Do you trust your armed forces Sup Forums?

Do you trust your armed forces Sup Forums?

Not so fast USA!

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I take you aren't a chink if you actually trust the Indonesian army.

Why not?
It is not likely they will ever be questioned for their loyalty

Trust with what?
They do their job and get paid, why would I give a fuck about what they're doing?

Is that supposed to anger me? Because it's really nothing bad

They're holding up a flag

wew lad


North American Union when?

lol @ USA

it's literally the Roman empire 2.0 in collapse mode.

What's next, our construction workers reading manga on their breaks?

They already do it.

every empire needs their auxiliary

Playing in the snow, perhaps?

REEEEEEE. I don't care how many Mexicans come over the border as long as you keep the weebs.

Quads don't lie

Where in Mexico does it snow? Is that some city at a really high elevation or something?

unofficially you already are a state of the US, thats why NAFTA was created


It never snows anywhere but in USA, Canada and Russia, my gringo friend. All of Mexico is a dusty desert, yes.

I'm not that stupid, I was just wondering where in Mexico is snows. But Mexico isn't far enough north for it to snow unless you're at a high elevation.

When will SJW understand that Trump is NOT against us latinos and inmigration but against illegals that are leeching the system that just manage to be mostly latinos?

There's literally nothing wrong with letting foreigners into your military.

Because while Trump might not be overtly racist, his loudest supporters certainly are.

t. Roman Republic

There's literally nothing wrong with knowing your race is superior.

That's a different situation entirely.

define racism

Yuropoors only

Chihuahua the state that borders Texas is the coldest one.

In the Northern states. Not necessarily because of high elevation, ocean currents are also determinant in whether a place is hot, cold, humid or dry.

That's the main deal I guess, Facebook suggests me a lot of NYT posts and a lot of them just manage to be about Trump being a devil just after he won the primaries (I guess? I don't follow America's politics).
I'm not a Trump supporter but it's so clear that they're trying to shit his image up while bumping Clinton's one.

Why would I trust them? They fight for us, dumb cunt.

Nowadays even citing statistics is racist. It's kind of a useless term tbqh mate.

Why wouldn't*

>Norwegian education

Rome didn't fall because of foreigners in their military. Foreigners who entered the military became as Roman as anyone else. We even had two Spanish Emperors.
Mercenaries helped speed their collapse though.

Citing statistics isn't racist. Showing stats that say blacks commit more crimes and then implying that they do it because they're black is racist.

I mean they*, jesus fuck.

Rome fell for lots of reasons, but immigration wasn't one of them. Germanic mercenaries is a different story though.

They don't understand that correlation =//= causation. Nor do they know a single thing about genetics or human history, so it's pointless to tell them this. Just don't argue and continue with more important things.

But it is racism to believe that.

define racism

no it's not,

You know what go tell jews to make palestinians serve in the IDF

you know, jews, people that run the US?

they'll laugh in your stupid goyim face.


>The United Chicanos of America

Arabs do serve in the IDF user. 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs.

delet this

is this TV commercial racist

"poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

the belief that some races of people are better than others"

>dindus are overrepresented in crime stats in every country
>it's poverty and white man's fault
>genetics do not determine behaviour

>using your status as military for political reasons
If it wasn't for the caption, I wouldn't give a shit. They should get articles for this.

I knew a guy who got paperwork for shitposting about Obama a while back, this is a whole different type of fucktardery

OK smart ass. The effect of ocean currents is reduced the further inland you are (this is referred to as "continentality" in meteorological terminology), and ocean currents are warmer near the equator and colder near the poles. That's why in the northern hemisphere, the west coast of continents is warmer than the east coast, because of the gyres bringing warm water from the equator to the west coast, and the cold water from the north pole down to the east coast. Latitude is still the biggest factor here because everything else being equal, the closer to the equator you are the warmer it gets.

>you will never be a chicano
>you will never fight white privilege and r*cism with your amerindian brothers

another quality post by the butthurt Sup Forumspollack

To my knowledge the latest research says that genetics only influence behaviour when coupled with a specific environment. Basically there may well be a criminal gene, but it only becomes active when exposed to certain conditions.

Not to mention that the black-white crime gap narrows when you adjust for things like poverty and especially fatherlessness.

Nobody is denying the effects of environment.


It's just making a joke. Most people are not SJWs and don't think mild jokes like that are actual racism, no matter who they're against. So no, I don't think that commercial is racist.

>muh wikipedia

but I will not entirely disagree with you

they do let some in, under strict and observed conditions, after they undergo a specific mental reprogramming process and the chain of command is 100% positive of their loyalty.

but the numbers do not reach anywhere close to 10%.

>t. new german

> Druze and Circassians are drafted into the Israeli army, while other Arabs may serve voluntarily; however, only a very small number of Arabs choose to volunteer for the Israeli army[175]).

But what if the fact that they're black actually has something to do with it? We're different, mate. We're far better off understanding our differences so we can actually fucking do anything about it than trying to silence those trying to understand the world around them even if their conclusions are politically incorrect.

As a case example of just that, people often say blacks commit crimes because they're poor, but that's fucking bullshit dude. Everywhere blacks go, their crime rates are fucking outstanding. Canada even stopped collecting racial statistics because of just that since they were even worse than blacks in the US. London also has similar crime rates also. Meanwhile, some of the poorest white towns have below/average murder rates while they're also below the average in most crimes. The "blacks commit crimes because they're poor" just doesn't fucking add up.

