I miss Autohotkey so much. With autohotkey I could navigate and use shortcuts like a god...

I miss Autohotkey so much. With autohotkey I could navigate and use shortcuts like a god. I had the same keybindings for every applications (global). I had in total maybe around 30-60 keybindings I used actively, no matter if it was progamming, word, facebook chat, url bar. You name it.
> navigate cursor (jump one and one word to the left or right, beginning of line or end of the line, delete one and one world or just move cursor with something as simple as Alt+j,k,l,i instead of arrows.
> I used home button and end button frequently to navigate myself to the top or at the buttom on the current window. This could also be used for cursor.
> I scrolled tabs with ctrl+mousewheel, volume-control was alt+mousewheel.
> I opened up programs on the navigation with ctrl+1,2,3,4,5 etc.
> I closed, minimized, fullscreen very easily etc.
> I had alt-drag and alt-resize which is one of the better altdrag-quality I have ever used.

The list goes on, and I did all this in WINDOWS, not linux. Thanks to autohotkey.

Don't get me wrong. I love linux, I prefer linux as a programming environment because of many things. I still can't forget autohotkey. Simply because I felt like a keybinding god in Windows.

I still haven't had success keybinding already existing shortcuts (that are not practical to use), and as I can see it, they will never be global.

What should I do?

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Get a mac.

Honestly this

Stop being a winbabby. key binds are primarily useless. install plan 9. realize you have a mouse & mouse is superior.

Erase the current key bindings. Also, all of what you just described and more can be accomplished with xbindkeys and xdotool.

Post more monkeys.

Look into xdotools and xbindkeys

I've only ever configured rc.xml in Openbox to execute programs and resize windows, but I wouldn't be surprised if it could do most of the other things you're talking about too. You'd just have to find ways to do those actions with commands rather than keystrokes. (Though maybe that's even doable, I'm only a noob at that stuff.)

Now that I'm back on Windows, though, I'd like to hear more of your favorite AHK script elements. All I do so far is some text expansion, window management and making PrintScreen paste directly into MSPaint. I'm always open to finding more clever ideas.

You just basically described Linux with tiling window manager, vim and firefox with vimperator. Linux can do the same. Install gentoo and read wiki pages for tiling window managers and vim (or emacs).

xbindkeys and xdotool doesn't work

Works for me perfectly.

mousemove is the only thing working for me. keybinding, for example, the home button function to a keybinding with xbindkeys and xdotool is literally impossible.

> navigate cursor (jump one and one word to the left or right, beginning of line or end of the line, delete one and one world or just move cursor with something as simple as Alt+j,k,l,i instead of arrows.
You can still do that, what applications do you need this for aside an editor?
> I used home button and end button frequently to navigate myself to the top or at the buttom on the current window. This could also be used for cursor.
This is how it works with firefox, but more often, home/end will take you to the start/beginning of the line.
> I scrolled tabs with ctrl+mousewheel, volume-control was alt+mousewheel.
I personally prefer tabs for hotkeys, but I am sure you can do this in most setups.
> I opened up programs on the navigation with ctrl+1,2,3,4,5 etc.
I don't see why you cannot do that.
On unity, the default was super+1,2,3.. but regardless of what system you use, you can make hotkeys for that.
>> I closed, minimized, fullscreen very easily etc.
depends on the window manager how easy that is, but most can do that.
> I had alt-drag and alt-resize which is one of the better altdrag-quality I have ever used.
this is default behavior on most window managers.
I mean, I am sure that some unique things could be achieved with autohotkey, but authotkey exists because windows does not provide hotkey features.

I personally prefer to write bash scripts, I find them more versitile, but then again, I never dove into autohotkey.

This. I use xmonad, vim, and indeed, Firefox with vimperator.

The one thing I would add is your own xkb configuration. I have, for example: super+h,t,n,s (right hand home keys on dvorak) as left,down,up,right respectively,
super+x as backspace,
super+- is emdash.

Almost all the shit you talk about can be done in Windows without Autohotkey
There are event default shortcuts for that shit

>You can still do that, what applications do you need this for aside an editor?

Everything that includes writing. Even the url-bar. For me, only editing in a editor is troublesome. I like to have the some opportunties outside an editor as well as inside one. That's the magic of global keybindings.

> This is how it works with firefox, but more often, home/end will take you to the start/beginning of the line.

What I meant is everthing I do is through function keys and global shortcuts which I simply for my own good.
I'm a chrome-user because I need my extensions, maybe firefox can work around it, but I can tell you it's not easy and it will only work for firefox.

> I personally prefer tabs for hotkeys, but I am sure you can do this in most setups.

You can in some cases do this, but that being said, it will never be as perfect as an autohotkey script would do it.

>depends on the window manager how easy that is, but most can do that.

I agree, most WM can do this. and it works fine.

Some default shortcuts are really messy to reach

I just tried it and it works, what is the xdotool command that you're using?

>you just basically described 100 different tools that you'd need to do this functionality in Linux, where in Windows it takes one

if I remember correctly,
"xdotool key Home" is the command to press Home.
The keybinding underneath the command you can find through xbindkeys -k. which decide the keybinding.

