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Other urls found in this thread:

github.com/search?q=unit test&type=Issues&utf8=✓
indeed.com/jobtrends/q-angular2-q-angularjs-q-react-q-java-q-javascript-q-c -q-c#-q-nodeJS.html

I'm really starting to get into Angular JS. I here from my professors in college and from researching job openings that it is in high demand at many web-dev jobs and it is pretty fun to use. I've already made a couple of Ionic apps for Android/Iphone and am quite happy with the results.

Also smug anime girl with a condescending smile for anybody browsing this thread that doesn't think Javascript is the future.

Does anyone know of any open source projects that need unit tests written? I am looking to practice my JavaScript test writing and would like to contribute to something instead of throwing it away.

github.com/search?q=unit test&type=Issues&utf8=✓

literally go to github, search for unit test, click on the Issues tab

thank you, friend.

Turn back while it still makes sense and learn React instead, steeper learning curve but once you get it it's way more comfy

ha, you're welcome

My {{ Flavor of the month}} makes way more sense than {{ Previous flavor of the month }} !

It will turn out to be another fad like all the previous hipster languages. And very good because javascript is mistake. And no, all those new versions don't make it not shit.

Got 3k usd of contract work today through Upwork.
Feels good man.

One of them is refactor 2k lines of js to es5 for a fucking grand. Love freelance.

Angular isn't a fad. It's like the only js framework that didn't die besides jQuery.

Yes, I think React is dying. Yes, Meteor is long dead.

How long did you have to work at 3 dollars an hour before getting that? Serious question. I got denied constantly because I was too expensive (at 15/hr which was good money at the time).

How do I check how much JS my site is using?

what sort of info can I get about the user's computer if they visit my site? can I see their MAC address? Does using cookies give me greater insight into their system?

>tfw you realize NOT using JS is an even bigger meme

>It will turn out to be another fad like all the previous hipster languages. And very good because javascript is mistake. And no, all those new versions don't make it not shit.

Regardless of anyone's opinion on JavaScript, let's all just admire this post for a minute

Angular is a "language" and modern frameworks are "new versions" of JavaScript. These two idiocies are tied together with the "was a mistake" meme.

This is the average Sup Forums user: they've heard the words before but have no idea what they mean.

Got paid $1300 last Friday for working in an office for 40 hours
Gonna get the same this Friday too

Come to think of it, that's every Friday

Fuck freelance

Fuck off, that's $5,200 a month if you keep that same rate. I'd murder you in your sleep for that kind of salary right now.

Welcome to America kid

That's not even a great salary for web development

It's fucked. I have more skills in development than the average American and I can write clean and efficient code. Why is it so hard to find remote jobs that hire foreigners? If you paid me $2,500 usd a month I'd be making serious money where I live (South America).
Instead of paying your US devs $100k a year, pay me $50k and I'd be happier than a pig in mud.

Come here and get the job buddy

Stop wasting your talents

I can't - immigration n' shit. Send me all your white women, I'll marry them and get that green card.

>find shitty websites in different niches
>bootstrap/wordpress template website
>charge $100-$500
>more if you're feeling like they're gullible
>write up service level agreement
>state that you will not have to manage the site once it's finished
>pass on all the shit to the client once finished
>drop off the system

yeah cuz that's how you do it, never has there ever been more distrust once I'm finished with all them cucks

Nah. Just let him learn angular so that we Reactjs/Vuejs devs are less saturated :^)

Tell him
angular is epic!
angular is the king!

To everyone: Hail angular!
Angular is backed by google.
I am studying it right now!
Ignore the react/vuejs fags

go angular!

>Yes, I think React is dying
Just because you're having trouble passing props in stateful components doesn't mean it's dying.

Go back to angular


I make 950 a week :(

Get them to agree to the site. Tell them this is what they are going to get.

Tell them you can add more features afterwards for 50 an hour. Sell them monthly hosting on an AWS for 30 a month with free bug fixes.

You're just throwing away money by going away like that.

I use both React and Meteor...well, used.

Guess I'm kind of lucky. First job application for a job in intermediate PHP/Laravel.

Passed through two interviews and a technical exercise.
Now one of the managers bought a same-day return plane ticket for me to be trialled on the job for the day.

Wish me luck, Sup Forums. Anyone got tips? First time in a professional environment.

Remember they might want to ask coworkers afterwards what they think of you.

Are there any resources on using lua for webdev?

Yeah that's a good point. Cheers.

congrats user. Where's the new job and where are you currently at?

