If someone asked you why you are proud of your race, how would you respond?

If someone asked you why you are proud of your race, how would you respond?

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What race?

It's more about nationality/ethnicity than race here

Here too. The cibervoluntarios considered nationalities racist because they can not differentiate races nationalities.

Glad it's socially acceptable for Mongols to be proud

What does Finnish race even have to be proud of


Happy! Yippy! Yehey! I wanna sire moar bastard miscegenated lurv kiddies with all other wimmin from all other provinces/countries!

Because my ancestors accomplished big thing. I will make sure their memory lives

Mongol Empire. If blacks can take pride in pyramids, sure as hell we can do the same for Ghengis' achievements.

Formula One

I am not proud of my race. To be proud of my race would be racist, hateful and problematic.

>unironically being being a collectivist
I'd tell the parasite to fuck off.

Proud of my race? Fuck off mate.
Russians are technically caucasoid, meaning that I would be proud of and associating with Russians.
Hell nah, I'd rather be black than Russian.


>having racial pride
lmao literally kindergarten tier philosophy

I dont know why people feel proud of being white, black, etc..

You did nothing to be like that, your parents just fucked, thats it. Racism is crap...

"why would I be proud of something that I literally had no influence in?"

depends on who's asking

if it's a big bald dude in leather with his buddies next to a bar looking to prove a point hell yeah man white race best race

if it's some reedy/fat girl with dyed hair and a clipboard nah man race pride just don't make sense to me maybe a little guilty actually

really whatever I think these fucks wanna hear so I can get away

>If someone asked you why you are proud of your race
I don't think there's anybody in the entire world that even has to ask why a Mediterranean would be proud of their heritage.

Do you prefer to be black or Polish, that's the real question though.