This os is trash

reinstalling windows 8 as we breathe. you have 10 minutes to convince me to keep this useless piece of garbage os. slowed my comp way down

the UI of Win8 is unbearable.

get a non shitty PC

windows 8 was the worst os ive ever used.

>this sucks!!!
>*installs windows 8*
why not 7?

i do have a shitty pc but 10 is impossible.

disk crashing from memory loss... upon installation had to follow a performance guide to keep it from falling asleep it was so fucking slow

ok your pc is definetly fucked mate

post specs

I want the menu style to be in some Linux distro. I enjoy the fact that the menu learns the most used programs for me.

>When it is just as stable as gnome3 :0

windows 8 performance wise was still better.

also unrelated but wtf is with the windows folder grouping at the top of the explorer???

shit drives me nuts. i was mac before this but goddamn. how yall put up with this.

yes ok i have a shit tier budget pc but EVERYTHING WORKED BEFORE 10. i went through like 4 os changes on my 8yr old macbook and never dealt with anything like this before. and doesnt ten watch you pee and shit? backing up now to revert to 8.. yall have little time now


nvidia 940m

8gb ram

hybrid drive

mostly because I dont have a key for it. 8 was installed on this comp previously. also : why tf did they not pick windows 9? is that some superstitious shit

DirectX twelve

>What is Classic Shell


Absolute dogshit

i bet you dont even have a SSD (lol hybrid i see) and didnt do a fresh install

what do you need directX 12 for?

windows 10 is reknowned for hating older laptops, usually its down to the user being a fucking dumbass and not preforming a clean install of windows 10 and instead opting for the 7-8 "upgrade"

oh and get a less shitty HDD/SSD

um yes I do senpai. that and a 4 chan gold acct.
>s my d
i used pc for years before but recently switched because i am a poor degenerate

right im stupid because the fucks at microsoft couldnt develope a stable os? (notifies me every 10 seconds)

you didnt answer my question, i bet you fucking installed it by upgrading and not a fresh install

fucking retard

8.1 is my favorite windows version.
> Flame shield activated.

yes obviously thats what I did asshole- Im saying thats an irrelevant point because updating an os should not require a "clean install" if theyre bothering me abt it every 10 fucking seconds it shouldnt be problematic, or atleast fucking warn my illiterate ass

also please anyone what is with the fucking folder grouping- i just want to organize by name and date without every goddamn folder at the top

I have same laptop like user,
And win10 cant even put my laptop to sleep or even completly poweroff (8/10 times i need to force shutdown....)

(No problems on linux. Boot in less than 5s, cpu 30°C fan 0RPM at idle )

btw not a single person in here has convinced me to keep 10

They are both shit. Post-Gates Microsoft was a mistake.

Nobody cares put your tablet OS back on and fuck off

I replaced cd rom with hdd caddy because i upgraded to 850 EVO


You clearly have your biased already, why are we supposed to be convincing you when you've made up your mind already? Idiot.

>Thinking feelings and personal experience being facts

Windows 10 user since RCs came out, system has never had a problem, then again I did a clean install of it rather than "upgrading".

>what is windows loader by daz

Well i have Ryzen so no choice but to install this tbqh

You sound like a clueless fuck, but I can't convince you to use 10, because it's really terrible.

I heard there are patches for 7 and 8 that will let you install updates with Ryzen. Didn't try them, though.

youre right, your in depth analysis of the pros and cons of 10 vs 8 was quite adroit thorough. my hat tips in your direction sir

finally an honest assessment

>DirectX twelve
OP has a laptop, though, so DX12 is irrelevant for him.

Windows 8.1 is that nice version of windows that nobody will think of because of the attempt by microsoft to put a fisher price UI on 8

Windows 8.1 master race reporting in. Remember, UI is easy to change, botnet built into the kernel is not.

ryzen doesn't work on windows 8

'nixfag here, just stopped in to laugh at you all for being so thoroughly cucked

>you have 10 minutes to convince me to keep this
Why would I do that? I may do a fair share of shitposting around here, but even I have standards.

i used it for a while i stuck classic shell on it still sucked ass

trash are only people who cannot use Windows 8.1 properly. Because it is solid OS.

