Whose native population will die off first?

Whose native population will die off first?

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SK has actually a (slightly) positive natural growth, they aren't dying off.

why do you want that canada ?

Not sure, but both will last longer than most western europeans.


But both are gonna be around a lot longer than Western Europeans will

I fucking hate Canada now


Japan has very few emigrants but Korea has so many emigrants like you

>a fucking leaf

Native Korean is only 3% now.

chinky leaf


how is that connected with your low birthrate? in your case that's not the problem. i would recommend to you one good documentary, they are mentioning Japan a lot.



japan will die first because of tsunami, radioactivity, and degenerate culture. nips like to pretend they are honorable yet they dont even follow their own culture. nips should have all killed themselves because of their shameful history.

korea still has its best years ahead of it with reunification and downfall of japan. dokdo is korean land. the east sea is korean waters

>best years ahead of it with reunification
Those are going to be some shitty years and they're well in the future too.
>downfall of japan
lmao keep dreaming


oh look we have another hitler niglet. you shit eaters should look into ur own history too. about reunification and ww2. buncha fuckin mindless kraut niggers

whoa there leeong dik dok goguk

at least the krauts don't literally drink shit

>die off

when will this meme die off, both are ridiculously overpopulated.

South Korea has the same population as France and is 5 and half time smaller.

actually adolfs little niglets love eating shit. the fetish for eating shit originiated in krautland and is quite a common fetish amongst boxheads.

you moose niggers should go back to fucking the syrup out of ur trees and suck on ur maple dick pops

>at least the krauts don't literally drink shit

learn the memes first before posting newfag

Korea: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_by_fertility_rate

South Korea will get nuked by the north. While Japan will have time to intercept them.

t. Son Park

Not fucking once

alright kim
keep slurping down that ttongsul

he's talking about cuckholding. a lot of foreghners to cuck the native population.

South Korea

I heard South Korea actually has an even lower birth rate than Japan's, and in addition to that, North Korea will most likely end in a self destructive nuclear burst whose flash and flame will turn the whole city of Seoul into ashes too

ching cheng chang

Fucking sandniggers

but they're being progressive senpai..and tolerant...


Obligatory gook bantz

Hmmm nearly all korean women i've spoken to about related subjects have clearly stated in some for or another that they have a duty to both their parents and their country to have children. Jap women don't seem to care about their country or even family.


>nearly all korean women i've spoken to about related subjects

The only impression I get from your post is you are such a penis-driven weirdo

ITT Chinkfest

chan chen chin

t. Korear living outside if his home country