American Culture Thread

Post best examples of top tier American culture
I'll start

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Some of those are not even jokes..

Wasn't Minecraft made by a fat Swedish neckbeard?

Haha omg i love these
Here is more culture haha i used to have these

Those aren't even jokes

No it's American humour


>Americans say goku-get-em attitude

It isn't American fuckfaces


you don't have to tell me but in the stone age m8

well fug :DD


it's very obviously (by it's subject matter) a book of jokes for young children, the target audience for video games

the real joke is that grown "men" are getting buttblasted on the internet over this picture

>only Americans play minecraft

Minecraft isn't even American either.

Yes, he now gets in Twitter wars with cunts.

whats the purpose of this book?
did someone actually made an entire book of bad jokes to piss some people off on the internet?


Let's all sing together now, shall we?

no they made a book for make children be able to tell eachother jokes at recess. autistic adults getting pissed is an unintended side effect


>no they made a book for make children be able to tell eachother jokes at recess
are you already drunk, pierre?

this is what happens when you allow the corporate sponsorship of schools


This explains the American posters here

did you not have a book of (now lame) jokes when you were 5? because that is what this book reminds me of

unless you're super edgy I don't see any better way a textbook could introduce kids to Nazi Germany for the first time. They even mentioned that Stalin was just as bad.

explain this america

>American culture

>Jews are a people with a powerful document. It is a freedom document, written in Hebrew, and called a bible
>Jews believe that every person is equal before God, which if you think about it, means that a king is no different from a peasant
>No one was quite sure where it [Anti-semitism] came from...
>Dictatorship in soviet Russia was ALMOST as bad

Almost as bad =/= just as bad

okay fine, what state is it

depressing desu

All the ones I remember had bad puns or some sort of twist to them. I don't remember anything that gave an outcome of scenario while taking itself so literally and acted like it was funny.

buy our useless shit goy ehe


I found this at the bookstore


Why is it written in such simple english? I feel like the book thinks I'm retarded.


>get shot