As a former Windows 8 user it fucking sucks install windows 7 or some linux distro anything is fucking better than 8 even 10 is better then 8 the only thing worst then 8 is vista and 2000

Nigga what? Did you confuse 2000 and ME or something?

>What is Classic Shell
I don't want an extra program to semi-unfuck my UI.

it's better than the faggy traditional start menu. So much more convenient, too.

You can have all the programs you want just displayed with the press of the windows button, in neat tiles that you can organize however you want.

Pretty much eliminates the need for desktop icons, which are cluttered and tacky as fuck.

But I forgot. Winfags have permanent baby-duck syndrome.

The fuck OP is a noob faggot. But Windows 10 really is trash. Install Windows 7 instead.

Windows 8 isn't any better. Use a normal OS like Windows 7.

So is w10 UI

Been using 8.1 all the years and won't switch before Linux becomes viable or 8.1 outdated.
Despite all the telemetry, forced updates and ads Windows 10 literally destroys old PCs. I once installed it on my old PC just to see how it is and thought it was defective.

Win8 was ugly and didn't make any sense. But it had a hell of a lot less bugs than win10

And Pre-Gates as well lol.

8.1 is more modern and better supports current hardware as well with better 4K scaling. But if you use older hardware 7 might be the best OS.

This, 8.1 is great, 7 is overrated as fuck. Linux is already viable for my needs though, since most of the games I like aren't even on PC.

Yes, no games. I'm also unsure how good the 4K support is. I'm not willing to use shit hardware just because the OS doesn't support it properly.

8.1 isn't as bad as many people think, in fact it supports old and new hardware and apps better than 10 or previous OS. I always had color errors in AOEI with Vista/7 PCs, but 8.1 runs perfectly.

>Pre-Gates MS
what did he mean by this?

8.1 is better than 10 because 10 is just 8.1 with a bunch of code and .dll's slapped on top. This is Microsoft's new business model REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

8.1 is almost equal to 7 except the start menu is weird and you have to right-click it to shut down. Normal click opens the app list. No need to see the freaky metro squares ever if you configure it properly.

I use it at work because the other option was W10. Those who chose upgrading lost an entire day on broken upgrades and restarts. And once installed, they have lost so many mornings due to W10 installing upgrades when it feels so (normal version does not allow to install upgrades later but with the metered network trick).
I shit you not compared to them I've saved like 3-4 days.

Fuck that, using both MacOS+Linux is way comfier. Unless you want to play videogames - but who cares about that

Install Linux and stop torturing yourself.

I want one of those to steam vegetables with. What are they called?

just steamer insert

Gotta get myself one. Steamed broccoli and cauliflowers are GOAT-tier

I'm thinking about going back to 7 from 10 for my gaymen pc. Is there anything about 8.1 that is currently better than 7?

>reinstalling windows 8
First time I've seen someone say that

ITT user never made a clean install of Win10

7 > 10LTSB2015 > 10LTSB2016 > 8.1

You're nothing but a troll at this point, your original post wasn't even legit. You're looking to stick your nose in the air and claim your opinion is the only one. Go be a self entitled fuck some where else.


Linux is useless and MacOS is even worse

If your pc is shit just run linux

Because some cs grad wrote really stupid code which made windows 9 stand for 9x way back in the day

Good decision. 8.1 was fast so long as you stayed away from the Metro parts of it. 10 threw a monkeywrench into the whole thing.

10's start menu is shite too. No hierarchical folders, no drag to rearrange, worse jump lists, no option for control panel as submenu, more limited ability to add custom stuff. You'll want Classic Shell either way. It's just better.

Haswell i7 not good enough for Win10? It's not unbearably slow or anything, it's just not as snappy as 8.1 was and it wastes more battery on laptops doing stupid shit I didn't ask for.

