Science rules!

Science rules!

>emotional IQ

>return true and return false instead of just returning the conditional

Whew what the heck?
also why is he using the && operator.
Pretty ironic that he's talking about emotional IQ when he looks like an autist

>Parameterized method
>doesn't use the argument

>return true and false
>assignations into undeclared variables
>if int && int && test
And I'm sure there's more

>taxReturns line isn't terminated with semicolon

The argument is the same type as this class inherits. Why not just use "this" in his method ?

>interaction Designer
How do they come up with shit like this

if (you == understand.this) {
Saw that on a shirt once, and I still don't understand what they mean by this.

i can simplify
return true

> Java
Opinion discarded.

I think that's C#. Look at the inheritance.

Because the first time you posted this shit and it got deleted wasn't enough, huh you Sup Forumstard faggot?

I hope this guy doesn't actually have a programming job

In C/C++ is a logic and

>waaaa le evil drumpfs!!! bash le fash!xD

>an advocate for science
>post is driven by emotions and full of errors
love me some good irony

Why do scrawny weak ass dudes have beards?
It doesn't suit them at all, if anything, it just makes them more ridiculous to look at.

>return true
>return false


I tried rewriting this so that it makes sense to actual computer people but it's pretty much unsalvageable, even if I knew Java/C#/whatever language in which this clusterfuck is written.

in science we trust

Simple things for simple people.

>in scientists we trust

>Trump claims to aim to deal with problematic h1b1 use
This man was hired by pajeets.

Wew lad. What a numale beta cuck faggot.

>"interaction designer"

bloated things for simple people; in the programming world at least

>supposedly employed
>using a completely unnecessary else statment

This is what happens when you learn from Pajeet youtube videos kids

> =.03;
Fucking cuckold.

Sometimes I want to believe this is just some form of satire.

>protesting democratic decisions
If I were American I might be upset over the result not being determined by popular vote but I sure as hell wouldn't protest the result because my candidate lost by a slim margin.

Seriously, assigning hard set values to variable integers and floating point variables but then having an if then/elif condition with no included input fields... kys

>also why is he using the && operator.
Pretty sure that's Java.

That's C#

Using conditional operations with hard coded values.

What the fuck, America? No wonder the Asians are taking over your jobs.

Same but I'm knee deep in poonani

Is this simple enough for a Drumpftard?

10 yourRealPresident = Hillary Clinton
20 GOTO 10

>>protesting democratic decisions
>the opposition has no right to protest
you should move to the middle east, you seem to like the way they handle things

>inconsistent capitals
>else return false
>non auto-implemented class properties relying on C# to default them to protected, but the string is private
>his method doesn't actually do anything
This man must be the C# version of a Java pajeet. I think even the actual pajeet protesters in India who did this at least got their Java correct (I think?).

>Interaction Designer
Yes he is.

It's C#, although it's not entirely wrong to look at it and go "oh, Java."

I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to. But I would personally be extremely ashamed by this sort of protest.
It's dumb, not immoral or whatever.

>Citizen extends America

>storing the age rather than dob

it's culturally insensitive too. some especially delayed cultures reckon age in other ways

public class Citizen:America
public Citizen()
Name = "Nick";
Age = 23;
Occupation = "Interaction Designer";

private String taxReturns = "release us FFS!!!"

int trumpEmotionalIQ = 0;
int trumpTolerance = 0;
float trumpExperience = .03;

Public bool isMyPresident(America)
if trumpEmotionalIQ && trumpExperience && trumpTolerance > 50
return true;
return false;

Show your work.

> beard - check
> glasses he doesn't need - check
> "muh programming" - check

An interactiondesigner that can't code for shit, I'm supprised

It's my opinion that protesting an outcome is not the right sort of protest. They should protest the system that elected Trump.
Alternatively they can stop supporting democracy as a concept. Maybe that is what they're doing. But I deem it unlikely.

How do you justify their actions?

>nothing declared const

typical americunt - doesn't understand the difference between technology and science

top kek


1) They should indeed protest the Electoral College that coronated Golden Showers.

2) They are supporting democracy, not opposing it.

3) Their actions require no justification.

shit spacing desu ne, also pretty sure you need >50 for each condition, he didn't need the parameter America and he forgot the last to }s

public class Citizen:America{
public Citizen(){
Occupation="Interaction Designer";
private String taxReturns="release us FFS!!!"
int trumpEmotionalIQ=0;
int trumpTolerance=0;
float trumpExperience=.03;
Public bool isMyPresident(){
if (trumpEmotionalIQ>50 && trumpExperience>50 && trumpTolerance>50){
return true;
return false;
} } }

>2) They are supporting democracy, not opposing it.
Thank you for correcting the record.

