Question for Linux users

If Microsoft announced that Windows would be completely open source starting from tomorrow, how long would you take to wipe all your Linux installations?

Other urls found in this thread:

Id use linux until windows is modified to my liking.

Doesn't stop the fact ntfs is garbage and has a file transportation limitation

I wouldn't because it still wouldn't be free (libre)



>Implying people wouldn't just use the source to make WINE and driver emulation perfect and make Windows obsolete overnight.

is this the new trap thread?

I wouldn't. I've done a lot of native Windows API programming, both as a hobby and for work. Believe me, Windows is fucking garbage, inside and out. I don't use Linux because it's open source. I use Linux because my sanity relies on the fact that there is a viable Windows-alternative out there. Linux has its own pain-points, but they're not as bad.

If you don't believe me, you can get a pretty good rundown of Windows' flaws from a Windows kernel developer:

>implying people can actually understand the source

found the non-programmer

Vir/g/in spotted

At least I can code.

From your behavior, you can kode at best.

I've read a lot of the Wine source and some of the leaked Windows 2000 source and I definitely think it would be helpful. They're both pretty similar, but Wine would be helped a lot by knowing the exact side-effects of each API function, and you'd obviously be able to figure this out from the Windows source. Also a lot of high-level code could just be copied line-by-line.

I'd wait a year until people fix the code and remove the bloat, then install windows as a console OS. I'd still use Linux.

I use Linux(Ubuntu) not becasue muh open sores or what a fat commie says it's correct, I use it becasue it's the best tool for the job (CS)

change that to macos and my answer would be instantaneous

This. I'd wait for a non-bloated as fuck version of windowns. Maybe one running the linux kernel.

Granted literally my only use for Windowns is muh gaymen and sometimes microsoft office.

I'd wait until it became usable

Open-sourcing it would actually allow people to contribute and make it good. I don't know how long it would take to get rid of everything that makes Windows shitty, though.
>Forced restarts
>Can't use your computer while it installs updates
>Can't turn down updates
>have to disable critical security updates just to make your system usable
>still need antivirus
>still need to defrag
>still need to reinstall windows every year due to windows rot
>slow launch time
>"couldn't complete updates, undoing changes..."

>inb4 "the above problems don't exist lol"
yes they fucking do and until they are solved I will never use Windows

>open source

Did you mean free (libre) software? If Windows were free software, I would not stop using GNU/Linux, however I would probably procure another PC to run Windows.

Note that Windows itself being free software would not necessarily solve the problem of many of the applications and drivers being proprietary. So that is why I would not use Windows fully.

Once Windows was forked into a version that respects privacy, and once it was made fully compatible with Xen, I might consider using it on my own systems. I'm really happy with Ubuntu though.

>Microsoft releases source code for all versions of Windows
>developers backport all later security updates to XP, strip out unnecessary bloat, and add a package manager
What kind of sexual favors would Bill Gates require to make this a reality?

Windows. So shitty not even Stallman tier freedom could save it.