
Zarya edition

Welcome: everyone, tovarischi

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suka blyaa idi nahuy rujj bii

fuck me pls, you turkish boy

Hy чe гдe вce


churkobes detected! everyone, get in TU-95 quickly!




cпят cyки
a я? я нe cпи?

brits, why are you so good?

a vot i nyet!

Pissing off people is the easy part, convincing people it's okay because we're British. That was the hard part.

chё ne spish, van'ka?

>british bantz


why do Russian hate Chechens when they love Russia so much? To me it seems that Chechens are more patriotic for Russia than Russians themselves

>To me it seems that Chechens are more patriotic for Russia than Russians themselves
That's what they're aiming for.

parce que ce Ivan apprend le français en ce moment.
Wish to leave our Mordor badly. BTW have you know that French has the most ridiculous keyboard layout ever?

So are you saying that Chechens are good Russians or that Russians are so self-hating that Chechens are better than them? I think it's a mix of both 2bh

They don't love russia, they love Putin. People hate them cuz they are loud, agressive and don't want to integrate. And of course russians are xenophobic to some extent. Chechens would be a lovely ethnicy if they would get some secularisation.

Why do Russians do things like this?

What did they mean by this video?(watch to the end)



Who the fuck taught you to speak English? Every Russian I see in CS:GO can't speak English.

You should learn something about Russia and its way to say Hail to Putler. It's a really old story m8, when slaves pretend that they do care - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potemkin_village

Why do Russians beat up men who want to fuck men? Why does it matter to anyone?

Why do russians do this?

is it a national past time

that's good. french is a great language. i began to learn it but i understood that i should learn english first. i'll try french in action later.

Funny, your link says that it's a myth. Don't you have anything better to do than spread propaganda?

Prejudice, begotten by absence of education everywhere except regional centers mostly.

because they are 11-12 yo boys

My way of thinking is that meaningless hatred against gay is based on prison sub-culture in Russia which is adopted among wanna-be-criminals (well known as gopniki) and bad-educated general population. Besides, sexual encounter in the prison between two men is considered as an act of humilation and agression. So, my only advice to you is keep your mouth shut about your sexual orientation. If you just wanna have fun there's a plenty of clubs and bars in Moscow where gay are always welcomed. But avoid to share your secret with russian pals, trust me on that.

Do you say by this that my english is good or ask why don't russians know english? The first thing is that my english is shit too. The second thing is that russian language isn't related to english much so it is hard to learn it. Teachers often know english poorly and don't really teach it. Typical russian student know only few words in english in the end of school.

I'm not gay, I just find it strange that Russians seem to really care about people being gay.

> is considered as an act of humilation and agression
that's it. russians concider a homosexual act as
an act of humiliation so they view them as abjected persons.

Regard that with a look from a different angle. Russian has a natural custom to pretend and lie just for His Majesty satisfaction. And Chechens do the same. Kadyrov rule them with a strong hand and he's admire Putin. He do everything to satisfy Putin's expectation, by any means necessary. That's why 100K chechens were been gathered to some place in Grozny (and I do belive in such figures, actually) to show their and, the most important, Kadyrov's loyality to Putin. Are we clear?

>Every Russian I see in CS:GO can't speak English
Are silver or gold nova?

Sorry for a misunderstood.

пpивeт pyccияaнин

B1 in English would be sufficient to begin learning French. And that knowledge will help you a lot with français, especially with lexis.

я poccиянин вooбщe-тo, cэшэaнeц

Здapoвa пoздниe


Здapoв. Ho я cпaть идy yжe.

I am always getting o and y mixed up because of this keyboard I'm using


Are you learning russian? How is it going?


Bonne nuit mes amis!


Yes, I'm just starting out on duolingo. It's going okay but I can hardly say anything besides some basic phrases, like У мeня ecть хлeб и яблoкa and such.

Then again, I have only been seriously learning for about 3 days. None of the schools i went to ever had any Russian courses.

I'm visiting Moscow in a few weeks. What am I in for? I'm assuming people don't care about tourists over there.


tfw whem my ass is better than most girls i know have

post it

and this word I know
it means slut

Nothing. Everything should be ok.

> People hate them cuz they are loud, agressive and don't want to integrate.

"Hey look, i'am going to annex the land that historically belongs to you and demand that you integrate into OUR values"

> Chechens would be a lovely ethnicy if they would get some secularisation.

They were a secular independent state before your fucking putler fucked it up and turned it into a shithole

itt's full of hair


>Chechens when they love Russia so much?

Chechens hate russians more than anything in this world, they are just forced to go out on parades.


