Best Language in 2017

Best Language in 2017

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you already posted it

And C

>Slower than Java
>Security vulnerability : LoC ratio around 1:2

For well written code it's 0

>well written code

>a gimped language specifically designed for retards

For non-existent* code


It won't be the best language until JetBrains finishes their new IDE, Gogland.

The best language to learn in 2017 is Elixir. If you do web dev or you're writing a socket server that must serve lots and lots of clients with a low latency, there is simply no contest. The OTP handles concurrency better than any other platform. It has no issues like The language itself is a great vehicle for really learning functional programming because it forces you to write functional code. Just be aware that if you want to compute pi up to 10000000 digits Erlang/Elixir will do it as slowly as Python, Ruby and Perl. There may be a JIT coming within a couple of years but this is how it is right now.

Yeah, us HASKELL 1337 are much better than all these lamerz. I bet they don't even write programs that don't use any IO.

it's going to be interesting to see who picks up elixir, it might be too hard to learn for php pajeets / javascript hipsters because it's functional

why don't we use natural language for computer programming?

computer {
open firefox
visit website boards.Sup
click reply
fill out captcha and click post

But why not clojure?



Man, ShitBrains have some loyal shills, don't they

Am I the only one who finds OOP harder than functional?

It's still Lua.

Software redflag

> For Hobby


> For money

PHP, Python, Javascript.

Fuck braces

OOP is harder than functional programming

I still am really enjoying Go. It's not very fancy, but it gets the job done.

In my opinion, anyone designing languages in 2017 needs to design them in a focused and opinionated manner.

This is coming from someone who writes JavaScript for a living, so I'm aware of what happens when you don't...

>Tfw Go is the new C




That means it's C like, not that it's gimped or designed for retards, unless you would consider the likes of Torvalds, Theo, Terry, Knuth and so on to be retards.

Implicit interface implementation makes my dick hard

Go, Rust, Erlang, Elixir

Are we talking pure functional, or the situation like ML/Erlang/Lisp?


the answer is python
now you may say: but python is shit
well suprise its the swamp where mediocre masses accumulate and that alone will keep it relevant way to long

best != relevant


Now if only Python could handle concurrency, which is like the problem of 2017.


OOP gets vastly more simple and maintable if you are using dependency inject, are you using dependency injection?

Is HTML/CSS a good first "language" to learn?
What about Python?



>tfw two intillegent fore go

HTML/CSS are not programming languages.
Python is fine.

- All tail calls are optimized
- Memory lower usage

Worth every penny you paid for it.

Go is, in fact, a service to intelligent programmers, so they don't have to fuck with code written in languages that need intelligence but invariably gets used by complete dumb asses and the inexperienced.

Go is kill

Programming noob here. I've chosen Python to be my first programming language because it's simple as fuck. Is it really useful? And btw, what would be a good next language?

Besides recommending Go, I actually don't like it. Its merit is, IMO, is that it's a great compromise language -- good for business (idiots can't fuck shit up, is actually being used) and it actually handles concurrency at least somewhat sanely. I'd gladly choose it as a "work with others and get shit done" language, but don't use it for personal projects.

But if I'm not using Go, it's not going to be Crystal either. It'll be Elixir/Erlang, not Crystal.


If you want jump straight to Rust (or C++, but Rust will be more useful later on in life) or you can go to something more simple like Java


>invariably gets used by complete dumb asses and the inexperienced.
Yes, that is exactly why Mr. Pike designed it the way he did. It works well for him and it probably works great for large teams full of n00bz and/or mediocrities working on their 10 MSLOC codebase at your neighborhood megacorp. If you're in charge of this kind of team, go ahead, pick Go. Luckily, not all programming is like that. There actually are small teams where everybody is senior or team lead-level and knows what he is doing. These teams will benefit from a more expressive language, especially if they work at in an environment where they need to iterate fast, like a startup.

Rust is too hard for your first statically typed programming language.
Learn enough C to write a Tetris with SDL graphics (

Stop the arguing, we all know that Rust is the language of the future.

you have got to be joking Rust is easier than C retard

>typical rust user
Don't you have white males to bully on Twitter?

