"Why do you hate my language so much?"

>"Why do you hate my language so much?"

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I don't, I like it. C with classes. OOP with memory manipulation. What's not to love?

Imagine how much better C++ would be if it were just C with classes.

>no vector
>no namespaces
might as well use plain C

c++ is a language for smart people, or at the very minimum, people who sincerely believe they are smart.
i am not smart enough for c++, nor do i think anyone should be expected to be.

But I like it. There's literally no other language that runs with speed comparable to C, implements higher level concepts and isn't some hipster shit that no one uses.

Bad education. Pascal and VB is worse.

"Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out"

I don't hate C++ because there's nothing really that's capable of replacing it, but it's still a fucking mess.

>Imagine how much better C++ would be if it were just C with classes.
I would argue the opposite, user.

STL containers alone are a reason to use C++ over C.

RAII (with all the glory that comes with it, including smart pointers and lock guards) are a close #2. Exceptions would be #3 IMHO, and templates #4. The whole shenanigans with OOP isn't even among top five in my book.

you're a white male

I disagree about exceptions, but you've pretty much got it.

Who are you?

When I started to learn C++ I really really hated it.
Now that I have a bit more experience, I hate Java instead.

I do not, and C++ 17 brings a bunch of features that I'm hyped about but as it stands there are many, many shortcomings in the language, hopefully there's gonna be even more improvements from C++ 20 on.

I'm a shitposter and a contrarian. Why are you such a fucking nerd?

>C++ 17 brings a bunch of features that I'm hyped about
Such as what? Clueless ignoramus here.

Standarized filesystem library as part of the language, no longer you will need to rely on third party dependency (like Boost.FS, after which std::filesystem is modeled, or PhysFS which is a clusterfuck).
Better tuple unpacking (no more stupid std::get bullshit).
Constexpr if (compile time expressions that do not need to be part of the template signature)
variant/option types

There's also a few other things that I do not care about, you can see more here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++17

>nor do i think anyone should be expected to be.
I think the software development industry should have some standards. Why don't you?

Idiomatic C++ has all the drawbacks of C with none of the benefits.
C++ developers are so angry that C exists, that they label every C backwards compatibility feature as "evil".
Every CppCon, they spend half of their time talking about attempting to convert C users and justifying why they're still "relevant" by attempting to do embedded C++ programming,

C++ should have been it's own language, a clean break from C, then we wouldn't have had to deal with 30 years of shitflinging.

i don't think the 'standard' should be that people have a mind that natutally thinks of multiple inheritance.

>Idiomatic C++ has all the drawbacks of C with none of the benefits.

Idiomatic C++ is basically Rust with a more C-like syntax and better generics. Advantage to C++'s pseudo-C compatibility is that it is a fuckload easier to convert libraries.

Multiple inheritance is difficult to use. This makes it a good litmus test for sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Creatures of inferior ability should not be spoonfed. They must fail hard and starve to death. The survival of humanity calls for sacrifice.

the survival of your alien race capable of managing complexity through sheer willpower does, but they are not human in any way.

>"Because you made my language bloated."

Wow you are depressing, and selling short.

Why would I? It's so integral to game development.

Because Java is too enterprise and it's legacy will be the jobs language.
It relies on aggressive salesmanship to get anywhere.
I'd rather use haskell than this shit, Bjarne, so fuck yourself for bringing this blight on the world.

Your language isn't really terrible but I think you as a person are kind of obnoxious and give yourself a little bit too much credit for things.

fucking this.


He's always come across as a humble, professional individual to me.

Can you give any examples of him being obnoxious and/or cocky?