Manjaro, the distro of grown up mans!

Manjaro, the distro of grown up mans!

It's okay but i've had bad experience with KDE and this theme aswell is a bit too fat.
I've had my pleasure using cinnamon but seems that atleast on Sup Forums many people have issues with it.

Nice distro, tried it with Xfce and really enjoyed it a while ago! Is Manjaro KDE as buggy as Neon/Kubuntu?

>Manjaro, the distro of grown up mans!
>not being grown up enough for gentoo
>not being grown up enough for slackware
>not being grown up enough for LFS

typical fa/g/got

>Manjaro, the distro of manchildren who can't figure out how to install Arch itself

Since you're such a manjaro shill.
Can you answer me this...
Why does the package "Manjaro-System" have to be updated first?

if that is manjaro then what is arch anywhere

>they don't use arch anywhere and fuck with the installation for x hours


What a joke, even Sup Forums can at least come up with an original logo.


die commie die

Fuck off

Would be great but I read manjaro doesn't work to good with the AUR, antergos is supposed to be better as it is basically just stock arch. What's your experience?

Out of the box manjaro looks pretty good though. How is the KDE version? I recently tried KDE neon and it was buggy as hell, and Ubuntu lacks too many packages I need in the repositories.

My work laptop with arch and Xfce is almost at the end of its life. Thinking about trying KDE next. Thunar in Xfce has become a buggy hell. Not sure what to choose next. I'd rather not waste a dey setting up arch.

Just found this, cheers mate

>I read manjaro doesn't work to good with the AUR
It literally just download a PKGBuild file then compile from source.
Why wouldn't it work well?

-Grown up man
-Does not use windows 10

>Pick one and only one, you manchild.

why would you compile from source? doesnt AUR ships precompiled binaries?

>doesnt AUR ships precompiled binaries?
No, AUR is just a build file repo, that tells your machine what it needs and what to do, where to save and what to delete.


Video gamer manchildren use video gaming OS

Its weird I thought that compiling from source should take long time for some software, for example google chrome from AUR. I remember it finnished installing fairly quickly.

>google chrome
>compile from source
Chrome is partially closed source, what happens was, the PKGBuild file downloaded the DEB package extract it to the proper locations, that why it was fats.

im retarded for forgetting the little thing about fucking GOOGLE being closed source, sorry

>doesn't realize the majority of corporations use Windows/WinServer for actual BUSINESS

throw away your linux and start learning .net and powershell if you want to get anywhere in life

i put manjaro xfce on my laptop instead of arch because I would have had to plug in to install arch. manjaro live iso had nonfree wifi drivers I needed to get up and running.

i did install arch in a vm a few times. it's easy, doing it does not make you smart

it is harder to install King's Quest in MS DOS than it is to install arch

Try harder.

>Manjaro, the distro of grown up mans!
STFU Spatry