CSS is dead

Reddit is the first major site to deprecate CSS in favor of a new system. Good riddance. Ancient technologies must die.


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CSS is easy and straightforward there's nothing you can replace it with that would do the job as well as CSS. It actually looks like they're planning on removing the ability for subreddits to make their own CSS because it's confusing people and slowing the whole site down. Custom subreddit CSS tends to look like shit anyway so nothing of value was lost.

>It’s web-only. Increasing users are viewing Reddit on mobile (over 50%), where CSS is not supported.
>CSS is a pain in the ass: it’s difficult to learn

So this is the power of affirmative action...

Im guessing the main reason for this is so they can limit users to only customizing a few things (probably just colors) and will be able for them to implement the same styling in the mobile app.

>CSS is not supported on mobile
>CSS is difficult to learn

CSS is literally the easiest part of web development as long as you have good taste in pretty pictures, and there should be no shortage of that in a field dominated by gay white men.

You have to go back.

It's pretty much exactly that. From postings, it seems a lot of users are complaining that the 'truly unique' styles sub mods create are fucking horrendous. So they want to standardize it across the board.

so it seems the site is going to keep custom styles but they're going to complicate them even further by using some shitty framework (probably javascript based) so that when the admins change the site the styles don't break as often

They're removing users' ability to custom theme subreddits with CSS. You Mongoloid.

I'm honestly surprised reddit has any CSS to speak of. It really is the ugliest site on the internet, 2nd only to craiglist.

>caring about retarditt

why don't you stay there friend

>Increasing users are viewing Reddit on mobile (over 50%), where CSS is not supported.

Another case of a site dumbing itself down because they only care about the retarded majority and not the power users

>Ancient technologies

>CSS is soooo hard
Sasuga redditcucks

How could anyone think that CSS is difficult? It's incredibly easy once you understand how to correctly format the most basic elements like borders and fonts. I can see why they want to standardise the layout on plebbit though. Remember how shitty MySpace was when everyone had their own abortion of a HTML profile page?

My little pony custom animated gif and image theme detected

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Same. I came from a non-IT background and now often make websites profesionally.
I thought CSS was pretty straightforward. I felt I was just playing with legos.

Did you even read the post?
They're deprecating how people used custom CSS to theme subreddits in favor of a new system.

The website is still going to use CSS, and they are still going to allow people to use custom CSS for subreddit theming, but likely unify the whole UI in a better way.

Good riddance, all subreddits looked janky anyway.

You can tell just where the type of people who didn't learn CSS from MySpace have evolved to

Did you even read man? They want to replace the custom. css sub reddit stuff with another system that both web and app users can use.

in other words, they're subordinating everything to growing traffic and pleasing advertisers?

ding ding

this, and even if they mean some shitty native app instead of a shitty website, it is good because users of those shitty native apps most likely want a streamlined, probably self-customized experience.

Why should technologies die just because theyre old?

I wish more sites were designed to be readable without CSS.

CSS I don't really mind. Sites should be readable without JS though.

There are also sites designed to be only readable without CSS: reddit.com/r/REEEEEE/

>Sites should be without JS though.

For whatever reason some people can't grasp it conceptually.

I have a developer who works for me who can code in most server side technologies, but for whatever reason the moment CSS is put in front of him he freaks out. He starts floating everything left, forcing things, etc.

I've tried to teach him multiple times but no luck.

Reddit is not replacing CSS. They're transitioning to a new subreddit theming system so that mods / theme authors don't have to write CSS rules themselves. Reddit will translate the themes into CSS on the backend.

CSS is really not difficult to use, and I expect that theme authors will not have the same degree of control over page attributes under the new system.

Yeah I really trust reddit's technology. Don't they have like a 100,000 line python repo for a forum site? Shit still crashes regularly

I sincerely don't understand the hate for CSS, it's so damn simple and practical. Please explain.

