Which VPN service does Sup Forums use?

Which VPN service does Sup Forums use?

purevpn, it's not great


PIA is what I am currently using, it's been good so far.

Although eventually I want to switch to another provider, probably hosted in a country like Switzerland, Norway, etc.

Choosing right now

Might jsut try this trust.zone crap

NordVPN. Had one of those 70% off for 3 years deal a few weeks back. Full speed and the typical benefits.

Bought a VPS.

Anonymously? Or with a pseudonym?

If it's running a VPN will the VPS service not be forced to hand over your details in court if not?

bought a vps in a respectable country and set everything up to purge all logs etc

Panama or the Seychelles. Which country gets more of their policy dictated by the states?

>accepts bitcoin, cash through mail
>does not ask for any personal information, all you need is an account number
>great speeds (in my experience, ~80mbit down, 40 up no problems)


Somehow using an image like this makes me extremely uncomfortable with this.

I prefer PIV.

Got a year subscription in a humble bundle

Mah nigger.

Tunnel Bear. It's so easy to use.

> nobody uses cryptostorm

It's like you WANT the NSA to see you torrenting loli furry watersports porn


put the VPN in the router and switch your wifi when you want VPN, much better than remembering to run the VPN software and hoping it doesn't reveal IP. If you are moderately technical you can make your own. easyvpnrouter.com sells them as do others but cheaper if you can make your own, you must know linux terminal

I use the one that comes with Opera.
Free, unlimited data, Not collecting any usage data

Found the zoophile.
How many aliases are the admins on atm?
PS the site still looks like a 14 year old haxor' personal homepage.


not telling because it's the best and I don't want memelord shitheads from GEEPEEYOUSNSMARTFONEZ.4chang.reddit.niceme.me shitting it up
