/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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first for C hash

What's GAMBAS?

Why use such a niche language.


A conjunction of compiler, IDE and framework that implement a modern object-oriented dialect of BASIC.


Pretty good class.
Shame there's so few datastructures that actually fit modern computers. I can see good ways of making fusion trees and they're certainly interesting but because there's cache it's always difficult to make all these datastructures actually worth it.
If you manage to prefetch everything so your traversal isn't slow somehow you're gonna thrash the cache usually.

Does anyone have a big list of cache aware datastructures?


Why would you even

>modern BASIC

why would anyone wish this on themselves?

>Does anyone have a big list of cache aware datastructures?
Or just implementations of algorithms/datastructures that are cache aware.

It's actually bretty comfy.

Python is shit, I don't care how many libraries there are for it, it's like putting ribbons on a turd.

Works great for RAD and it's pretty stable.

BASIC is not a bad language at all, son. You're just too new and accustomed to other stuff.

Highly unlikely, but it's not my problem so I have lost interest.


Just googled it.. more like a successor to Visual BASIC? Which is a bit different than just "being a basic".

Why isn't there a "Visual Python"?

>erp'ing with cute feminine boys
Man I lust for your life! I'm supposed to be paid to maintain Odoo databases rn, but cute boys I see none around, sadly.

first installing gentoo, then working on one of those shitty image to collage of images generators, but with a small twist. it will only use gifs/videos and output a giant webm.

we need a new C compiler that is not a complete turd of code like GCC (I bet you could write a fuzzer in a weekend to find vulnerabilities in that piece of crap) and not bloated as shit like clang. C only, too.

It's happening, OpenBSD is making an ISC-licensed fork of GCC4:

>Just googled it.. more like a successor to Visual BASIC? Which is a bit different than just "being a basic".
What the fuck did you google?

It's a KISS, consistent Unixer's lang that grew organically as a Free software project. what's the link with basic besides very superficial resemblance?

>Why isn't there a "Visual Python"?
Because MicroShit didn't make one, and they didn't because there would have been no benefit to it and they had enough problems with Visual FoxPro Visual C++ and Visual Basic already.

It's time Sup Forums


* not for the brainlets*

>g-guys learn muh language p-pls

>This is a draft document, and may contain serious errors
>for unsafe behavior which is clearly a necessity to replace C
Yeah that's exactly what I Want to see.

I'll give you a year to remove that.

Idris > Rust

>Therefore, I am asking all authors to respond to this thread if they object.
I'm extremely contrary to the GPL, but do you guys think this is correct?

OpenSSL is doing it.


The fucking website itself just straight up says Visual Basic. They make it pretty obvious they wanted a "Visual Basic for Linux."

> Because MicroShit didn't make one,
Reason I put it in quotes -- why hasn't someone made a Visual Basic like environment for Python yet? That'd be ace for beginning programmers and hobbyists.

Reminder that Excel is just Visicalc for MS-DOS.

t. retard

Python is garbage and has learned nothing from the last 40 years of programming language development, theory, and research.

Favoring Python is an immediate no-hire at my company.

Got a programming competition on Friday and I'm brushing up on modulus, triangles and sorting data.

It's really not anything major - aside from printing triangles using asterisks I have no idea what kind of programming issues triangles pose.

Is this a new meme?


This doesn't really answer the question though. Still seems pretty shitty to me.

Gambas is prawn en espaƱol :D

Copyrights are shitty. Anything we can do to workaround them is great by my book.

As much as I hate using Python for my own programming and would hate to use it for work, there are few languages so suited for beginners.

It'd be a great replacement for the sort of people who work(ed) in Visual Basic. Y'know, retards and newbs.

I think Python retards a beginning programmer's learning, but whatever.

The bigger problem is that Python is widely used in production at many companies.

Wait, what? No, I genuinely have one.

Nice try, memer.

thanks, saved in my pasta file

>retards and newbs.
The people who actually work in Visual Basic are old farts who can't/won't shift to C#, those maintaining their legacy garbage, and finance retards. My old community college still teaches VB6/.NET for the introductory course, though, probably one of the few schools that do.

