Besides memetry and bloatware, what other windows services or crap do you usually disable asap?

Besides memetry and bloatware, what other windows services or crap do you usually disable asap?

windows itself

I disable everything by not ever installing it.

I don't care. I use Windows for gayming only and I like to play GameJolt games from indie devs. This means running unchecked programs full of viruses etc.
Also my Start menu stopped opening, I have to make desktop icons for everything.

you know yo ucant disable that right

I don't disable anything. I just install Windows LTSB

I just research every service what it does and just disable it.
Usually I end up needing one of them but it's easy to find which one in just seconds.

Kill yourself dumb frogposter

Ignorant and dumb. A striking combination.

Install networkwide telemetry blocker
such as pihole or something

You just can't disable telemetry otherwise.
Even if you set it to "0" in regristry, it still sends data to microshaft

If you've done that, you can stop worrying about what services you might have to disable

powercfg -h off

It gives you back 20GB of storage space.

So, if you paid extra for Enterprise you can send minimal data, or just fucking disable the service and hope the OS isn't lying to you?


It disables the useless Hibernation function which takes up a large amount of space.

Many thanks user!

>defender data
oh noes microsoft will see how many viruses i have



and realize how shitty is your taste in anime

It was the first thing I saw when I searched Google.

Defender data includes your apps and files when sent back for analysis. I can't remember what word they use for it.