So anyway why do we not have a good PS4/Xbone emulator yet? Or should I say "compatibility layer" like Wine?

So anyway why do we not have a good PS4/Xbone emulator yet? Or should I say "compatibility layer" like Wine?

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Is that common? To have emulators for current market consoles?

I could be wrong, but I thought the ORIGINAL xbox hasn't been cracked yet.

Also we do have a PS3 emulator and a Wii U emulator now.

they can't even get 1% of PS3 games emulated at a playable FPS

>Needing to emulate complex structure of consoles to play shitty games with shitty graphics

Xbox has no worthwhile exclusives so nobody has put in the effort to emulate it.

Not really, but that is usually because they consoles have a proprietary architecture, the PS4 and XBONE run x86, and people said it would be emulated within the first year of release...
We know how that turned out.

because these are just programmers working on it on their own leisure. This isn't really a business. You must be thinking of the jews who made a Wii U emulator and get 75,000 dollars on patreon for it.


>What is Halo
>What is Gears of War
your a faggot

>What is minecraft
i think YOUR the faggot

>Gears of war

Why emulate PC games?

You don't emulate PS4/Xbone faggots

By the time an shitty emulator for that would be done xbones and ps4's would cost under 100$ each or the new consoles would just run their games natively.

They're shit consoles, that's why.

And a compatibility layer would sound great but these consoles contain hacked-together hardware and software and no documentation on how it all works. Good fucking luck with that.

>people said
people are dumb. They have no idea about the complexity of these devices.

Butt youse are cunts

Emulating RISC machine are simple and fast, thats why emulators for wii u and ps3 already exists.

Emulating a CISC cpu are pain in the ass because all the bloat, overhead, and the way each component layer communicate with each other MUST also be emulated, thats why original xbox hueg cannot / very hard to emulate properly..

With the exception the m68000, becuase it is such a simple 16bit cpu, and the exponentially faster modern x86 will emulate genesis, neogeo and older macintosh easily

Why would you want one?

99% of people who emulate just don't want to pay for games.

Xbone (DurangoOS) is a fork of Win10. There's not much reason to do anything with it since it generally supports both versions anyway. Though because of some.exclusoves still existing it means we need to emulate it some way.

We have gotten an old build of it operating in vm believe it or not, though it's fucking useless. That and if you want to start emulating xbone games you need to break security in it, and that has only gone as far as a PoC exploit in userland with the edge browser which has been patched already.

Ps4 (OrbisOS) is slightly modified FreeBSD. While this inherently is not an issue it still means we need to make it work in a virtual environment.

The security is still stuck due to the special coprocessor that handles it's encryption. It is essentially a tiny fort knox and since everything uses that you need to make that coprocessor cracked open and understood. The other issue is you need to emulate the system spec of an rx480 equivalent which will require a lot of work and power to do accurately.

Not saying we can't but look at the ps3 and 360. They're really trying to make those work better in emulation but it's a fucking ton to get working.

Realistically this time around an emulator is not going to be simple until all security is bypassed, all system things are understood to the maximum, and have a well educated dedicated group working on it. If you look at the Xbox, it has weird less documented hardware with annoying security and no team willing to be dedicated to make it happen

Only reason wiiu is excluded here is because it's weak hardware that isn't secure and Nintendo made things painfully easy.

The alternative is find a way to not emulate but dualboot DurangoOS or OrbisOS

Source: I've been around and speak to the people working on each set of hardware (except Nintendo ones since they're jokes)

At Nintendo yes

>no team willing to be dedicated to make it happen
There is now, actually. There's even a Patreon up for the developer of Cxbx-Reloaded.

I need to see results before anything honestly. It's been a long time and if money motivates then let's see the progress.

Regardless point still stands for ps4/xbone. And with scorpio and ps4pro hardware you have even more nonsense to add in.

Also Vita emulation. There's that to add to the list but that fucker is still just too secure to do anything despite 1 firmware (3.60) having kernel access.

I didn't think the XBox One and PS4 had any games worth playing yet.

>I need to see results before anything honestly. It's been a long time and if money motivates then let's see the progress.
To be fair, he's working 16 hours week on the Xbox emulator now according to his Patreon. That's actually a lot of time devoted to the project.

I understand the problem with the PS4/Xbox One, but I can toally see Xbox happening - there's no lack of time, motivation and even money to a certain degree.

you don't need emulation

>16 hours
>A week
Fuckin he'll you'd be lucky to get even 8 a week in this age

I'll look into it as it's been on my list of "things I want to see working" for a while but looks like someone finally stepped up to bat.

My main concern is the dev side of things. Dev builds of game require more ram, sometimes different hardware as well (ps3 devkits have double the ram than retail (512mb dev) and some dev builds need it or it crashes the system with oom errors. Same for Xbox with 128mb of ram. Same for 360 but it never happens since 1gb mode nobody used as 512mb was enough). Rpsc3 should be adding 512mb ram mode eventually and hopefully Xbox should get it's memory difference emulated as well

From what i've heard about about the architecture of the cell processor, emulating PS4 on a pc should probably be easier than emulating PS3.

A lot of people were sorry Bloodborne was a PS4 exclusive

You are correct.

Everyone in this thread should watch this to better understand what the fuck the ps4 is

Also the speaker is "a devout Gentoo user" so memes aside this man knows his shit. He didn't cover everything but who cares

what's up with these kind of people and ancient maymays?

Why have you not gone back to Sup Forums?

You idiots are wrong. That's not at all how emulation works. Emulating customized x86 processors is not at all easy, even on an x86 processor.

That's why there's no competent original Xbox emulator yet.

they're oldfags

Hey, shouldn't you be going to sleep?

Because none of the non-PC games are worth playing so what's the point?

The original Xbox has only been emulated for Halo CE. It's a very very poor example though because there is functionally zero interest. Of all the games that sold over a million copies on the classic Xbox, only two were exclusives and they were both sports games, which tend to become outdated. There are only two notable true exclusives I can think of (Blinx & Blinx 2) but they didn't sell very well. Also even if there wasn't zero interest, the hardware is exceptionally bizarre, unlike the (relatively) stock standard PS4 & Xbox One.

Except for Nintendo products: No.

Lack of interest, complexity of the systems at hand and the extensive DRM at work. As far as I'm aware there's still no way to pirate games for either console. On the complexity front, this generation is the first generation to include sizeable operating systems between the game and the metal, which will require dumping the operating system from the console (no easy task) and then getting it to agree with your fake hardware.


You should refer to the 33c3 presentation about porting Linux to the PS4. It's a clusterfuck.

>just looked it up

What the fuck am I even hearing?

The only game I could possibly think of is Bloodborne.

Better question, why PS2-Xbox-GC emulators are still shit?Still can't play on Dolphin or CEMU with stuttering or even buggy noise...

clusterfuck hardware
A different kind of clusterfuck
Actually works out pretty well.

That cat...

Why don't you go to sleep, user ?

Playstation 4 uses a BSD variant OS this could be good for Linux gaming compatibility. The DRM must be really good though knowing Sony.

GC works well, only the sound and it is a common problem, pisses me off

As soon Vulkan becomes standard, gaming on Linux will be reality

>As soon Vulkan becomes standard