Just finished a meme CS degree. It's in Christchurch, NZ. Also known as the city where a hundred or so people died from an earthquake a few years ago :^)

Get to know your colleagues before you get too friendly with any of them, you don't want to get in with the office shit-stirrer etc.
Make sure your code works and is well-commented.
Use VCS properly.
Double-check what you think you're meant to do before doing it (re-read design specs, maybe highlight or take notes).
Oh and don't whip your dick out in the office.
Good luck.

My post was answer to that last sentence about javascript being future. And Angular has its own problems.

I did used to do other additions like that. Not into this stuff anymore.

What's the best free Node.js tutorial on the internet right now?

>tfw failed this part before

I passed everything but the devs hated me.

>Do all the FCC front end stuff
>Having a good time
>Learn HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery/Bootstrap and working with apis
>Start looking at other stuff
>A million fucking js frameworks to learn and backend tools with no real consensus on the best available tool set because the industries constantly shifting

Webdev was a mistake, I should've just stuck with C/C++ or Java and became a code monkey at some shitty shovel ware company.

someone give me good project ideas pls

grindr-like app for underaged marginalized youth transitioning into a new gender

>hurr, I'd rather work with the same framework for 5 years
>I don't like learning new things
>I don't want to brag about how many JS frameworks I know

It's like you don't want to have fun..

Only did fixed price for couple hundred then set 50$ usd an hour after portfolio and reviews came in

>shit got to look smart and show him up
>I know let's check out something with react
>takes the first thing you learn after components
>smuggly grin at screen feeling superior

Tough life huh pajeet

It's not that complicated imo. All the frameworks I'm aware of offer the same stuff with different syntax. Just take a stab at one like Angular and you'll have the mode of thinking (way different than jquery) of how to work with a framework

I don't understand why people won't pay for online learning materials. I jumped tutorial to tutorial learning what felt like nothing until I finally got a free trial on a paid site. I took that sucker 5 times just to get it in my head, but once I did I was ready to use it right out of the gate. If you want to learn something (especially newer technology), the paid route is best imo

>until I finally got a free trial on a paid site

we're all trying to learn, so why don't you give us the name of your paid site? Some people don't have money for that kind of stuff (third-world economies can't really afford $200 video tutorials...).


is that supposed to be gmail?


thanx senpai

pls don't leave my contact info here, delete your post

sure. So does your subscription expire anytime soon? And you have access to all content now, right?

thx again bro, appreciate it

anyone know if there's a StyleUrls equivalent in Angularjs? i'm being forced to write my app in js instead of 2, but i can't find a way to scope a css file aside from using a css preprocessor and nesting everything inside a container div class.

it will be active until May 18, you have access to every course on the site

what site are you guys talking about?

Learn Angular2 with Typescript instead. AngularJS is basically legacy code at this point. Plus Typescript > Javascript.

IMO Typescript is going to be the next big thing in web dev. It's way less of a clusterfuck than JS is.

our secret gay club. Wanna join?

at my work we scope things to a page with ids. Maybe that's what you meant when you said you nest things in a container, but it goes like this:


>AngularJS is basically legacy code at this point
mmmm, no

also, have you ever even used typescript on a real project? I have. It's not a gift from heaven. It's useful if you build tools for other devs so that they can have better intellisense on your product, and it can be useful if you're an end user of that product. But it's not useful on my project. We built a ~130 screen app with around 70 different models. Typescript only got in our way really, and if we would have typed all of those models, I don't think we'd be done yet. Who would we be typing them for, and for what purpose? It just didn't make sense to have ts on the project.


and why should i learn angular if the react curve is going to the moon ?

That probably could seriously make some money.

shit son... i guess react is the way to go.
indeed.com/jobtrends/q-angular2-q-angularjs-q-react-q-java-q-javascript-q-c -q-c#-q-nodeJS.html

Can someone tell me how a language like TypeScript is better than plain JS ? I know "muh types" but how do types help you if you are just manipulating DOM-Nodes and stuff like that. I dont need types just to append a div into another div...

that's locating number of times "react" is used in a job description. "React" has other uses than to describe the framework. A more accurate result would be like this:

My company is about to dive into a rewrite of our enterprise applications using Angular with Typescript. We have about 400 tables in our db. Do we have to create a model for each one to use it on the client side??
Also, we plan to use AoT, so while we would have to write, the compiler will remove anything that ultimately doesn't get used.

hahahaahahahahahah capitalizing cultural marxism ! what a genius .