People then say "it's the culture", but that doesn't add up either. You're telling me that everywhere blacks go, they end up with the same culture? Doesn't that then implies the culture is somehow an expression of their genes? People are full of shit and enjoy being lied to.



>US military contains people openly waving the flag of another country

Just how cucked can you be?

suck my foreskinned dick you semitic pile of shit.

>yet another thread got derailed by race and genetics
So, uh, about that military discussion guys.


what about this one

what the difference?

>But what if the fact that they're black actually has something to do with it?
It doesn't though, there is literally no scientific evidence to back that up apart from what I mentioned earlier. If there is a "criminal gene" (it's often called the "warrior gene") the research shows that it's only triggered by specific conditions often found in poverty.

>Everywhere blacks go, their crime rates are fucking outstanding.
And pretty much everywhere they go they are disproportionately poorer too.

>Canada even stopped collecting racial statistics because of just that since they were even worse than blacks in the US.

Idk where you heard this but I don't think it's true. I've read plenty of studies and articles talking about race and crime in Canada.

>Meanwhile, some of the poorest white towns have below/average murder rates while they're also below the average in most crimes.

Yeah, because they're small towns user, small towns have low crime rates. Not to mention that whites still commit some crimes at higher rates, like drug related crimes.


t. Middle eastern diaspora still butthurt about Jews
t. Future London plumber on welfare

That shit is totally racist.

The difference is that people can't take a joke. The first video had more dislikes than likes, both commercials elicited a negative reaction from some people. I think both sides need to calm down, it's a laundry commercial.

Why does that guy in the middle look so out of it?

do you realize how stupid your statement is after saying

you wish you could say the same, hitlers doormat

Also is not me, the american you originally originally replied to. I'm not holding a double standard here.

understand this

I'll resort to killing and plundering a million kikes before doing any work for one of you cock suckers.


4th ID
they're already being disciplined

>If there is a "criminal gene" (it's often called the "warrior gene") the research shows that it's only triggered by specific conditions often found in poverty.

Now you're just making shit up and setting up a strawman argument.

Nobody is claiming there is a single "criminal gene." Complex behaviour is due to a complex interplay of genes and environment.

In any case, here is the webpage on the gene you're talking about:

Wasn't me. That commercial is hilariously racist, though.


Hey, want to here a joke?



Should I post my folder?

not as big of a joke as "canada" is.

my kosher komrade

There was a saying in Germany:
May god defend Germany for the Bundeswehr (German Army) cant.
And ffs I was in the Bundeswehr

>Should I post my folder?
take off your proxy first


When cartel is gone

"god" is already defending goymoney, hanz

the "god" with the one eye

what more do you want?

>think both sides need to calm down

Which sides are you talking bout? The Chinese commercial created a Worldwide outrage, the Chinese company had to apologize whereas absolutely no one heard of the Italian one which is called by you tube "funny commercial".

Good for you if you don't have double standard but admit that double standard is the rule of all the entertainment industry and media in the West

Why are US americans such retarded trolls on the internet yet I have never met a unfriendly American tourist. Ffs you nigger dont go out on vacatio to other countries

I have never been so insulted in my whole life


I don't think so, Jimmy

>being this deliberately obtuse
No one is claiming such a "criminal gene" exists, but we're quite simply different. There's no way to deny it. It's so ridiculous it gives creationists a run for their money. It somehow implies evolution stops at the brain because... why? I don't fucking know. Besides, no scientist would ever try to study such differences because it's a fucking CAREER ENDER because of retards like you. See for instance: Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study and see how that fared out for them.

The problem in criminality could be very easily attributed to intelligence. You can see it quite vividly in men. Men and women are more or less about equal in intelligence, but the distribution differs; men dominate on both sides of the spectrum while women stay within the mean. That alone is more than enough to account for a huge portion of men's over representation in crime, and same with blacks. To presume such differences exist within the sexes, but somehow doesn't within the races is quite simply retarded.

Smart people don't commit crimes because they rationalize it as fucking dumb and harmful to everyone. Civil and intellectual societies thrive among smart people, not dumb as a brick motherfuckers. In that sense, you can more or less see why the "thuggish" culture is so prevalent within black communities. Looking it from another angle, you can also see how intelligence creates self-regulating communities. See the typical example of Japan where you can even leave you wallet in the floor and NO ONE will pick it up. They'll probably give it to the police if it stays there for a long time, but that's about it. This example also has to do with Japan being a homogeneous society, but intelligence is still the main factor.

>And pretty much everywhere[...]
Nah, see: poor as fuck white cities.

>Idk where you heard this[...]
Racial CRIME statistics. They stopped collecting them because blacks committed about 80% of some types of crimes.

why are brown people so racist?

It's polish Jew you are talking too

Is that the manlet brigade?

Because I live among them. First hand experience is the best eye opener. I see the effects of this shit everyday.

>The Chinese commercial created a Worldwide outrage
This is my first time hearing about it. The youtube video has 8 million views, which is a lot, but most people have still never heard of this.

>the Italian one which is called by you tube "funny commercial".
It has more dislikes than likes and the comments are full of people complaining that it would be considered racist if the races were switched. So there is an apparent double standard with a lot of people, but it's more nuanced than that.

Yes. I respect the Air Force the most