American regional dialects

I have a dutch friend who took an american english dialect test and got this as a result (red is more similar, blue is less similar). Why do you think this was the result?

If you want to take it and bost results feel free:

This was mine, I grew up in Chiraq but I live in Wisconsin now so it's bretty accurate


I grew up on American pop culture, so it's no surprise I picked up elements from almost every area of the country.



you know I just realized that new york used to be settled by dutch so it makes sense you guys sound like that




I'm from LI too. Had no idea I was such a thoroughbred.


most of our finns are in the UP or wisconsin, sort of strange desu

holy moses i've never seen one that specific


The quiz won't show me my dialect map for some reason but my map is identical to , the closest city to me is Yonkers and I grew up in the area (lower Hudson Valley)

>tfw not enough vocabulary for test

Flag, West Yorkshire to be more precise.
Kind of makes sense seeing as NY was Dutch then English. Yorkshire used to have a very strong dialect influenced by old Norse and Danish.

I'm from Westchester, how many mutant arms do you have Long Islander?

What does it mean

Fuck's sake

The test doesn't work for non-Americans, it means absolutely nothing

Seattle met is basically california anyways

Try using a different browser. Mine changed with every question.

I grew up in a small city near the red spots.

It's weird that you would have slightly different pronunciations. Yeah, it's an island, but were not exactly isolated.


I'd argue that a lot of Americanisms are influenced by the dominant ethnicity of that area. Consider Minnesota's kooky accent and largely Swedish origins. I mean kindergarten somehow became the dominant word in America when the term in English is nursery school.

it worked I meant previous times I have taken the test

I usually get the exact same result (heavy deep red for most of NY and then some splotches of orange out west

there is influence but Europeans will almost assuredly not get the area where most of the diaspora went with some exceptions

You guys are really pure NYC fuckery while we have influence from upstate as we are a mix of the city and upstate culturally.


if you don't have this you're black



>if you don't have this you're black
>Gets Detroit

>minecraft wiki

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums m8

they obviously don't count the Negroes

Italian influence?

Kindergarten is German, Nige

>tfw Montgomery, Durham and Raleigh are the cities most related to my dialect

What's it mean

surprised you picked up on that and not funnyjunk desu

Ah! Hillbilly san!

Do you unironically have a banjo?

Italians are centered on NYC and the Hudson valley, although accents in the original 13 colonies aren't reflective of the immigrants that came after independence as their regional identities and accents and values were already set by the time the revolution hit, and immigrants assimilated to those regional values.

thats my point Hans, the areas with more schools must have been predominantly german to influence the language that much.


Ireland more like

Very Jewish results

hillbillies live in the south don't they?

He's right tho , this test only means something for english speakers. Mine it's probaly more influenced by hollywood and equivalent terms I use in argie spanish ("rotonda"="rondabout") + loanwords like boulevard, etc

How do you figure?

Actually disregard that. I really don't care what your opinion is.

Mine was more centered on Iowa.
Which makes sense.
We must flood New Orleans though. They crossed too many lines.

ur a hick


I haven't taken this in years.

More than a few of those synonyms I'll use as well, there are many ways to call a semi, and so forth.

Fort lauderdale is where most American jews retire.
I would have gone with you being a puerto rican though.

I will post this anyway for anyone interested without (You)ing that poster

South Florida and NYC are large two centers of the Jewish population in the US

Plus Yankees move south to Florida once their old


The live in the hills. Hence the name.

White person confirmed

the Appalachian hills as I recall, chiefly Kentucky

a true american


both of those people you quoted are me

There is some influence on the dialect/accent from the waves of immigrants such as Swedes to the upper midwest and out west in general for the disapora there however the area of the original 13 is an exception to this as they were already settled and had their regional accents and values pretty much set by then


my nigga

the Jewish accent is different from NYC although NYC jews have a pretty similar thing

the reason south florida is similar to NY/NYC is because thats where many of us go once we retire


fuck m8 I'm dieting why did you have to post that pic.

Gotta wait til holiday season to have that based shit

not my fault you can't keep up with your grammar boy


you're a jew

I'm from Maine

the map means absolutely nothing if you aren't an American

jew and acadian

so are you?

apparently it shows

oh hey, are the odd francophone noticeable when they speak English?

It just means you would have a mostly normal/flat way of pronouncing words.


Not necessarily, but maybe I just got used to it. I speak a little bit of French, but I'm not fluent.

It's pretty common to hear up north.


You could probably guess my county based on this. Didn't even think I had accent/dialect before this.

jesus what kind of computer are you using?

A shitty screenshot from my phone.

Ugly. You from Jersey?

I'm from northwest Ohio, had no idea that I apparently sound like a west coaster.


where are your parents from?

Pretty funny because this is honestly confusing.

I learned English in school, that makes sense.

I can't even tell the difference between american dialects

living abroad has diluted mine a lot I guess

I am from NYC...

you suck at new york

One of the "black" boroughs obviously. You guys all sound like you're from the south no matter what.

Charge your tablet bro

thanks brah

I got mostly California

Although I'm told by people abroad that when I talk slow ,so people can understand, that I sound like I'm from the south of the us

From Southern Ontario.

>t. from Winnipeg

From out west

Pretty neat I guess

Why are you getting more specific results than the Americans are?

Hello, my fellow masterrace southern new yorkers.

Canada is very distinct because our language is pretty much the same everywhere and it's very similar with the midwest region