And what makes 8 shitty? Lack of a proper start menu? Metro? Just use Classic Shell and never touch Metro crap again. There's even Aero glass themes available if you want to rice your OS.

Pretty much debunked. They could have made it return "Windows(R) 9" or "Windows Nine" if they wanted to avoid code that did that.

It's really for marketing reasons. 9 has a connotation of being one short of 10. You don't want to sell a product as being not quite there or falling a little short of a perfect 10/10. Besides Apple has been on 10 for ages and Microsoft wanted to catch up.

I don't have to convince you of fucking shit. I could give a flying fuck about what os you use ever, it's completely and utterly irrelevant to my life

>This OS is shit so I'm going to reinstall a different shit OS

You should go back to 7.

>This OS is trash
>proceeds to install said OS, Windows
Why not Unix?

>>What is Classic Shell
A software add-on that barely fixes a badly ingrained factor of the OS.

Tell me, what does Classic Shell not fix about Windows 8?

The problem is that there's no start menu. Classic Shell gives you one that's almost exactly the same as the one in 7.

Metro is a problem as well, but if you check boot to desktop, disable action corners, and don't start any Metro apps, you'll never see it again.

Start screen is much better than a start menu. I only wish they would have made it easier to make custom tiles.
And fuck them for bringing back the start button in Windows 8.1. There was absolutely no need for it.

Open the start menu, type something, result pops up pretty much instantly, hit enter. And you can keep seeing the other stuff on screen while you're doing it.

Open the start screen, type something, wait for results to appear. Even on an i7 there is a delay. It might be less than a second, but it's enough to disrupt the muscle memory of start => cmd => enter. It often makes it open unwanted things because the top result changes as the results load. It also periodically forgets that you always select the desktop calculator and starts listing the shitty fullscreen Metro one first again.

He is still an adviser.

>wait for results to appear.
nope, works on my machine.

Here you go.

Literally have no idea what you're talking about. Screenshot?

What the fuck! I'm too a poorfag but my machine can run flawless windows 10, only disables all telemetry, delete apps, fuck cortana, and install commonsense updated antivirus

as i said before your laptops HDD is probably shitting itself, get a SSD

The difference is night and day, even when i had 7 on SSD it was very fast but still slightly slower than W10

>more modern
Are you gay? Metro UI sucks ass


hey Sup Forumsros how can i get w7 whithout pay for it... i'm still attached to the old vista that could never get actualized

damn i was late for this thread...

I'm guessing you're running Windows 10 using a HDD. I run Windows 10 on my Desktop installed to a SSD and of course using my XPS 13 9630 FHD using a m.2 SSD. Runs smooth, never have any problems.

I would suggest backing up all your important files then clean installing Windows 10 and see if there is a difference.

My OS is on an SSD, and my data HDD is in fine health. The Win10 Metro based search thing is simply slower to respond than Win7's or Classic Shell's. And none of that explains away the search's random amnesia where it forgets that I always prefer desktop apps and goes back to suggesting crappy Metro apps before them.

coming from using windows 7 and variants for years, when i first started using 8 it was easy for me to do my best to toss these features to the wayside as i thought they were bloaty. the reason i thought that was because i was unwilling to try and move onto using them as a replacement for the desktop, as opposed to using them with the desktop.

i hadnt considered it was meant to replace desktop icons, so i guess ill give that a go now and see how i like it.

try going to a thrift store and taking pics of oem key stickers. every once in a blue moon you can grab a usable key for free that way.

the timeframe was a joke. i am still struggling to figure out how to reinstall windows 8 without forfeiting my apps :((. i was on the phone for an hour and 45 with some cunt from customer support in the phillipines who couldn't do shit for me

this shit bro bane of my existence

Yes. Sort by date reversed. Now all the folders are at the bottom. They should always be either at the top or mixed in with the files in the order the user asked for.

i iknow dude but i dont want my folders segregated at all !!!