This is a 10/10 in Britain

>this is a 10/10 in Britain

>this thing on the right

it's funny coming from an american

I can't tell the average white american apart from the average brit

That's a chick with a dick right?

So if Maisie is a 10/10 what is the rating of Emma Watson?


She's French so you can't rate her on a British scale.

>I can't tell the average white american apart from the average brit

She was born in France but she's not french

Every good looking Brit is French.

French is a nationality not a race. She was born there so she is French.

So if Maisie is a 10/10 what about Cara?

French, again.

Cara is a super model. She's not conventionally pretty but she can look stunning on camera.
I always thought she looked like Malcolm in the middle, Frankie what's his name.

Or Irish.
We really have no attractive female genes.

A dog born in a stable is not a horse.


They're both on the right

Pic related is a 6.10 so no idea what you're on about m8.

Cara is fucking ugly, but Maisie is worse.

There are some beautiful Brits but that's rare.

Cara is about a 5/10. Here's a 6/10.



>Cara is a super model.

On the small island of Great Britain even supermodels can be barely called attractive.


but we are rating women here, not men

>only shows ass no face

Brazil tier brit.

>On the small island of Great Britain even supermodels can be barely called attractive.

She gets work worldwide especially in America, who are the ones paying most of her wages in films. You hardly see her in the UK.

She's a solid 6 if I'm being totally honest.

In that pic she looks like combination of Joe Thomas and Russell Crowe.

It's shopped. Not that she isn't an ugly cunt before.

White people are ugly

I only mate with superior asian women to make beautiful children.

>esse sentimento quando não ter uma coxinha japonesa a foder

god this is ugly
poor girl. at least she has a lot of money

No this is.

The only 10 in this thread

No this is.

Eyes look fuckin scary.

How come Brits have so varied appearance and ugliness? Here in Sweden most ethnic swedes look the same. Wider jaw, thinner lips, high cheekbones, blue eyes, lighter textured hair, higher hairline, small nose.

In the UK on the other hand... The people are all some special kind of ugly. Nobody is alike other than looking like fucking shit. Can someone explain? Is it something in the water?

Ultimate milf goddess for sure.