AMD's Q1 earning reports is on May 1st, which is also Monday

>AMD's Q1 earning reports is on May 1st, which is also Monday

>not Friday


Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw made enough money mining bitcoin to pay off student loans and put 20k in the bank
>tfw decided to gamble $10k on AMD back when it was $1.60/share because someone made a thread on Sup Forums
>mfw Sup Forums is literally taking me from poverty to solidly middle class with no debt
i love you all so much

Too bad this barely covers the Ryzen 7 release, much less the Ryzen 5.

Q2 should be way more interesting.

$14 before the earnings call.
Someone's gettin' ready




If they're announcing on monday that means they expect to see increased shares, if they were in the red they'd do it on friday.
It's the basics of basics

But this does cover the Radeon Mi* card sales and orders, which are a pretty big thing for AMD

I've been trading it all year, but yeah this next month should be a doozy

How come a Q1 report comes in fucking May? Q1 ended in March.
Will this report combine everything to the end of April or just January-March

I gambled two semesters of student loans on and. Up almost 20k

>all these anons with AMD stock
Now the shilling here makes sense

>being poor


What are you talking about?

Not only poor but failed basic reading comprehension?

Why did God even create you? To suffer?

Are you ok?

I hate you so much.

Buy AMD good goy on the rise


Can one possibly be this desperate?

what did he mean by this

>Intel shills lie even on stock price graphics
You know, this is going beyond pathetic at this point.

He's still living in 2014 since that's the last time Intel increased IPC

>AMD stock down
>Intel stock up
>In an entire shill thread dedicated to selling AMD stock
>Y-You're desperate

>I-It's not real delete this
Literally not a single lie in that picture

>the last 8-10 posts

Intel lokos like a much better buy honeslty, MAD just keeps falling falling...

It's far beyond time the mods start cleaning this shit up because it's impossible to have a thread without it being derailed by retarded shills.

Objectivelly, stocks usually rise after these events. It's been pretty stable for the last few weeks and that does not account for R5 introduction.

It will rize you guyz.

>Thread is literally dedicated to trying to shill AMD stock
>Come in and show the stock is falling
Grow up AMDumbfuck

*autistic screeching*

You should probably stick to jerking off to single core benchmarks and FPS in gimped game engines if you're too stupid to understand stock prices.

Where do I start with stocks? I've been following the semiconductor sector for well over 15 years and it has become relatively easy to predict what products are gonna do good or bad, both Nvidia some months ago and AMD were great buys, too bad I never got into it.

What site should I start with?

>Y-Your just don't understand stock take a physics class WRAITH COOLER


AMD is shit, deal /w it

>cutting off right when AMD stock increases sevenfold and Intel stock stagnates

The point is not the graphs user
it's the percentage of increase and decrease in the market today and overall stock price

>The point is not the graphs user
Then why post them?
>it's the percentage of increase and decrease in the market today and overall stock price
Point to where that point was made.

Right about here

So you are just incompetent at presenting data and still need to kill yourself?

>tfw the last time intel had 14 dollar stock was 2002

that was my thread, you're welcome.

unfortunately I had no money to invest due to being homeless at the time.

>Presented data
>Only looked at the shiny pictures
your fault bud

>implying minor intraday fluctuation is a trend
>implying price per share means anything apart from number of total shares (i.e., additional information necessary to calculate market capitalization)
Why post in a stock thread if you don't even have a fucking clue about the very basics?

>Shill thread
>Down .16 percent
>AMD stock has been dropping and rising randomly all year
>clearly not a good investment
>B-But it' a tiny fluctuation you don't understand stock

the way reports are shared is weird.

>buy my stock please my family needs to eat

>AMD stock has been dropping and rising randomly all year
Every stock drops and rises randomly all the time. That is not what 'trend' means. AMD stock is now at more than 2.5x where it was this time last year. This is what 'trend' means.

It had a Goldman Sachs pullback to 11 dollars that people ignored because they aren't stupid.

And then there are still idiots who think it's a pump and dump stock who can only manage to gain a bit of traction and then sell what they can.

And there is a lot of uncertainty in regards to just how competitive Intel will be when they concede market share to maintaining price premiums.

If you aren't paying attention to the whole story of the company and why it's only going to increase, then you're just as idiotic as the examples presented above.

I invested 10k USD dollars 2 months ago into AMD lost over half, never again

you get fluxuations when you have major investment firms under value amd, that's what took it from 14 down to 12, and its been rising back ups since

you also have fluctuations when the release happened, and bioses/reviewers were shit and refused to do their fucking jobs.

quarterly report is when you will see amd rise if they sold even half of what they said they did. the only sad part is they won't have a full quarter of revenue, just a month.

Then you have vega, which while it likely wont shit on nvidia, will be competition, amds server cpus where they intend to make all their money...

I'm honestly anticipating amd hitting 20$ a share before quarterly report 2 and nearly 30$ a share by christmas.

>buying AyyMD stocks

Go away you cancerous avatarfag.

Ramesh pls.

>I'm honestly anticipating amd hitting 20$ a share before quarterly report 2 and nearly 30$ a share by christmas.
Not gonna happen, screenshotting this for future AMD humiliation

Nobody gave a fuck when you missed the opportunity to multiply your investment several times over last year, and nobody gives a fuck now. The couple bucks a poorfag like you can afford have ~zero effect on the development of this stock.

How much stock do I need to buy in order to get my Team Red + account promoted

when was the last one? tuesday? thrusday?

AMD is practically dead, most stock experts agree, In a year they'll go back to $2 and be bought out, with the spectacular failure of Ryzen and Vega, they have no hope

Brian pls.

He is actually not wrong
Stock experts really don't recommend buying AMD at all

Anyone investing in AMD is a retard, it's a minor stock and can only go down.