Why the fuck do they keep doing this?
>I love pajeeting!
>which is why I know nothing about pajeetscript

return (trumpEmotionalIQ>50 && trumpExperience>50 && trumpTolerance>50);

(all (map (. > 50) `(,trump-emotional-iq ,trump-experience ,trump-tolerance)))


Why the redundant braces?

>their actions require no justification
Sure. My opposition doesn't either then.
>they're supporting democracy not opposing it
You mean by being politically active citizens or something else here?
>they should protest the system
Glad we agree.

This has to be C# given initializing a field like that in the class definition.

Why does citizen inherit from America? Semantically, Citizen:America is like saying Citizen is a subtype of america, eg, anything you could do with an america you could do with a citizen. (Eg, pay taxes to, live in, etc)
Why do all instances of citizen have the same name, age and occupation?
Why do you initialize taxReturns outside of the ctor?
Missing f format specifier on .03.
If a Citizen is an america, why does isMyPresident check take another america? Why doesn't the America parameter have a name?
if (A) { return true} else { return false } is an unnecessary layer of indirection, instead use return A.
if trumpEmotionalIQ && trumpExperience && trumpTolerance > 50 - first of all, needs parens, but even still, you cannot && integers with a bool expression in c#
No closing curly brace for function or class

Can we figure out where this guy works and get him fired?

As a non-American, I had good hopes for that show. It hurt so much to watch it :|

I thought i needed them for return statement.

18+ on Sup Forums user. Why are you watching children's shows?

>>if int && int && test
an int is basically a true if it is anything other than 0

but i agree, the faggot is still a retarded faggot

This isn't true in c#

Citizen = {
name: "Nick",
age: 23,
occupation: "Interaction Designer"
taxReturns = "release us FFS!!!",
trumpEmotionalIQ = 0,
trumpExperience = .03,
isMyPresident = function(America) {
return trumpEmotionalIQ && trumpExperience && trumpTolerance > 50;

What grossness is this? Ecma 6 js?

js is whatever you want it to be senpai

Why would "Citizen" extend "America"?

Except i want it to be strongly typed ;_;

Because a citizen shares attributes that a country does. Land mass, population, resources, style of government, you dont want to have these twice. Jk libtards are just stupid

This shit makes zero sense, and is filled with errors.

Not according to the U.S government.

The government doesn't give a fuck about some pseudo-communistic faggot that handles his politics through emotions.

He's the U.S president, deal with it.

class Illegal : American
public Illegal()
Name = "Pedro";
DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2007, 4, 23);
Occupation = "Anchor Baby";

public bool willBeDeported => true;

They are supporting democracy by opposing the fascist totalitarian political, economic and cultural oligopoly which has seized control of the USA.

An overthrow orchestrated by Putin/GRU and actualized by the retarded actions of conservatives, Republicans, and other "useful idiots".

>this is what terrorists actually believe

Golden Showers = fakePresident.

Deal with it.

>public bool willBeDeported => true;
What the fuck is this?

&& can be used in C++, what the fuck are you talking about.

i know right? what faggola doesn't put a '0' before the decimal point?

That implies illegals are americans

Go back to where ever you can from

It should inherit from mexican

Well, it says Pedro was an anchor baby. I think legally they are Americans.

You can't deport US citizens, retard.
They played the game and won.
Write better citizenship laws next time, fatso.

And it's not legal to assassinate Americans in drone strikes but we do it anyway

wouldn't && return a boolean? wouldn't that always be lower than 50?

Uh . . . no.

"Terrorism" is a methodology, not an ideology. It can be, and has been, used as a means to almost any end.

Thus, "terrorists" can, and do, have many different belief systems.

Bill clinton the rapist had 100 people burnt alive including 27 children in waco then passed an unconstitutional gun ban on sporting rifles

Don't you have some allahus to ackbah?

>2 missing close brackets

Um, no sweetie



Explain to me how a president that was sworn in fair and square is fake?

"Um, no" what?

Get out newfag

Because it's #notmypresident!!!!!

while America.president() == "Trump":

>tfw I hate Trump, Java programmers, and programmers who think it's okay to use 'return True' as the only unit in a conditional which will immediately be followed by a 'return False' otherwise
I'm very conflicted. Also, doesn't that code lack the proper amount of closing brackets?