
Fuckoff Google/NSA/CIA

Google shills have been trying to get us on the Chrombotnet

No thanks.

you could still switch to opera botnet though

i guess if you don't have anything irl to fight, you gotta pretend to save the world one browser conversion at a time

Vivaldi > Polarity > Ungoogled Chromium >>>>>>>> Edge>>>>>>> Palemoon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ((((((((GOOGLE))))))))) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yandex Browser > Firecucks


As shit as Firefox has become lately, it's still far less shit than the alternatives.
So nah, I'll stick with Firefox.

Remember, about:config and/or some extensions can usually fix whatever annoyance you find.

Sure. As soon as another free as in freedom browser comes out that supports tree style tabs.

I changed to firefox from chrome with the 53 update and I like it honestly

the stupid 53 update forced my tabs text to left align reeee

Ain't you an edgy piece of shit? huh

how has firefox become "shit lately" ?
been using it for like 10 years and the only differences i see is minor UI changes.

like what's actually changing that's affecting you?> SJW management? I don't really care about it.

>not using Tomorrow

I have hypersensitivity to light, I also keep my monitor to lowest setting possible. I don't use dark schemes because I'm "edgy", I use them because I find them easier to the eye.

Is Opera any good?

no thanks

Yoo nigga you gott DAT goodwood or not?

did i miss something?

are you a girl(male)?


Macs boost colours like that? Terrible.

Yeh. For some stuff opera is really good. It has a cool feature where you can string shortcuts.

Nothing that you can't do in FF with imacros though. But it can be handy to have a shortcut that goes through every tab and clicks a button. If that's what you need to do. Stuff like that is pretty easy in opera.
>imacros for ff is better though

>ff fags still haven't came close in their multitab support to 2011 chrome

FF cucks will defend this.

i like Firefox sync
fight me

Why is it necessary that you point out, that you are female?

give me a fucken viable alternative then

why do you even ask that? it's your average woman, she wants attention.

Firefox Nighty or IceCat nigga

newfag go back to Sup Forums

>stop using the best available browser

Pay me, Pajeet. Give me your marketing salary and I'll consider it.

>"""teh bets"""

why does this screenshot look so fucked up?

Webdev here. I no longer test in Firefox by default. My base package is Chrome+Safari+Edge. Clients who want FF or IE support pay extra. Most of them change their mind when they see the market share and extra cost.