What is it about black women that Italian white men find so irresistible??

What is it about black women that Italian white men find so irresistible??

I did a year school in Florence and my best friend there was this black American girl (I'm a white guy from France) .

Not a single day passed where at least 1 Italian man tried talking to her, getting her number etc.

They can't tell the difference between them and Italian women.


maybe she is just really hot and italian are more agressive than americans

>(I'm a white guy from France)

Shut up please

Aren't italians racist towards blacks?

We are racist about everything, the cucks are in every place btw
Shitty pasta goddamn Cuckeau

can anyone explain what this man is wearing?

From what I was able to tell, no. Maybe towards black males? But they loved her man. And she loved white guys. She did get uncomfortable at times because they'd touch her literally in the middle of the street in broad daylight.

I'm starting to think that beautiful black women are made for white Mediterranean men.

A Lega Nord approved shirt.

Bossi approved shirt

>white guys
>In Italy

Can I get a reply from some Italian men as to what it is about black women that they find so attractive?

Italians aren't white though. Spanish, Greeks, Portuguese, German, they're all brown.


That's the reason why they are so brown nowadays. They are doing it for centuries.

>mfw KHANd

Honestly I've been to both England and Italy and Italy has way more white people.

french aren't white

GTFO troll.

Your father isn't white :^)

grazie dottore

t. 25% not white

Have you been to Italy? It's one of the whitest southern European countries form what I can tell.. And whiter than some western ones like England.

They are emasculated traitors and should all be hanged.

The blacks are part of american occupation of Europe, like a virus you spread with the intention of harm.

This pic always cracks me up for some reason

We like women from almost anywhere.

Says the fucking Argentinian... Omg that's rich.

>What is it about black women that Italian white men find so irresistible??
Because Italians have taste.

>a fucking leaf
Opinion discarded

we like women. if she's hot, we like her. end of the story

white Mediterranean man here, i agree completely tb h

canadian posters are worthless

muh heritage is Italian, and I like jungle pussy

I think its the way that some black girls can actually look really good like Jezabel Vessir and also since you're white they automatically appreciate you a lot more than some black or mexican guy. It's nice to be appreciated

this desu

usually italian males are literally CRAZY for bad black pussy

You always love family. Blacks were our ancestors


>implying they don't do it to every single woman no matter how ugly or retarded.

Seriously, even my flatmate who was so ugly she should have been beaten to death with a baseball bat regularly came home with slimy italian shitheads.

The Italians were pretty much known for how much they loved Somali girls. Basically saying that they got a shitty colony, but at least they got the prettiest Africans.

Honestly, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian colonialism was fueled mostly by the all powerful strength of the dick.


>Italians orbiting every woman they see
How true, I saw on holiday a group of 8 Italian guys more or less harassing the same girl, embarrassing. Spaniards are not so far from that though.

italians fuck anything tho

thanks doc

That's how we got out latin lover stereotype.


Muh veneri negre, brahs

Post more black qts


This is completely true. My people also like pussy as long as it's nice pussy. The colour is of secondary importance, and we'ra a cheap man's Italian

t. dalmatia

Are you the croat with all the black qt pics? Do share

I want the african gf

>family is from a small village where everybody is a relative of everybody
>old people even advise to not date/marry with people from the village to avoid inbreeding
>half of village is red-haired, the other half is part black or black
>there is a story about a ginger from Italy who came to Brazil and had 10 kids with a black girl and another 10 with his Italian wife
>always thought it was a joke

I'm starting to think this really happened.

There are more of us. Sometimes I think all posters under Croatian flag are negritaposters
I'm the one who shills for Ethiopian/Somali/Eritrean women. No pics on my phone though



Italian men literally have THE reputation for being flirtatious, toucht, alpha with women.

Before we went to Italy in high school (16-18 year olds), they collectively warned our girls that Italian men can get very flirty and touchy and to watch out.


Why do it think that is? I always assumed it was just one guy

>Look Taitù, we're starting to become civilized! This one even came out white!

>they collectively warned our girls that Italian men can get very flirty and touchy and to watch out

Italians men do it so that black women can try the experience of being blacked

My italian grandfather was one of the most racist people that I ever met. Kinda miss my nono.

We are naturally territorial with our women and racism is not an issue in our society. Discrimination is though. Why? Because representation of other races here is miniscule. They're less than a token. So "conquering" Asian and black women here is a badge of honour (I say "conquering" because we don't get as much of these specimens outside of the summer season)

But as I said many times before. A black girl in Croatia is in candy land. They're the first to get scooped up in clubs. An amplified exotic factor


Sounds like a good deal.

Nah. Most white men are mediocre and we recognize that.

I didn't know this was actually a thing,
but a italian friend of mine loves black women as well.
It's truly mysterious.

>I didn't know this was actually a thing
It isn't

Italian women love black men more

>tfw i will never be a qt black girl in Croatia

do Croatian girls like paki lads?

It's a meme.
The truth is that italian men will try fucking everything that breaths, but other nationalities can only understand fucking white, brown, yellow girls, so when we try fucking black girls it looks weird and you take notice.

No man anywhere is racist toward pretty women.
That said, the baboon faced nigresses should stand by their men and go join them on the bottom of the Mediterranean.

But like why do Italian men act like that though, it's so doggish I'm surprised women even respond positively to those advances at this point.

>But like why do Italian men act like that though
Because it works exceedingly well.

Good god it's not that we like black girls per se, it's that we like GOOD LOOKING black girls like anyone else. I don't know how this meme that we have jungle fever even started.

Really, I don't get why people discriminate based on race or ethnicity as if there aren't good looking people in every single ethnicity.

>So "conquering" Asian and black women here is a badge of honou

Cringy as fuck Croat bro....

>badge of honour
top cringe m8

When you live in a society that has been trying to white wash it's mixed race population forms century black women will not be appreciated and White women even average one's will be cherished because historically they were reserved only for white mentor well to do colored people.

Are you serious? Like don't local women know it's a game? It's sweet words then you get left after a few rumps.

We don't do that with our own girls, dummy, we do care for them.
It's a game we play with the foreigners, tourists in particular. Foreign women are so slutty we just need to throw ourselves at them to get positive results, no effort needed.

I hope y'all get stds, why be proud of being a whore even if you're a man?

>I hope y'all get stds
Condoms don't exist just to avoid pregnancy you know.

>why be proud of being a whore even if you're a man?
Oh pls get real. It's not about being proud, it's about answering the call of the flesh.
Give me a rational reason to keep my dick dry when I could bury it in a fresh juicy pussy and I'll stop.