How do we make Linux more attractive to celebrities?

Here's the deal: I am trying to come up with ways to make Linux seem more attractive to high class people like celebrities. Imagine if Kim Kardashian came out and said: "hell yes, I love linoox, i mean linux!! it's so cute!"

I think Linux has great potential, but it's lagging behind right now. What we need is a way to attract users via billboards, TV commercials, celebrity endorsements. First of course we need a better distro but the point stands: It has to be cool to use Linux, to spend 0 dollars on getting a better deal. #getdownwithlinux would be a great tag line, but correct me if I'm wrong
Imagine if Tom Cruise came out and said: "hey yeah, I use Ubuntu. It's just a great fit for me"

These celebrities are the prime non-tech users. I think it would be a great user story to imagine what we would need to do to attract them to Linux

this is incredibly autistic

first make a linux that's not shit.

I assume you mean Desktop Linux distros. Face it, desktop Linux distros suck and user experience, multimedia, and seamlessly integrateable app availability.

Besides, plenty of "celebs" are already using Android, which is essentially linux with the right kind of UI and MM polish.

this autism is so cute! :- )

Solus exists

Debian exists :)

But linux is pronounced as "linoox" (short "u" sound. God damn it, why's English phonetics so shit).

I don't think Desktop Linux sucks at all. Works perfectly fine if you aren't retarded, sure there's the occasional hiccup or bug, but overall once you get everything situated it's a pretty good experience.

>linux runs fine
>oh nvm

> once you get everything situated

That's the thing. You have to situate things. My mother doesn't care what a hard disk is or how many partitions it has on it.

yeah I understand that. Linux is never gonna be "perfect" for the average user (35+ year old moms)

Still the dumbass Linux kernel. Probably still relies almost completely on GNU software (which is somehow worse than the Linux kernel).

Do yourself a favor and get on BSD. Still relies on shitty Unix architecture and convention, but what other fucking choice do we have.

Why would anyone want normies using Linux?

when will this meme die?

>hi I'm kin kardashian and I just installed Linux!
>what's a Linux??? I just use my phone
>Why don't you just use windows? You're rich you can afford it.

More market share = more support
It'll be a fad anyway. Most normies don't even have a computer and just phonepost all day.

Did you retards even use linux or do all your opinions come from people who used it 10 years ago? Ubuntu is literally more usable than windows 8 (and any older windows) out of the box. It, and many other distros, comes with all the software you'd need for daily use and all necessary drivers. And updates don't break your PC any less than windows 10, at least you can actually not get update raped on linux.

You think 35 is old in the world of computers? I know 55 year old women that will run circles around you with this stuff. My point is people who want to USE a computer without having to know anything about how it works are going to be turned off by desktop linux if they try to do anything beyond very basic web browsing.

>wanting the brain dead normie audience
You just want people to move to BSD don't you?

>tfw when linux kernel fucks up any possibility of having great UX

The CPU and IO schedulers are atrocious for desktop use.

And Linux devs have their heads too far up their asses to admit there might ever be a reason to change, and have chased out anyone who does try to make kernel patches that make it possible to make a good Linux desktop.

Your autism is off the charts.

Requiring more knowledge or skill to use linux is a meme. It's just as "difficult" as windows. Realistically, it takes people 10 years to learn the basics of windows since everyone uses it since they're 6 years old, why would you think an OS is bad just because people can't learn to use it in less than a few weeks? Give them a year and they'll use it just fine because by that definition the only good OSs are mobile OSs.
I remember I hated MacOS before because I was so used to windows, then I used Linux a few years later and it was very similar to Mac. I eventually stayed on Linux because it can do everything I need.
As a non-biased person I'll tell you this, both windows and linux are equally unstable. They have the same number of problems, from drivers to stability issues. People who are windows power users will not admit this since they've learned how to "deal with" all problems on windows and when they see even a single problem on another OS they'll just say "your OS sucks, windows masterrace". Truth is majority of people often turn a blind eye on problems their OS has. And this is the only reason linux is perceived as an unstable choice. I'm not saying it doesn't have some terrible distributions, but not all are bad.

I've used Linux for 20 years. The first 10 I used linux on the desktop, mostly for development, the whole time wasting hundreds of hours of my life fixing and researching features that in the windows (and even OSX) world are non-issues. The whole damn time being an fervent evangelist and early adopter -- hoping and praying that linux would get better at just playing an MP3 or video clip, better UIs, better hardware suport, better exposure to the masses. I joined way too many forums, usenet groups, submitted patches and suggestions to my favorite developers. I tried at least 12 different distros, 8 or so WMs, too many KDE or Gnome upgrades to count and guess what changed in that decade? Very little. Even when I could play a movie or plug in a new USB thumbdrive and have it detected, there were still tons of things that could and would go wrong. I became very adept at fixing this stuff, but I was really missing out on life fudging with it all the time. So I stopped trying.

I still develop for embedded linux. I still run multiple production linux servers. My websites and mail servers all run on linux. I love how reliable a properly crafted system can be. I have systems with uptimes in years. BUT, I only interact with them through ssh. I'm efficient, I make a very good living, I run a business -- ALL because of linux and all because I stopped spending all my free time fucking with desktop linux. Good riddance.

I MIGHT be willing to give it a go again for development, but without support for the Adobe suite or solidworks, which I use a lot these days and which scream on a windows system with SSDs and RAM disks -- I'm very doubtful it would be worth my time.

Requiring more knowledge or skill to use linux is a meme. It's just as "difficult" as windows.

Holy fuck the denial.

