McAfee's coming phone

Want privacy?
Trust the paranoid d00d who's life would make a badass film.
>Confirmed physical switches for camera, mic, wireless etc etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

i hope they'll drop the john.
people would think it's my name.

>buying anything from a delusional coke fiend

>phone literally has Jewgle Chromeberg on its home screen

holy shit kys

bath salts =/= coke

>proprietary shitware with google services

>imp-lying physical switch matters on software you don't control

Unless the baseband, bootROM and all bootloaders are open source and give me the option to install an open source kernel/OS without Jewgle shitware, I'm not the least bit interested.

Can't. They'll have to think of something else seeing as McAfee is already a massive company and he sold his shares.

>got away with fucking underage girls and murder
he obviously made a deal with cia niggers to stay out of prison

whats it called? mcaffe phone didn't show up anything

You think he did bath salts in South America? You're gullible as fuck.

>Confirmed physical switches for camera, mic, wireless etc etc.

I'm sold. Was thinking of modifying a phone to do this myself


>all those gapps on the phone



>who's life would make a badass film.
They are making one right now and johnny depp is playing him

this is the guy who got busted because he let a vice reporter take a photo of him, while on the run, with geotagging.

buy a phone from him? lol fuck no.

>Phone from company that makes bloatware preinstalled on laptops

oh wow, john mcafee doesn't own that company anymore

>le security meme man that can't even keep people from posting geotagged images of him
>tries as hard as possible to make his life a shitty Hollywood movie
kek, he's a walking meme

implying the CIA would put you in prison for acts in another country

ikr? it's going to be amazing.

>kek, he's a walking meme
and it is sooo fucking glorious

>buying anything from this cuck

>>imp-lying physical switch matters on software you don't control

> imblying that physical switches on a hardened phone don't just cut the data or power lines to the sensors

also, will this CIA-nigger killing madman use a low-pass filter on the speakers?
I wouldn't want shit ultrasonically leaking out either.

>uses Google Chrome™

you're saying there is no way to turn the power back on in a device where you have root?
Not that I have engineering knowledge of this but
wouldn't you need a pcb redesign with physical separation of hardware components to be sure that a rooted box can't control mic/camera/etc after using a hardware switch?

If you literally put a physical switch in the middle of wires running to the speakers, a microphone, no amount of rooting the system will do shit.

Physically cutting radio shit is harder since everything's SoC integrated nowadays, but you could at the very least disconnect the antenna to completely gimp reception.

Jesus Christ John McAfee is falling apart. What happened to his face?

>Physically cutting radio shit is harder since everything's SoC integrated nowadays
Yeah, that's what I understood. The current SOC designs for standard smartphones mean interconnection where no software or hardware switch can completely cut power in a way where you won't be able to restore it if you have complete control.

Wouldn't you need a complete PCB redesign to make switches that actually control the device in the sense "wire to speaker" example you used?

LOL its not chrome. its blackbox 4 windows XD

If I had the chance to do it over again I'd own a DeLorean in 1985. Coke or no that dude made one awesome car.

>fucking Chrome right there

what if captchas are used to subtly influence user behavior that is being monitored at all times.

look up some angry stuff or health problems and get words like Peace and Cat.

on shady websites and get Concern and protect.

It wasn't bath salts per say, he was synthesizing an amphetamine for use in making him horny as fuck. You can find the thread on bluelight where there's. I doubt mcaffee is op.

>He posted, on a closed source image board using a third party closed source host with shady connections
What did he mean by this

watched the documentary made about him.
the hookers he had stated he made a hammock that had a hole cut out of it. the hookers would lay in it and mcmemeafee would lay underneath it. the hooker(s) would then take a giant shit on him.

wtf i love mcmemeafee now


You seen the Neo900 by OpenPhoneux? Almost completely open source, even the baseband has leaked specs and some people are working on reverse engineering it.

>have computer
>turn off PSU switch
>imp-lying physical switch matters on software you don't control


>Implying the cmos battery isn't keeping the NSA malware running in the bios

an SOC on a phone is not the same as your computer built from discrete parts


Are you special or something


He's retarded is what he's actually TRYING to say

He's in his 70s

isn't he in jail for murder? how is he doing a phone?


I'm in

>user believed the false charges of one of the world's most corrupt government after they tried to blackmail him for cash and he didn't bend over for them