Theming Thread

I really like seeing how other anons have themed their desktops. Do you have a specific design philosophy, like minimalism or simplicity? Do you make your shit look like a totally different OS?

Pic related is my current desktop. It's XFCE with a customized windows 95 theme. I love classic windows aesthetics.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice theme. Is this custom or is it available somewhere?

Hello, here is my desktop theme.


Non-anime desktop? That is the weirdest thing I saw today. Nice Mig though.

think again!
Thanks though.

really enjoying this desktop....

my image got left behind!

rate please, no anime faggotry here.

anime website

anime website

like the theme, not the background.

I go for color consistency (home-made cherry blossom theme on most of my stuff). I also like a minimalistic UI whenever possible; preferrably, I like no menus or anything of that sort in my windows at all.

u have the right idea but this just isnt even close
keep working on it

Ah, got it. Still acceptable anime, not obsessive anime.

OK, thanks.

I'm fine with anime, I just hate the fact that desktop threads were killed because of extreme anime posting.

are you a pedophile?

anime website

And I'm perfectly fine with it, but lewd and edgy stuff belong to some other pink board of this "anime website".

anime website



minimal is always good

since Donald became president, pedophiles are not tolerated here anymore, ok?
make me vomit.

anime website

I'm with you on classic windows aesthetics. It gives me a "professional yet usable for the average person" sort of vibe.

I like these two too. I don't have a problem with anime. It's just when it becomes obsessive that it becomes a problem. This is well within the realm of reason.

It's Chicago95

go away pedo


I use mofit-slim, which resembles a solaris CDE-esque desktop environment, I really dig the color play.

btw, this is a contrived screenshot, but I do keep xclock and xload open because I saw it a twm screenshot once.

Simple is better, retro is classic.

Win7 fag here. Actually I use 3 softwares to organize my desktop:

1) Classic Shell: to bring back Windows Explorer classic theme and the old start menu.

2) Windows Manager from DeskSoft ( use it to "save" and "lock" the position and size of each window (one by one).

3) Fences from Stardock ( use to create transparent folders in the desktop area (they can become visible/invisible with fast click).

show me ur arch setup bro

comment filtered

That noseless doll is going to haunt my dreams.

dont bully akari!
i have that akari too (。>﹏

Thanks penishead!

>I love classic windows aesthetics
>drop shadows and subpixel font rendering

I swear you aren't a girl. No girl collects Taiwanese aborigine paintings.

>girls dont like cute things

most girls are not weeaboo otakus who collect expensive pvc statues made to look like fetishized depictions of women

guess how i know ur poor


>Windows Manager from DeskSoft
What good is that when you can do the same thing with autohotkeys to tile?

Is this CDE? I miss those border styles.

Love the taskbar. I don't get why most linux distros give you a shit taskbar that is a cluttered eyesore.

It's my own WM i wrote, those decorations yes, i guess they are from motif CDE, I just copied them 'cause I really like them.

are you using mofit-slim, aka you're using a gtk-2.0 theme?

You r/the_donald niggers need to go back. You've ruined Sup Forums.

No, I just copied the motif elements to my own window decorator. Gtk theme is chicago95

Honestly it was the constant shilling by /leftypol/ and Shareblue that made Sup Forums literally unusable to this day. I only go to the Catholic and /lrg/ generals since they're literally the only threads on all of Sup Forums I find interesting.

I stopped visiting Sup Forums early last year.

Trust me, you aren't missing anything.

It doesn't get more aesthetic than this.


The problem is that the reddit niggers are now leaking into the other boards. They need to get the fuck out. The catalog here is filled with YouTube, Windows, and video game related shit.

that's just Sup Forumsermin

I really like openbox and whenever someone says women can't code, I just send openbox as reference

No, it's cancer from reddit. I used to use reddit from 2006-2009 until it started becoming cancerous.

she's not a bitch with colored hair thou
>...r-right desu?

Sup Forumsermin are the ones that ask for windows tech support

Just switched from i3wm to gnome.

That seems like the worlds biggest step backwards.

Like even TDE would be better than Gnome3.

Exactly, think about it logically, if you were a plbbitor where would you ask for tech support?
The many friendly and helpful subreddits they're already subscribed too vs. our sometimes actively hostile, sometimes tsundere malaysian high art board?

God damn that just doesn't look good. On my windows machine I'm using 10 but the biggest thing I miss about 7 is the classic theme w/ small icons was great (and in fact better than the default win7 theme)

i like dark theme with not to bright colors
i3-gaps is nice also because i dont like the trackpad on my laptop and it doesnt have a clit

also anime a cute

Looking for ft ubuntu's rice.

Can you open some GTK applications?
Open your web browser too.

Back to mchan with you.


>stacking wm

>having a drawing of a hindu girl taking a shit on a sidewalk as a wallpaper

Which one is this?

hi Sup Forums
I enjoy some minimalism, but not too much. With a focus on soft colors that don't burn my retinas out.

fug, meant to reply to obviously

kek, I forgot my scrot

looks nice

I like Unity, and I'm not afraid to say it.

hey watch who you trash talk it just so happens that she's my wife

your waifu is literally shit

and unecessary! dont post here again

Here's my simplistic setup
Rainmeter with a bunch of skins.
Windows classic shell.

>Using i3 unironically


Kys r*ddit

Is this the new desktop thread?


psshhh rate mine, its the bestest

White/Gray/Green minimalistic style theme.
Rate please.

this is leagues better than
they are both no good though



I-I kinda like Blaze..

Default terminal colorscheme? Why?

What is the name of your color scheme? Do you also have a fitting gtk theme?

Because it's proven that reabillity is better if black is on white.
White on black is not bad, because it's easier on the eyes, but I still prefer the readabillity. Also, it matches the theme. I love white, personal preference.

The name of the color scheme is Breath (for KDE). It's available on github. I'm sorry, no fitting gtk theme comes to mind.

Ah, it's the manjoro theme. You can find the gtk version here
I forgot about that, even though i have written some ebuilds for the manjaro themes.

Could you share the wallpaper, please?

>expect theme discussion, guides etc.
>actually just a desktop thread