Nice mental gymnastics

No I'm just trying to say that C is very hard for a new programmer to learn, f you're going to say Rust is too hard, you must know that C is harder than Rust for new programmers by a considerable amount.

C is literally a 300 page rhyme book for little kids


It's PHP

Are you serious

Jesus christ that's a lot of negativity.

you can't be serious

>weird mascot (gopher)

I am

For all the flaws Go has, it's still the best.

There are two type of languages: Those people hate, and those no one uses.

The fact that Go gets so much hate shows how popular it is, and it's indeed objectively better than Java, C++, PHP, Ruby, Python, JS, TypeScript, Swift, and Rust.

>t. C shill

C is fucking easy compared to Rust.

If you're coming from Python, your stuff will probably compile without too much trouble, and you'll be writing simple programs without much effort. You can probably do a learntris in your first couple days. Sure, to build solid, large C programs is probably harder than Rust, but that's usually not the part that makes learning a language "hard," and comes down to experience.

Fuck, Python is basically C with the hard parts removed and OOP basics bolted on top. 90% of Python code looks extremely like C code with types and pointers removed.

With Rust, you'll be tackling a lot of concepts not used by a majority of languages, both from the C++ side (things left out of Python and Java), but also from the ML/Functional side, which'll blow the brains out of anyone used to just Python. Then they'll be fighting with the borrow checker for their first couple weeks. It'll probably be a week for a Python-only dev to do learntris in Rust.

you don't have to use those features, you know

>Download canceled: Go-1.8

sorry dad

Try doing Rust strings without slices.

Try doing a tic tac toe game without using any ownership/borrowing principles.

Try idiomatic collections without functional concepts and generics.

Rust is a PLT-heavy language, and it makes no apologies for it. It's what makes Rust so great. That also means it's hard as fuck for the person who's only worked with Dynamic languages or just programmed in Java their whole career.

I disagree. A new programmer who has only used Python will find himself fighting the borrow checker, hard. It may turn him off static typing altogether. In toy programs written in C he can ignore the undefined behavior and the occasional memory leak. He will get some segfaults, but he is already used to his programs failing at runtime because of Python.

Then again, I was going to recommend D at first since it has a GC on top of the usual low-level stuff, but decided to go with C because there is more learning materials for it. Yeah, a statically typed language with GC is probably a better option than either Rust or C for a novice.
Oh man, he's mad

With logic like that you should definitely stay with Go.

It will be here in 100 years time

I'm sorry for arguments caused I admit defeat

like it or not , its javascript and php haha get fucked

>tfw confronted with the truth.

I want to suicide.

D is a language I would love to love but cbf because it's DOA.

Even D's creator pretty agrees with this sentiment.

Why, it's nice to prototype stuff quickly with Node.js

>Even D's creator pretty agrees with this sentiment.
[citation needed]

Why is Node even related to js when its mostly written in C/C++? Why did people want to invent thing that allows you to execute js on server-side?

JavaScript is totally fine

as a compilation target

Java but the leap form Python -> Java is hard and necessary. Then do: Java -> Haskell

The answer is always C#

Sorry, the keys are close.

>Sorry, the keys are close.
quoting for truthery

give me union types or give me death

C++ best language since C++11

The answer to that is rust. I wonder what you meant by your pic though.


Coming from python, your C program will segfault and you'll have no clue what's going on or how to solve it. You will immediately drop C.
In rust, your program will fail to compile because the borrow checker is not satisfied. You will be pointed to the exact line where the problem happens with a well-explained description of the problem, and even sometimes a solution suggested by the compiler.

Rust is unironically smaller than C. It just happens to be better designed. You say "ownership/borrowing principles" and we can raise you "segfault principles" "buffer overrun principles" "use after free principles" and a dozen others (and they'll all be just as [sic] as yours).

Beside, tic tac toe wouldn't need any care for ownerships at all. Try mentioning mutable trees instead, these are somewhat tricky. Mutable trees with callbacks being even worse.

>Rust is unironically smaller than C.
I wish it was true