Central Europe is beautiful and comfy. Please don't bully. :3

Central Europe is beautiful and comfy. Please don't bully. :3

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>2BE Club
Sounds like skitz times in there mate. Do you often go there take some pingas and cop a root?

clean my toilet

>implying you poo in the loo

>Central Europe
No such thing.

>Central Europe

You are even more eastern than us.

>Central Europe
so whys there a picture of Poland?
show me France or Benelux or something.

is France part of central Europe to you?

Fucking Gook

Yup, that is my perception. UK, France and the Benelux countries are the centre. East Germany already leans towards East Europe, and most of Poland is certainly Eastern.


is that a confirmed pic of him?

so what is western Europe then?

Nazi shitbrain.

Southern France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal.

you must be a troll


if thats how you call someone with an unconventional opinion, i am indeed one
my condolences


Racism =/= Nazism
Kim Jong Gook

Hahaha get fucked scots!!!

this seems about right

where is the geographical centre of europe?

>core Western European countries
>central Europe
Hans, read up de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitteleuropa

central europe architecture best architecture

Okay heikönsutein. how is it feel to suck turkish dick?

Leipzig at the Monument to the Battle of the Nations

that's a confirmed picture of not me

this guy lives in Kraków and I live in Lublin(and that's what these retarded Poles found out by themselves but they still keep pretending the prom guy is me for keks)


ce what?

Aнoни пoзa OБP пoчaли вилaзити?

That was my guess for the center of that map.


God I hate Canada.

Pick related, Canadian cookbook.

Center of europe is in Poland.

Thats actually a very beautiful street.

Good that you finally posted old beautiful architecture isntead of that new ugly shit you always post.

Я тyт хyї пинaв дo тoгo як вoни пepeїхaли.


What city is that?

Зpoзyмiв, бo paнiшe тeбe нe пoмiчaв.

We got one as well

and czechs got one too


and latvia got one too


Is there a European country that ISN'T the center of Europe?

Ours is the best looking.

It is indeed. Thank you for love and support from eastern Europ.


yes, but it is the least probable to be anywhere near the real centre of europe

>Guinness World Records recognises Bernotai, 26 km north of Vilnius, Lithuania, as the official geographical midpoint of Europe,[citation needed] but that does not preclude other centres, depending on the methodology used in making the determination.
