Just ordered a brand new PRS-300. How bad did I fuck up for $29?

Just ordered a brand new PRS-300. How bad did I fuck up for $29?

Hoping to read some plebeian books like It and a Swedish graphic novel called Never Goodnight.

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can't comment on that particular device, but i bought a cheap ereader on a whim a few months ago and i'm getting a lot of use out of it, so you probably didn't fuck up! that seems like a good budget choice, except for the low ppi, which might bother you if you tend to hold books close to your face while you read - i know i'm bothered by the low ppi on mine. not sure how good a screen that small would be for comics, either.

Which one did you get, may I ask? I didn't want to spend too much in fear of a new Kindle coming out soon.

I bought myself a Kobo aura on eBay used for 50 bucks. It's great, so far I've read some jack reacher books and the fault in our Stars. It has an SD card so I can easily just import the epub files onto it. How's yours?

Should be here in a few days. I wanted the Paperwhite for the lighted screen, but didn't want to shell out $100+. I don't like buying used, though. I have bad luck with that.

The Kobo is nice. It has web browser, backlight and touch. I can type out the title to find a book. Since it's used though there's tiny scratches on the screen but I knew what I was buying. For my first ebook I'm super happy

>web browser
Color me jelly.

kobo aura edition 2.

i bought a paperwhite for $30 on ebay, great purchase

I have exactly this one. Switched to android phone for minimalism (don't want to take two devices around with me). PRS-300 was completely OK expect that it takes too much to switch pages.

Aura club haha, I wish I had an aura h20

Is it better to get an ereader and just pirate books?

Paying for books can get expensive.
I want to read the 411 series.

I have an Aura H2O it's pretty dank.


i miss collecting books, but i'm a poorfag, and dropping the money for an ereader has enabled me to read more books than i ever have before, so i'd say it's a good investment. if you're on bibliotik, you can get really almost any retail ebook that exists on overdrive or amazon, and myanonamouse, #bookz and libgen have good collections too.

Where'd you get it?
Hell yeah, that's what I did for my books, I'm studying for my Cisco networking exams and I just bootleg the books and read for fun.

Your telling me you actually bought this piece of shit for $29?

He spent pocket change on a device he'll get a lot of use out of, what's the issue?

I should add you need the psp charger. Otherwise if it gets too low it won't charge with usb. Furthermore they are old and the batteries are failing. Mine doesn't hold much of a charge and standby time is really bad.

Only reason I haven't replaced it is I stopped reading.

>what's the issue?
The issue is it is old, slow, bad battery and they could have bought a superior Kindle for the same cash. Only spec that is good is the screen, but when you are waiting 5, 10, 15 seconds of variable to time to change a page, well then you will see the pain.

Show me a new Kindle for $30.

Got a Kindle Voyage for Christmas. I love the hell out of it. Amazing DPI, lighting and light sensors are GOAT. Literally the only complaint I have about it is the FUCKING LACK OF AN EXTERNAL MICROSD SLOT.

Fucking seriously, Amazon. How do you fuck up so bad on a simple thing like that? Otherwise it's great. Worth the money.

Why would you want an external microSD slot? An internal one would be much better.

They want you to use thier book market instead of bootlegging lol

>Show me a new Kindle for $30.
New, no. Used, and superior, yes.

Bad wording. Just meant a slot in general to put a microSD card in.

Yeah, I know. Fuck that, I'm not letting them see what books I read. I can see why they did that from a practical business standpoint. I still think its sucks though.

I have been thinking about it, and this thread really made me want to get one. I just don't know which.


Yea, exactly. Collecting books is neat, but they're bulky, heavy, and are expensive.
What is bibliotik?

Sweet! Which one do you have?

>I don't like buying used, though. I have bad luck with that.

I have a prs505, prs600, and Kindle 3. The 505 is my favorite. I hate how cheap all the eReaders after 2008 feel. The early PRS were made out of metal and had a bunch of nice feeling clicky buttons. Now it's all plastic and touchscreens.

bibliotik is a private torrent tracker for ebooks. relatively tough to get an account on, but it's the best place online to get drm-free retail-quality ebooks.
i couldn't tell you exactly which model, but is using a kobo device. i'm the aura edition 2 guy, and i'm pretty pleased with it. the only complaints i have are that the ppi is noticeably low, the touchscreen is horrible so that trying to highlight certain words or click footnotes can be frustrating, and there's no sd card slot (though it's unlikely that you'd ever fill the 4gb of internal storage with just ebooks). good things are that page turns are always quick, it has web search and offline dictionary functionality for word lookup, it supports every common filetype except azw3, the backlight is good, and the battery life is very long. i got mine on sale over the holidays, so idk if it's worth the full price when compared to a kindle paperwhite, which i guess is meant to be amazon's offering at the same price point. the paperwhite has better hardware, but i liked the aura 2 because it's a less locked-down experience.

>bibliotik is a private torrent tracker for ebooks. relatively tough to get an account on, but it's the best place online to get drm-free retail-quality ebooks
How can I get an account? I am willing to seed a lot.

Amazon Paperwhite seem good but I want to be able to add pirated books easily. Also I've heard that they have removed books in the past.

not sure if they're recruiting anywhere atm, but i'd guess that the best way to get an account there for the foreseeable future would be to do the interview for redacted.ch and get your account to at least power user status, maybe elite. they used to recruit power users from what.cd, but it's too late for that now!
i think it's just as easy to add pirated books to a kindle, but they all have to be converted to azw3, i think? it definitely doesn't support epub, which is the most common and most optimal format. converting ebooks can fuck up the formatting, so i opted to go with the device that'd force me to do as little conversion as possible.

Seems like they aren't doing that either, well I guess my chances of getting in are fucked. I guess I can find them elsewhere, even if it's a bit harder.

Yea man, fuck that. I don't want to mess with the format and fuck shit up. Fuck Amazon.
I just want a device that works with most if not all formats, and just werks.

I have one of these. I installed a custom firmware on it a while ago after i had read my books. Now it just collects dust. Reading is for nerds.