How do I center a div on a page?

position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
margin: auto;

>CSS is a pain in the ass: it’s difficult to learn; it’s error-prone; and it’s time consuming.
>said by someone who probably never dealt with CSS back in the early days of IE when microsoft didn't give a shit about web standards

Shut the fuck up.
Jump into a vat of acid and fucking die.

ow the edge

It's shit once you want to use it for actual GUIs that aren't flow-based, unlike websites.

Also, there is no separation of concerns, since CSS contains style, layout (that should have been done with html nodes instead), animation (that should have been done with something else) and probably more, like content.

For example, for to be actually useful, it requires at least the double additional amount of shit.

That being said, most CSS problems stem from HTML.

At least post the fucking image, you lazy dick.


So what's the alternative to CSS?

why cant this shit be incorporated into javascript or some shit ?

javascript-powered CSS

Can we deprecate JS too?

CSS is literally the most stable language from the holy trinity.
JS deprecation when?

>Increasing users are viewing Reddit on mobile (over 50%), where CSS is not supported.
>where CSS is not supported.
Mobile apps are not supposed to be full web browsers you twats - CSS is stripped intentionally, not accidentally.
It sucks that /r/rocketleague and /r/ooer are going to get shafted.

Similar thing kind of happened with tumblr, currently the only way too see someone's custom css blog is to visit their url in a desktop browser, otherwise you can only view them in a facebook-style feed.
Mobile ruins everything.

craigslist looks perfectly good you mongoloid.
hell, craigs list is one of the best examples of a reasonable, functional website I can think of

CSS is one of the most popular programming languages at our HackerJam for women, LGBTQ and people of color, it's not going to die anytime soon.

Usually I'd say this is a parody since CSS is a visual markup language rather than an actual programming language, but this is the year 2017 and I can no longer tell what in life is real vs. an utter joke anymore. Either way, well played user, well played.

i want

Pic related

CSS isn't going anywhere just because those hipster cock suckers did away with it. Keyword hipster: "Let's be different and unique and start a new standard".

CSS actually sucks. But not for the reasons they list.

CSS is Turing complete.


More like spaz.


just use images for everything :)

it makes no sense


It used to be possible to do everything with HTML directly. But all that got killed off in favor for style sheets. So there really is no alternative to CSS for HTML sites.

Here is the specification for HTML 3.2, it uses no CSS: w3.org/TR/REC-html32

Having to individually style every element is superfluous and increases the file size by far, CSS made this obsolete.


What the fuck ever happened to Sup Forums? Why the fuck is click bait allowed here?

It goes both ways. Sometimes you want to style only one element. Then you're probably better of doing it like (which is still CSS). Because otherwise every element has to be checked individually if your CSS rule applies to it.

nah i dont miss the early 2000's internet.

You can still use HTML 3.2. This perfectly styled document is proof enough. It is also responsive, lightweight and fast.


>Can we deprecate JS too?

...and replace it with what? Without XMLHttpRequest, the web would not be anywhere as dynamic as it is today. Imagine having to refresh every single page for a minor update. Not too many people want to go back to those days.

whatever you like compiled to wasm

You're not wrong, the other guy is an idiot. Reddit is ugly while not being user friendly at all. Craigslist is just text and some borders; clean and easy.

I don't get it. Why the hell people like her ? She's ugly as fuck

this will never happen. js will be with us forever.

if you get rid css you'll get rid of this gem of a subreddit:

no it fucking doesn't.
it's not even fucking mobile responsive
it's a shitty site like current "desktop" reddit.

if your site isn't viewable without any horizontal scrolling on a phone, or phone like dimensions, your site is literally shit. period.

So are Brainfuck, Microshaft Powerpoint and Magic The Gathering (TM).

>doesn't miss early 2000s Internet.
So when did you find out you were gay?


You can't apply CSS in reddit to your subreddit
Instead they'll just build a tool that'll be a gui to make the underlying CSS for you.