>be windows.
>want to program
>download visual studio
>lolz i am programmer

>be on osx
>want to program
>download xcode
>lolz i am programmer

>be on linux
>want to program
>install compiler/interpreter of chosen lanugage through package manager (wow that was easy)
>now just set up path
>wtf is this shit
>spend 20 minutes googling linux path until I can find non-autistic explanation
>spend 10 minutes trying to figure out how to modify path
>literally 20 different ways to modify path depending on distro/version/etc.
>finally get path set up
>try to compile
>library incompatibility
>wtf how do I fix this
>people having same issue get called fucking noob, read the logs, etc.
>reality is maintainer for library don't want to fix their shitty code, linux fanboys don't want to admit problem, their system runs fine because they didn't update on the 4th hour of the full moon.
>tfw realizing doing anything more than open firefox to Sup Forums is going to have some fucked process like this

And as a BSD fanboy I realize that BSD has many of the same problems, but at least the OS is consistent and well documented and not written by autistic fucks

< non-biased person

Mac OS still sucks. Why can't I browse my photo library from the file-upload dialog on most websites? The web server installs itself fucking WHERE?

Don't get me started on the amount of life I've wasted fucking with Windows problems -- and mostly for other people (whom I love dearly). The fact is -- desktop linux is worse than everything else.

And this is me:

You seem to be retarded.

I just came here to basically say this. As expected of a Linux enthusiast though.

>argumentum ad hominem

For when you don't actually have any good counter-argument.

last time i checked path is set automatically by every package manager

To the binary you installed, yes. But a lot of software (dev tools in particular) expect you to manually set up the path for some things, such as your source directory. Dev tools, in particular, are really horrible at this.

To me, this is no problem. Setting up my path is something I'm used to. But to a beginner, well, they just wanted to code. Now they've wasted 2 hours trying to figure out how to just get their dev tool to work.

> literally nobody responds to my actual question, which is how to make Linux more attractive to celebrities

this is Sup Forums now?

don't ask retarded autistic questions.

This was pretty much just fucking bait in the first place for delicious Linux flaming.

go back to facebook or reddit, there is literally no other place where I could ask questions like this. LITERALLY.

go back to your normie scum friends on your m illion normie websites and leave Sup Forums to people like me, who do actually want to discuss things like this.


If it wasn't a dumbass question, people would've replied.

You don't need an argument against a shitpost.

it's not a dumb question, you are too dumb to understand it

Shill it and pay celebrities to shill it. There's no other way. That's how Apple got taken seriously.

Fuck off Kevin

Sounds like OP is the guy who wrote the advert for that tiny laptop shit.


Nobody FUCKING cares about an autistic sever operating system. Nobody. Fucking. Cares. You cannot make anyone care. People use Winderps and finish a fucking class assignment and whatever then just close their $350 Walmart plebtop and carry on playing with their phones. Why in the fuck would people take interests in operating systems? Why would normies give a fuck?

You are seriously, super autistic.

Nobody FUCKING cares about an autistic mobile operating system. Nobody. Fucking. Cares. You cannot make anyone care. People use Nokeya and finish a fucking email and whatever then just close their $350 Walmart snapphone and carry on playing with their dicks. Why in the fuck would people take interests in operating systems? Why would normies give a fuck?

You are seriously, super autistic.

Did you edit that photo? Topkek


In it's current state it is not attractive to young women. The only ones that use it it really only have eyes for rms's cult of personality.

Let's think about why they like Apple:
>homo friendly which implies slut friendly
>I'm rich lmao
>circles and curves
>it plays the Sims

Why they like W*ndows:
>it's popular
>it forces them to do things they don't like

The only way GNU/Linux can attract those evil people is to be evil. Perhaps it is more practical that women should be stopped from computing at all.

You clueless autistic bastards have no idea why Apple is successful do you? No wonder you're all so perplexed at its performance as a company. Thank god I'm neurotypical.

enlighten us bro, we wanna know


sup debro

Easy, sit around in coffee shops on your Thinkpads. If there's enough, the sheep will follow.

Good products that just work. I'm sorry, but pretending everyone is dumb because they didn't buy what you like is the tactic of the life failure. The fact is, Apple has the highest satisfaction rating across the board, across the range of products it has, much higher than any of their competitors. The only company with any proper ecosystem of establishes products and brick and mortar stores so you don't have to get bounced around to 8 different pajeets on the phone who don't understand your issue.

They're the only company who make their own operating system for all of their products. That means tighter integration and control over the experience, enabling them to dictate a good user experience. Software is the only thing that matters in the end, its what we interface with. That alone means they have no real competition the increased costs of their operations and the fact that they have no competition means they price things however the fuck they want. Considering how much more they do than the average OEM, Apple are actually under priced. A Dell XPS is within a few hundred dollars of a comparable MBP. Yet, Dell hasn't made any multi-billion dollar investments in buying up custom component manufacturers or factory cities in China, nor do they have an OS division, nor do they maintain brick and mortar stores all over the world. If Lenovo made a Linux-based custom distro pre-installed, that would actually be great. But they don't, they slap Windows on with some drivers and end up trying to layer their own shit on top of Windows and having conflicts at every level of system control making for a shitty and unrefined user experience only tolerable for the duration of your 9-5 when you're using your work ThinkPad. ThinkPads are great machines hardware wise, its a shame. There's a gorgeous X230 sitting on my desk right now. That machine with a custom, well working and stable OS from the manufacturer would be incredible.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

"just be better lmao"

>I am trying to come up with ways to make Linux seem more attractive to high class people like celebrities.

Celebs are almost always not good with technology and most of the time they care more about having a flashy status symbol (Apple, Microsoft Surface, Samsung) than a functional product they have control over. Don't bother with it.

>Good products that just work.
Until they don't, and then it's a nightmare trying to fix it. Especially as everything is soldered to the board and designed not to be replaced.