All this being said. I have tried several different methods, no one works. I have tried hours, days maybe even weeks with this.

linux faggots will defend this

Do you still have that config?

The xdotool command, what is it? And is xbindkeys running as a daemon? You can't just run it and close the terminal.

The /.xbindkeysrc file is where I put the xdotool command. I run xbindkeys in terminal and close the terminal. then it's activated. the other xbindkeys works, just not making keybindings.
I have tried with Plasma, they have their own keybindings section for custom, no surprise. doesn't work either.

I don't know guys. Linux have many good keybindings, but they forget a lot of fundemental and important keybindings which makes me sad.

The xdotool command is
"xdotool key Home"

Very simple, should work... doesn't work... linux... I need my keybindings to be happy.

That command is working flawlessly for me, what is your xbindkeys configuration for that bind?

>expecting windows users to understand Unix way of doing things
>muh one tool to rule them all

>needing a 100 tools isn't objectively worse than needing one
every time

>needing a 100 tools isn't objectively worse than needing one
>100 tools
I know windows users are retarded, but not being able to count to 3 is beyond me.

"xdotool key Home"
m:0xc + c:27

This should in theory work. Doesn't work for me. The keybinding could be anything though, although it can collide with another shortcut. I don't think this keybinding collide. I have tested with many though.

MacOS does not have this problem

I think you're missing the tab, here's my config. Read this page a bit, there is also a gui configuration tool for it.


Finally, use the xdotool command in the terminal to make sure its working, but I'm leaning towards the config.

Your window manager or some other program is probably binding to that shortcut.

This. If you run xbindkeys verbose, it will tell you if it's intercepting the keys, and also let you know if the combo is already bound by something.

>moving the goalposts this hard
keep trying

Guys, we're playing tech support, stop arguing.

you are using scripts. it's a little bit different from trying to keybind just an already existing shortcut, or a simply key.

No? Look at my rofi section, it's just running a command. I used to use xbindkeys to move my mouse around with an xdotool command, it's all the same.

Thanks for the advice.
It's hard to understand any of this.
I know linux is not user-friendly and some parts of it is outdated but it shouldn't be this difficult to make it work.

How is mac when it comes to shortcuts and keybindings?

I have never had a mac.

All of what you described can be done on a razer keyboard. just checked out of sheer curiosity and what do you know, custom keybindings for every key on the keyboard from key to key, macro, system, and program shortcuts, it looks like there's a shit ton of customizability. plus you can set it to auto switch layouts for different progams

/thread lmao

Yeah, Key was intercepted by your de, or something, go remove all of your desktop bindings.

Or just use the DE's built in bindings.

Linux doesn't have any keybindings, it's a kernel.

That would be easier and nice. Especially because I'm a KDE user. But sadly, that doesn't work either.


I honestly don't think that's the problem, but it could be a last effort try. Kwin have tons of shortcuts already set.

Just remove the alt+o bind. And you probably won't listen, but this is exactly why lots of us only use a Wm, de's mess things up sometimes. (not saying that's what's going on here, though)

>What should I do?

I removed the alt+o line. and I logged into my i3-wm instead. No result and same error.

I suspect xbindkeys that can't handle xdotools anymore, but I might be wrong.

Try changing the keys to something that is working, to make sure.

Tried for hours.
I think it is safe to say xdotools doesn't work, I have also tried something called xve. Didn't work either.

I respect and enjoy Linux. But I guess, if you want to make tons of custom keybindings, maybe linux is not the right OS for you. That being said, I will keep use it, at least a little bit, I need it for computer science purposes. But I find this sad. I don't know how MAC is with this kind of thing. But I know I can make whatever I want on Windows. The CON with making custom keybindings on Windows is overriding of shortcuts in certain applications. So custom shortcuts is not always positive. But for workflow and speed, it truly is great and I do miss it. I don't like windows though. All the years, scripting things that already exists in Linux, finally I'm over to Linux and this keep haunting me. I don't know what to say. Maybe I will keep using Linux, maybe ill go back to windows although I doubt it, maybe ill try mac one day.

You can set any hotkey you want to any program you want.

If it doesn't work, use SharpKeys to remap whatever keys you want.


Remapping and keybinding is two different things. I can remap in Linux too.

Now you talk about Windows, not Linux. Yes, I used sharpkeys. I remapped ctrl and capslock to make keybinding easier.
Autohotkey, sharpkey and some passion makes you amazingly fast on the computer. Very fun, and I loved it.

That being said, I feel Linux is the one I really am. I don't like how Windows are focused on end-users instead of creators.

Autokey for scripts and text templates
xbingkeys and similar tools for custom global hotkeys, also look for wmctrl for window actions shortcuts.
Once you master those tools Authotkey seems laking.

use emacs

AHK really is a neat tool, I use it to bind hotkeys to a separate numpad I bought, it's very useful. Not sure if I could do this under Linux, some of the keys don't send a single keycode but instead send a sequence of Alt+Numpad presses, I have to detect those in an AHK script and bind them to whatever I want instead.