in room visibly shaken
>everyone except for me
>"yare yare daze" I say
>"It's a ThinkPad."
>pick it up reconnect dock without problem
>literally no damage from a ~5' fall
>students now in total disbelief and shock
>they can't believe this 8 year old laptop withstood the fall
>not even a scratch
>macfag students rip off their belts to commit suicide

Well Sup Forums?

>install gentoo
>as a result learn how to use rsync
Couldn't be happier, after using scp and ftp for ages.


Years ago used to use gentoo for years and loved it but it took too long to compile. recently seeing it shilled on g decided to try it again on a modern processor and compile time is no longer an issue.

Lovely story.
I'm browsing Sup Forums with my librebooted x200 on my lap and my penis partially erected.

I like to think that the free software forms an additional protective field around the ThinkPad frame.

Its the tangible densely packed stink rays from Richard Stallman making a physical cushion around a machine.

>Ever been happy to fall for Sup Forums memes?
Yeah, I fell for the Fidelio X2 meme and the M40x meme. Never been happier.

>fell for Sup Forums memes
never. I do my individual research if i consider any product regardless of Sup Forums's stance.
Because you should take anything on Sup Forums with a grain of salt. Period.

still, the retro thinkpads are actually great

I bought my thinkpad based on installgentoo.
No regrets as it saved me from the abomination of the edge series.

Memes are often memes for a reason.

>Parabola GNU/Linux-libre

Who else knew the story was fake when reading that?

Literally no one installs those garbage GNU endorsed distributions.

some newfags do. they fell for the RMS meme.

>installed gentoo
>it's actually awesome

hell yea

engineers of the past made quality product.

today engineers develop laptops which have reduce stress tolerances

>mechanical keyboard
>1st gen moto g
>logitech G400S
those were the good ones to me

Engineers can still make quality things. The only difference is that everyone is on making things for as cheap as possible and not wanting things to last a long time. Old things weren't immune from issues, but the designers tried hard to make solid devices. I have a T61 which apart from the loose as fuck hinges is probably the most sturdy machine I've ever owned.

Mech keyboard and T420. No regrets.

Stop posting on Sup Forums Luke and work on your paper

>be me
>need a laptop for IRC shitposting while at work
>Buy IBM Thinkpad 760XD with external floppy.
>166MHz Pentium MMX, 64MB RAM, glorious 1024x768 display
>running late for the bus one day, sprinting at top speed to the bus stop with the bus approaching.
>get to the bus and abruptly stop running
>thinkpad goes flying 20 feet out of my backpack and into the street in front of the bus
>forgot to zip up backpack all the way in my haste to leave apt.
>Bus driver: "damn user, that's gonna be expensive"
>pick up the laptop, only minimal scratches to case.
>flip it open and turn it on, screen undamaged, keys in perfect order
>boots into Win98SE without a hitch, fire up Rebirth and play tune I was working on no problems there.

I've owned a number of Thinkpads over the years and all of them have been rugged as hell... Well... my 570e was a bit on the fragile side but aside from that they were all pretty good.

To be fair, though, I once had a Dell Latitude XPi CD with a P166MMX. You could deliberately throw that thing down a flight of stairs and it would be just fine.

Mechanical keyboard
Logitech g400s
Mechanical watch

>using a distro with proprietary cuckware in its repos and loading cuck firmware

Why do that when you could just not?

t420 + Linux, love this thing.

>x230 + ssd

i-it's fast!

in 2011 gentoomen called me a retard for buying a 2600k
>hyperthreading for gaymes
>kill yourself
but I did anyway, won the silicon lottery too, feels good mang