What 650W PSU does Sup Forums recommend? 750W will also be considered if the price is good

What 650W PSU does Sup Forums recommend? 750W will also be considered if the price is good.

Corsair used to be good, but not anymore. I prefer EVGA.

Check logical increments

I can confirm evga branded supplies are good


seasonic prime

They wont all be good and they wont all be shit.

Different price points almost always have a different OEM. Pick and choose, don't be a faggot brand loyalist.

hijacking this thread

can a 500W 80+ silver run a 65W ryzen processor and RX vega (asuming it will consume around the same amount as a 1080ti)?????????????

>ywl bang a thicc qt coworker on one of the desks at work after everyone's gone home

Ugh I had a picture like this of a friend on my Nokia N70 that I lost 11 years ago. I still think about it all the time. One day all my vintage creepshots will see the light of day.

99.99999% Yes. Also, if Polaris is anything to go by, you'll shave 20-30% power off Vega by undervolting @ stock frequency anyway. Similar story with Ryzen.

What's your build? How much do you wanna spend?

rm650x if you want silent, seasonic platinum if you want performance

evga is just superflower with a different badge


sorry, i meant underling

this picture just spoke to me. It said
>get out and find a girl friend that can wear a dress and some nice pantyhose or long socks.

I accomplished every fucking things on my todo list (finding a job, living alone, talking back to some old friends I stopped seeing) and finding a cute girlfriend will be the next step.

This ass has confused me for years.

I think what is happening is the skirt is high up, the ruffles, and the thigh is being pushed out by the desk. All three combined to give the illusion of a bigger ass with an odd gap.

That's either the shoe of a hipster or their tutor. I'd love to get into teaching but I know that I'd end up in jail

Corsair RM650x



>russians girls looks like models
>russians guys looks liek farmers

that shoe...

>I'd love to get into teaching but I know that I'd end up in jail
I got a friend that did art studies to become teacher in middle school.
After his first internship he told me something like "yeah young girls tends to look a bit older than what they actually are, if you could look at some girls I had in my class, they were 14- 15 but damn it, if they wanted there was no problem for me"

seasonic has become my go to brand for power supply

Superflower leader 650w or Corsair RMi

You may wonder why so many men go to foreign countries teaching English

EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G3
EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G3

Just get them, guaranteed you will never regret it.

Is it worth getting 80PLUS Platinum or Titanium over Gold?

nah, it's just that guy got weird shoes

they usually have 10-12 year warranty, i'd say that is worth it
buy one PSU and never replace it

I have the 750 G2, very nice

G2 is perfectly fine as well, G3 are just newer.
G2 vs G3 is a typical "don't upgrade if you already have, get it if you are buying new" case.

Its worth getting platinum over gold but not titanium over platinum since the difference in price doesn't translate that well to value gain.