I have a little sister that is obsessed with anime...

I have a little sister that is obsessed with anime. I can't fully block her access anime in the internet because she is still able to access anime trough her phone because I can't block youtube app. Worse than that, I share a 50Mbit connection with her via wi-fi and I've been experiencing really low speed because of her non-stop streaming and torrenting. When I checked her shared files, there were literally gigabytes and gigabytes of these cartoons. I know anime is for girls and she likes to watch it, but enough is enough. She's even failing school so help me guys, please. Are there any methods to disable torrent, close ports and other stuff?

So far I have been trying to find anime related websites to block them trough the hosts file.
Do you know any other anime websites besides these so I can block them? This is what I have so far that I have seen in her laptop and browsing history.


How old is your sister?

Yeah like that will make her better at school. Trust me, it doesn't work that way.

>Sep 21st, 2015
2/10 bait.
Anyway anime doesn't have anything to do. My sister watch anime and draw all the time and she still got the best grades on her class.

QoS her connection into the ground.

Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~

You're disgusting

I remember this pasta.

Get a job and get your own place faggot.

This copy pasta again

Why'd you block her Sup Forums access?

Tell her to watch NHK.

It won't make her any better in school. Instead of trying to block everything, you should try a good old heart to heart talk

Waiter, this pasta is stale.

>how to trigger all the Sup Forumsutists on Sup Forums

Wow I haven't read that one in a while..

Where are the hentai sites?

Limit her bandwidth on the router.


Talk to her IRL, you dipshit

As a weeb my self I agree. It seems like shes using anime for an escape from reality

>not putting up with his imouto and trying to be mean to her
kys yourself pls

>I have a little sister that is obsessed with anime
>visits Sup Forums
>visits mcanime
She's beyond salvation sempai. You might as well do wincest like they do in hentai

i can't even watch anime anymore and i used to watch like 20 shows per season

You should fuck her senseless while watching her favorite weebtoon, and after a while she will come to associate your sexual shortcomings (hue) with her animes.

Whatever you gonna do about this. Let us know OP. Im interested if it worked out well.

Watch Yosuga no Sora with her

post your sister