Is there a reason more motherboards don't have an io shield attached out of the box?

Is there a reason more motherboards don't have an io shield attached out of the box?

i would guess that it might not fit in non-standard size cases.

It's trivial either way, who fucking cares. It's easy to for it to the motherboard, harder to for it in the case and shit

>mobo built for gaming

Valid points. Probably should have just put this in a sqt thank you

I wish more would. Additionally I've never understood why the pcb is as exposed as it is. Plastic isn't expensive. Even in an enterprise environment if each motherboard cost $5 more, purchasing 100 is $500 extra. That seems like a good investment if it meant that you lost fewer boards due to mishandling and damaging them upon install.

Cost Vs demand


In case the ioshield gets fucked up so you don't have to replace the whole thing.

please don't post anymore

Good luck cleaning these mobo from the dust.

>Build for hardcore gaming

>Sup Forums don't like thing so I will too!

Please don't rely solely on Sup Forums for your tech.

>Giving a shit
Gaming is literally a buzzword at this point

sick motherboard armor bro

Pretty sure he wasn't talking about the marketing. Most of the times these mobos come with random pieces of "aesthetics" fitted onto them to appeal to faggots who think it makes something they're not going to look at look cool. And all of the times, these additions affect the performance of the hardware such as cooling. And it also means you are buying something that is making the product worse.

that io shield is useless for people who want to use a motherboard (and they're buying the apex, not formula) with ln2

It makes no sense to have one

Last time I installed one of these ASUS motherboards I had to tear that foil covered foam off the back of the I/O shield or the motherboard wouldn't line up with the standoffs. Luckily it actually comes off in one piece.

Its built for OC, but then again, most idiots who purchase "gaming mobos" with K series CPU don't even OC.

I actually don't have my IO shield on because the fucking GPU is stuck on the motherboard.

I would love to put it on but I can't for the life of me remove my gtx 1070. Piece of shit giant GPU.

Better question:
How is it acceptable for motherboards that cost over $100 not to include a system panel hookup block?