I think I'm having a stroke.

Then you should stop memeing and seek urgent medical assistance.

My doctor is prescribing me some "take-what-I-say-seriously-honest-to-God-I'm-not-memeing".


>OpenSSL and SFLC are suggesting lack of consent towards an action,
indicates consent towards that action.
>According to that:
>If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you have no objection.


Then take your prescribed meds and stop memeing.

And I thought mockito was the stupidiest name in SW history.

>she didn't say no!

Are you ready for this lovely Microsoft Certified Professional, Sup Forums?

Who said this?

Can I get a job at Microsoft if I use Linux at home?

Can I get a job at Facebook if I don't use it?

Dumb animuposter.

>does this upset you?

Totally dude.

>let's talk like this for the rest of the thread

I like his personal website tbqh

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Anime is the fundamental part of imageboard culture and being disgraceful to the anime must be a punishable offence.
That being said, I really don't understand your motivation. Why are you on anime site yet you despise anime fans? Why are you wasting your life away arguing with anime fans?
Feel free to delete these posts.

I use Linux but I don't use GNU on top of it, I use various non-GNU alternatives, so I don't see how your comment is at all relevant.

Anime is the fundamental part of imageboard culture and being disgraceful to the anime must be a punishable offence.
>I agree with this

Feel free to delete your post.

Android uses Linux without GNU too (since it's the Android OS, not the GNU OS), but I don't see how your comment is at all relevant.

Your containment thread is this way:


Go away, Richard.

should I learn perl?

should I learn Ook?




What type does anime have?

Stop false-flagging, normie.


I care deeply!
Do you realize how stupid your comment is?

static types > dynamic types

R8 my shitty throw() function

This post is as stupid as saying:
static types > something which is by definition not a type

Sorry, let me rephrase

static types > dynamic "types"

you're most likely assuming that 'BASIC = bad' based on quotes you've heard from people who were talking about early versions of BASIC from the 70s which had restrictions like functions could only be a single line long, and only have a name of one character long, etc. that is, stuff that hasn't been true of any version of basic after 1985 or something

No, it doesn't make sense. Anything which is a type is by definition "static".

types > no types?

"dynamic types" is an oxymoron.
"dynamic type checking" sadly isn't.

"static" is a misnomer

It is an accurate description of what a type system is.
"dynamic typing" on the other hand is definitely a misnomer. It should be called "dynamic type checking".

Technically you can have a "dynamic" type, which is really just a type, but is checked in a dynamic manner.

From there, it's an argument of whether the quotes around "dynamic" should be present to satiate your pedantry.

>Technically you can have a "dynamic" type
That would be a self-contradiction.
>but is checked in a dynamic manner.
It's not dynamic then, it's just checked dynamically.

No, but you can have a type that's statically checked but only reduced dynamically

Why do some people, upon seeing a new concept in Haskell, Rust, Lisp, whatever, try to implement it (and poorly) in their favorite shitlang? They learn nothing from it because the concept is lost in the noise of working around the shitlang's deficiencies.

Because the concept in Haskell is annoying to use and doesn't fit it with a fuckton of other tools we're already using, so we take the gem out of the pile of Haskell shit and repurpose it to make the better languages even better.

I'm surprised you know who this "literally who" is.

It doesn't make the shitlangs better, though. They cannot be made better.

Haskell is a much better language than the garbage most companies use and if you built your entire product around a shitty tech stack then you deserve to fail.

Gambas is cute! Cute!

Anyone here familiar with Visual Basic? I need help on an assignment. I don't know how to make the college major appear on the right list box when one of the buttons are selected. I already made the interface, I just don't know how to code it.

I'm willing to send like $10 on paypal to anyone who can do this for me. Thanks.

here is the link to the assignment.

To use it and still get paid for it.

>that clipped text

open source is shit

>doesn't fit in with my OOP garbage manage pattern visitor class, so it's wrong


How do people defend this language?

From whom did you reference this statement?

Fuck off, pajeet.

You should have picked a school that's at least using C# or Java.