>tfw only invested $1000 when it was at $3.6
Kinda regretting not jumping in earlier and with more money desu

>went up like 600% YoY

Sup Forums knows best.

Of fucking course Goldman Sachs won't recomend anyone buying fucking AMD stock. They want more.

They don't recommend buying it NOW user not 5 years ago
The jew shit only can be pushed for so long

If you bought at $2 nobody would buy AMD stock from you now, you're literally sitting on worthless stock you can't sell
That's how worthless AMD is

Somebody stop Brian from shitposting.

>5 years ago
>AMD was sitting on $1.81 less than 12 months ago and around $6 six months ago
>it's now hovering close to $14

>not 5 years ago
That was last year dumbass.


That user said 600%
Wow a double investment, what an insane notion now that the stock has stagnated

>That user said 600%
And 600% more than $2 a year ago is still lower than what AMD has now, which is more close to 700%

He said "like 600% YoY" (year on year). Look at early 2016 in the pic. 600% was being conservative.

It wasn't two dollars last year though

>Intelfag is so deranged he tries to twist a 6-7x increase in stock as a bad thing.
>meanwhile Nvidia dropped 20% a month or so ago from $120 while Intel has been hovering around $30-35 for years

>It doubled last year
>buy now
lmao morons

The "expert consensus" price from various brokerages and financial institutes over the last year was consistently well below the then current share price. If you were dumb enough to listen to them instead of Sup Forums you wouldn't have bought at 4$ either, and look where we're now.

The banks and their lackeys have no interest in giving you good financial advice; to the contrary, if they can convince idiots to sell strong stocks they get to increase their stake at a cheaper price and simply revise their estimate/wait for reality to catch up.

Isn't it time you grew out of your naivety and realized that Sup Forums is always right?

Quarters are based on the companies operating fiscal year

golden jews got 600mil of it, it's not going anywhere

Yes it was, in Q1 2016, look at the graph it was clearly UNDER $2 at that time.

Literally nothing, Ryzen is selling... NOT!!! It's another quarter of AMD bleeding money, stock should go back to its rightful place at under $5 which is the real value of AMD

In March Goldman Sachs bought $613m worth of AMD shares for $13.70. That's almost 5% of the company.
In April they recommend a price target of $11.

actions > words

They put it on monday because they're gonna sell stock in mass, they have no hope of figting with the big boys and are a penny stock wholl be bought out by Samsung

They're retarded then, buying stock from a dead company

>ALL the intelfags' damage control

>I know more about investment than a company that exists only to manage investments
>I am confident that they would put a retarded monkey like myself in charge of a 600 million dollar investment fund

Ok, there's a difference between trolling and just making a fool of yourself. I'm not even mad since I'm too poor to invest in AMD, but obviously if you could have invested at $2/share and Goldman Sachs wants to buy at $11, that's still nearly 500% return on investment over the course of JUST ONE YEAR. Trying to say that the stock is performing badly or that the company is in danger is some kid shit. You must have something more productive to do. This is the problem with millennials; you spend your time saying and doing dumbass shit, and when the chips fall, it's everyone else's fault that you wasted all your time being a fucking retard.

"wehh, fucking pajeets stole my job"
"wehh, every job requires experience, but I need a job to get experience"
"wehh, diversity quotas made a nigger get my job"

Have you ever considered focusing more of your energy on improving your circumstances instead of incessantly bitching? Maybe next time a stock is at $2 and there's every indication that it's going to gain value, try to buy some rather than say everyone's retarded because you're overwhelmed by envy that they didn't act like retarded fanboys and saw the opportunity to make easy money.

Shareholder meeting just ended.
General attitude has been positive


-Ryzen in OEM systems Q2
-Talking about "New Product" May 16, could be Raven Ridge or Vega, more likely Vega if they want to do a computex launch, Su said earlier than RR was 2H
-Strong growth in the graphics market, can be both enterprise, client or both, I'm guessing another 5%+ QOQ in the client space
-They're keeping deathly quiet about the Intel deal, is it just IP or something more with a third party GPU and HBM,
Hiroshige Goto already leaked this way ahead of time, which is a good source, the packaging size more than indicates this.
-Free drinks!
-"We're confident in Vega" whatever that means, regular marketing nonanswers so don't think too much about this one.

More to come, I'm picking up fragments from other sources that had more info than the livestream.

tl;dr someone's gonna be making loads of dosh come May 1

>Present shitty data
get called out on it
>it's your fault for believing my lies!

Hell of a fucking argument faggot.

>"We're confident in Vega"
Good, good, that means they actually fixed GCN bottlenecks.

Don't recall a single lie in that picture bud
Actual AMD shill but it's ok when AMD does it

Of course not, because you are as intellectually bankrupt as you are morally corrupt.

Not just fixed them, made them better than the competition.

I've been watching then for 3 years in Seeking Alpha
If you haven't bought into them already, you're about to get fucked

We'll see.

>Don't buy AMD stock
>Makes you morally corrupt
you shills are really obvious

>"wehh, fucking pajeets stole my job"
>"wehh, every job requires experience, but I need a job to get experience"
>"wehh, diversity quotas made a nigger get my job"
Are you trying to be a caricature of a retarded boomer? All of these are legitimate grievances, and former generations didn't have to deal with them at all, or at least to this extent. If nobody had aired these grievances, they wouldn't have been part of the public political discourse, and we wouldn't have realized that they resonate with enough of the right kind of people that it is possible to elect somebody to do something about this shit. Now that Trump is in office, the era of Pajeet slave labour taking over American IT is over. Whether he'll do something about niggers and the credentials scam, we'll have to wait and see.

>a wild Sup Forumstard appears