ISIS announced they will blow up the pyramids

ISIS announced they will blow up the pyramids.

Are you excited or are you worried ?

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why are they so keen on destroying everything thats old, its like they're beating up old people and pretending to be strong

Well, atleast I've seen them if thery do

>ISIS has now become brave new world

are they going to blow up the kaaba too?

it was in fact built by infidels

Not enough explosives in the middle east to pull that off.

They might dent one of them though. Thankfully there's more where that came from.

Karl said it's a crap tourist site overflowing with garbage now so I don't mind

People were talking about this since the first days of isis but so far they have made no progress

Is the Kaaba even holy to them?

Cos they're worthless beta manlets doing just that.

Fuck off

When will they get around to blowing up that one giant black cube ?

But they would be destroying real niggas history...

Turei support something... idk wht

They don't want any reminders that a civilisation could prosper without Islam. And they sell the artifacts to fund their operations

I legitimately got more mad when they destroyed the ancient city of Palmyra than I was mad when they were killing people.

ISIS can't triforce

it's literally just a point of reference for prayer so maybe their interpretation of islam doesn't find it holy

Islam destroying everything it touches isn't news if it's been happening for 1400 years.

Guess they're waiting for Cuthulu's summoning ritual to finish.

cheeky nuke from kim jong-un when

The abrahamic intolerance strikes again.

They think any kind of picture or religious building etc is haram because people idolize them. They are like wahhabists

It's not like Muslims haven't tried this before.

what happened there

Was like in the 1200s. Sultan tried to demolish it, but it was too expensive so they gave up.

When king Al-Aziz Othman, son of [Saladdin] succeeded his father, he let himself be persuaded by some people from his Court, who were devoid of good sense, to demolish the pyramids. One started with the red pyramid, which is the third of the great pyramids, and the smallest. So the sultan sent sappers, miners and quarrymen, lead by some of the main officers and the first emirs of his Court and ordered them to destroy it.... This happened in the year 593 (i.e. 1196 A.D.)." (transl. SACY, Description de l'Egypte IX, 468).

For what purpose. Seems like a waste of time and effort

Same reason ISIS is doing it today.

Good, very good.

It will reduce tourism and the free money tourists give to an islamic country.

And it might make those niggers who believe in WE WUZ mad at the muslims.

They also removed all the marble that used to cover it

Well Egyptians already submerged Nubia. What a dumb people!

>For what purpose.
There is not record of this. Also the only source for this anecdote is "Description de l'Egypte" a historical survey text from the 1890s.
Historian's Fallacy

it's no longer a virgin

They should move the pyramids to the British Museum in London before it's too late

SDF is about to storm and take Raqqa and Manbij. ISIS won't make it to the pyramids.

Lot of that fell during earthquakes IIRC. Shit is 5000 years old.

USA dropped two nukes at japan to stop war why can't USA drop some more to stop global terrorism.

ISIS works for Israel

Based Ramses II he truly hated nubians

With these shoes everytime he walked he'd crush nubians


Fucking savage

Pharaoh Moonman II

Where can I cop some sweet ass sandals like that.

Israel is our ally. I swear goy!

1. Israel plans terrorist attacks against those who offend Israel
2. ISIS (that works for Israel but everyone sees as muslims) claims the terrorist attack.
3. Israel can take revenge on everyone that it doesn't like
4. ??
5. profit

Also why isn't Israel never attacked? Why did Israel collaborated with ISIS (and other rebels) at least some years ago during the Syrian war against the rebels (according to a UN report)? which is not over yet.