Is there an open source alternative to Microsoft's One Note that also supports handwritten notes using a drawing tablet?

Is there an open source alternative to Microsoft's One Note that also supports handwritten notes using a drawing tablet?

Yeah, it's called a piece of paper, you stupid faggot.

whats wrong with typing?

and I have to carry that around with me? Fuck that

GNU Emacs

you don't remember as much when you type

paper is literally lighter than your tablet

Tape it to whichever device you were planning on running the software on. Or maybe just tape it to the drawing tablet you planned on having.

I'm looking fit the same. Maybe someone should code one up here on Sup Forums.


>falling for the tablet meme

Nothing is more efficient on a tablet than on a laptop, only microcucks and applels fool themselves into thinking so.

my tablet can hold 1 million pieces of paper that I can then manipulate with incredible ease AND at any point I can convert them into real paper.

do you realize this is a technology board and u are arguing for paper?

You sound like a luddite in the 90s describing to his neighbor how he can store thousands of files in his computer while he could never store that many in one cabinet. It's a gimmick, paper is easier to write on, faster to write on, and provides a natural tactile feedback that tablet don't.

Unironically this. Org mode is the shit.

Not to mention it is so much easier flipping through a notebook to find the page you are looking for than any tablet page switching features on any software I've seen.

drawing tablet aka wacom faggot

>go to index page
>click on chapter
>0 flipping through
nice meme

You clearly don't use your tablet for anything of significance if you can remember the number of every page in whatever you are reading or writing.

It's just not possible, hence why people flip through books and notebooks to find what they want.

It depends on the context, but paper is better for note taking, drawing stuff like that.
Blackboard > whiteboard > paper > tablet

What makes computers good for documents is when you need pretty documents. In those cases, typing is usually a lot faster.

But please, let me know when a tablet is even competing with these.

it's a fucking drawing tablet to take handwritten notes not that your tab or ipad retard
I sit at my computer for hours everyday so why wouldn't I want my notes on my desktop

That would require FOSS software to have tablet support outside of Krita

Ubuntu OS is dead so now desktop linux is fucked for the inevitable touch future

No, latest LibreOffice 5.3.2 is complete SHIT, due to fucking blurry and fuzzy GUI fonts,
while LibreOffice 5.3.1 worked fine.

What's more devs saying it's fucking intended, fuck this FOSS shit.

>Ubuntu OS
What are you talking about? They're ditching unity for gnome, 2018 will be year of the linux desktop faggot.

Ubuntu OS for phones and tablets is literally dead, app store is closing
And desktop Ubuntu is Debian/Gnome/Why

ubuntu for mobile was never alive, it ran on like 10 devices worldwide. 2018 year of linux desktop