What does Sup Forums use as torrent client on headless GNU/Linux servers?

What does Sup Forums use as torrent client on headless GNU/Linux servers?

I have tried both transmission and rtorrent and they are both horrible to configure.

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fucking qbittorrent-nox

>they are both horrible to configure.
You are joking right? transmission is piss easy to configure.

thanks senpai, will check it out

I'm thinking of things such as automatically moving downloads after complete, auto sfv check and stuff like that

the only answer is qbittorrent




dont listen to these turboautists.

Deluge is rock solid and ezpz utorrent-tier to configure. It runs headless with webui and has VERY STRONG addon/extension support. Great forums, and works easily with FileBot.

I tried the glorious "Rtorrent". That shit is for people who engineer big torrent databases and maintain thousands of torrents at once. Do not use that. qbittorrent is ok but the nox is a hackjob. Look up "qbittorrent nox." It was hacked on, it was never meant to run headless like Deluge was.

transmission is a trash-tier client. it doesn't have any advanced features and doesn't even have the full features of the current torrent protocol.. why would u use that?

that's for downloading distros, isos, and other distributables (that's why it comes with linux).

it isn't for heavy torrent use, it's the barebones like the original BT client in the 2000s.

I've given up on torrenting for the most part. I use usenet for 90% of the stuff I download.

>it's the barebones like the original BT client in the 2000s.
That's exactly the point user. It's a BT server. It does only what it needs to. Why switch clients for features I don't need or want?


Deluge is the fucking tits dawg

Delugefag reporting in

Does Deluge still use the libtorrent version with broken IPv6?

nah, the current version supports IPV6 just fine.

i use deluge

Transmission-daemon works for me, I don't have very special needs.

Exactly why I love it. KISS

Are you using transmission-daemon + transmission-remote-cli?
That just works.

deluge nigga
then run deluge-web and you can add torrents from your couch on any phone tablet or computer.


Everyone, this is piss easy. This douche just doesn't like to read.

I was using transmission but it has too many problems.
If you close it without going to file > close then it wont actually close, it will just minimize to the notification area and then never open again. I have to start it from terminal just so I can ctlr+c it when it misbehaves.

It also lacks the ability to choose which network interface to use.
its settings are screwy as fuck and I dont trust them.
it also cant find peers for shit even when using a vpn.

Im back to using utorrent in a windows vm. Atleast this way I can force it to use the interface I want

i use transmission+sickrage. all i need

also if you use (((chrome))) get delugesiphon and left click magnets to add to deluge on the headless system.

yea it's a 1 line config command to do password and shit setup lol

what the fuck advanced meme features do you fucking need that it doesn't have?

Transmission works great for me. I set it up so that all my torrent traffic is routed through a VPN, and everything else is handled normally. I can let my server share information with my neighbors 24/7.


I just upgraded my 4TB ZFS mirror to an 8TB Z2 array today.


I just buy a VPS and use sshfs to my local server that has a 4tb hard drive
and my vps runs the torrenting

$15 a year

I have been thinking about finding a good VPS to use for email and other things. Maybe I will look into setting up something like that.

buyvm.net is decent, I've used them for about 6 years

they never cared about anything I've done, private trackers, websites, etc

openvz shitboxs for days

hell yea