Two cases where ts is going to be useful to you:

1. You're going to be handing this app off to other devs downstream who are going to hook into pieces of your app
It's going to be useful to them because they can see if they're hooking into it correctly or not. When they initialize a new object type, they get a list of constructor parameters as they type. They get big red lines saying they're doing it wrong if they do it wrong.

2. You use the crap out of a lot of your models.
If you're using some of those types again and again, it's going to be useful when updates come along to see the red lines under things that break when a model changes. But if types are only used once or twice, like it was in our app, it's going to be a waste of time. The search feature of your IDE will be all you need.

You don't have to create models for anything. You can just initialize things to a type of "any", but ts will get in the way very frequently. You're going to find yourself writing code to go around ts more often than you're actually using it. That's what we did

How do I webdev without having suicidal thoughts every now and then

So I believe I have some good ideas for a website. I want to get started on making it right away. But I fear my ideas could easily be stolen and used on more popular website. I won't let this fear stop me before I even begin, but it's something I want to be prepared for.

I have virtually no web development experience, but I want to make it by myself. It's a big challenge. I do have graphic design experience, I'd figure out how to tweak it to look good. It's the coding languages and all the stuff you need YEARS to learn. I'd be teaching myself as I work on it. I could see much more experienced developers swiping it and making it 1000x better.

What would be a good plan to tackle this?

I wanted to add I have taken the khan academy courses and completed up to CSS. And I have a general idea of how organizing code would look like.

tell me the idea

You're either pursuing the wrong job or you need some help in your brain chemistry


this is a music piracy site. it takes 14 seconds to load and weighs a whopping 16MB.

when will the javascript meme end? it's killing everyone.

>What would be a good plan to tackle this?
How the fuck are we going to guess if we don't even know what you want to make?

The old layout was way better if I'm remembering right. Too bad they had to change it.

So I did a beta launch and it blew up.

Some BIG users are using the service.

I'm so afraid of it crashing.

it doesn't do much for just manipulating DOM elements.
But it helps a bit if you start doing more complex stuff.

Also does anyone know why SSH terminal to digitalocean is so fucking slow?

Why are you not giving us the link

Because it's not even feature complete and I am completely embarrassed of how shitty it's coded. I thought it would bomb in the community.

It's not like huge huge, but I've had a DB hit 1/50th this hard before and it crashed the server. I called in to my job today so I can monitor. If it fucks up on one of the bigger guys then I'm done.

Now I have to finish it, redesign the website because the UI is some shit bootstrap fuckery.

post the LINK you fucking faggot

>I think React is dying.
in 2017 any fucking kind of corporate and noncorporate webdev meetup on a 2000 mile radius was 90% react instead of angular like last year.

how the fuck is react dying?

This desu

>Passed through two interviews and a technical exercise.
post the exercises you nigger

I love getting shit because a client has a shitty non-conforming xml parser.

and mean the same thing, both conform to the spec and are used at random depending on what you use to build the xml. If your parser has trouble with one of them, it's your fucking problem.

>he's not an asynchronous developer


JS isn't going away, it's the C++ of the web


>he doesn't know how to not get stuck in call back hell

The first week at any new place as a coder will make you feel like you don't know what the fuck you're doing. This is normal. After a month or two things will become much easier.

>developer for a decade
>imposter syndrome still going strong

Not sure what they expect from a trial day, I'd wager the first 5 hours will be setting you up.

Knowing git would be a great way to give a good impression. A senior dev will be expecting to set up your key and repositories for you, if you can do big chunks of this yourself it'll look good. Unless they use SVN in which case you're fucked. If they use neither, you don't want the job.

componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onClick);
if (this.props.windowWidth > 500) {
document.addEventListener('mouseover', this.onMouseOver);
else {
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouch);
window.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize);

componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onClick);
if (this.props.windowWidth > 500) {
document.removeEventListener('mouseover', this.onMouseOver);
else {
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouch);
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize);

How do I get 'touchmove' to be recognized before 'touchstart'? Currently on touchscreen if I try to drag the the screen to show more words it just opens the popup and doesn't drag

Best webdesing learning resource faam?


true, my apologies, i think i know what i need to do now though.


you can't change the order events are fired, change the logic behind them

can't you get sponsored? or do remote work

types are to enforce correctness at compile time, and document your code. are you saying that's not useful? it's especially useful in larger codebases

It wasn't useful