Just installed Arch

What do I do now.. too many possibilities.

put some 1000 year old loli somewhere on your desktop, make desktop threads, and repeat stupid shit like "she's 1000 years old" or "anime website" whenever someone tells you to fuck off

>just installed
>already 800 packages

wtf op

anime website

that's around normal

unironically this but only after u format it and install macOS

Tell everyone every day that you're using Arch


Start thinking about your life and distribution choices. Ask yourself, why did you install Arch? After you come to the realization that Arch is a distribution for masochists, ricers and other idiots, uninstall Arch and install an actual OS.

>too many possibilities.
Arch doesn't offer more possibilities than any other distribution.

Just get the work done.

I might have not dropped out of CompSci if I hadn't wasted most of my free time ricing Gentoo and Arch
Back then I looked down on friends who used Macs or Ubuntu. They ended up graduating.

>887 packages

You should install a magnifying glass package

What is the issue exactly

Miyu > Illya

I have arch installed for over 2 years now and currently have 591 packages, could probably sort some out as well. All I need

u accidentally put > instead of

Muh package count


It's just a vm, yes.

I might have fucked up when installing gnome-extra.

> I M P L Y I N G

get dash to dock or dash to panel for starters to get rid of the babbys first tablet interface

arch isn't a os
slammed fin
biggest repository
pow pow
make it how you want go make it
bazinga flash jutsu
takes less then 30m with a brain
Chiggity chicky chik dodd

On a fresh install? I have 850 after about 6 months, and that covers most basic needs with my own niche advanced needs. 800 on a fresh install doesn't sound right. OP is probably confirmed for a lying piece of shit.

get i3



think about that for a while

Install gentoo