This guy get's it, they don't actually like russia, they're forced to do all that shit

t. Muhhamad
it was not Putin but alexander 1st

>alexander 1st
What the fuck are you talking about, Alexander 1st annexed georgia not Chechnya

>turned it into a shithole

>None of the schools i went to ever had any Russian courses.
My school only had Spanish and French. How is that shit options?

>demand that you integrate into OUR values
Into common values of civil people.
>They were a secular independent state
That's just a lie

>They were a secular
they lived in dugouts and fuck sheeps

Don't even bother with the Algerian and tell him to read up on the Caucasian war


Fucking your own mother , getting drunk and killing yourself is considered civil in russia.

They existed long before your ancestors were brought as slaves to a place today known as "russia"

>The first known settlement of what is now Chechnya is thought to have occurred around 12500 BCE, in mountain-cave settlements, whose inhabitants used basic tools, fire, and animal hides. Traces of human settlement go back to 40000 BCE with cave paintings and artifacts around Lake Kezanoi.


read a book, nigger

>Read up on the caucasian war

Russia got it's asshole teared up as always, check what ermolov had to say about them

He is chechen 90%

this does not negate the fact that they lived in dugouts and fuck sheeps, Muhhamad

>tfw my school had Japanese, Spanish, and fucking American Sign Language
>I actually unironically chose sign language

> they lived in dugouts and fuck sheeps,

Got any proof to back your claims? this is something new, i've never heard about it, this stereotype usualyl applies to Dags, and fucking pigs applies to you russians, also i'am ukrainian.

I think he is right and you are Chechen. Kiev was were the Russians used to dump your people

> Kiev was were the Russians used to dump your people

What the fuck are you talking about? i came here to discuss with someone with an IQ higher than 45, fuck off now, if i asked you IRL wouldn't even be able to point out kiev on a fucking map

>Don't want to integrate
Russia is a federation, dumb fuck. If you annex a land then usually you're supposed to respect the culture and people, while having them respect your culture and people (eventually) so that they'll not only respect you but fight for your country. A federation is made up of different states who respect the head of state. They're not supposed to fucking integrate, you annexed their homeland. IMMIGRANTS integrate. Not people who already live there. Ffs, why do you people think you own everything? You annex a bunch of shit that doesn't belong to you, and fair enough. That's what countries do, but you expect people to integrate and act like its your rightful territory and that people should become Russians. Why are you so delusional?

we had to destroy them as you did with the Indians?

Kek. like I said territorial expansion is normal for a country and what happened to the natives was pretty shitty. But if we want to bring up fucking over natives, I think your list is more impressive.
Still exist in Turkey, if Circassia became a country I'm sure they would flock back there. but you did a good job genociding them I guess but it didn't do much.
Outbred them
>Ainu and Japanese
You took Sakhalin, now it's just filled with Russians and shouldn't be a part of your country honestly. Give it to Japan.
You cucked China with your shitty treaty that took a big chunk out of Manchuria
>the many different countries and people in Caucasia
You actually did a good job with most of them, Ossetians, Georgians, Abkhazians, etc. But you still fucked up a lot and ruined their homelands but whatever.
Dismembered Prussia instead of separating it from Germany, and ruined any chance of Prussia becoming a country again by taking Königsberg and renaming it "Kaliningrad" and raping, displacing, and killing Germans and Prussians.
No need to go into detail.
Karelia and Murmansk are rightful Finnish territory
And many more lmao. These are just the more notable and diverse examples.



someone fucking kill me already

is this general new? I've been seeing it lately but sparsely

we have none here

Cause russkies are playing on Stockholm server.

>rus thread
>no kotiks posted
Disappointed tbqh

Good morning lads.
>tfw only one regional flag

I'm not sure if you guys are trolling or not with your awful English, but the way you xenophobic retards lash out against people who love your country more than you makes me think you guys just want to see Russia break apart.

As that one Russian poster said: "fucking stupid subhumans with literaly no contributions to humanity"

Дoбpoгo вpeмeни cyтoк, aнoны. Кaк вaшe ничeгo?

that's low tier bait my friend.
You shouldnt be assblasted over one angry virgin's comment on the internet

t.someone that gets ''bantered'' to death in every thread cause of my flag

why are pidarasy from vk change layout?



Lol, new design is really shitty. It looks like oversized mobile version, and UNCHANGEABLE to old one.

Здpaвcтвyй, кoмpaд!
Actually, this morning is really good to come to Sup Forums and dispute about mother Russia with another world.

WAHHHHHHHH do you really live in chechnya???

Choose your armor

For Russian learning. Ask around for the /rus/ Telegram group as well.


Hello I heard russia needs snus and rotten fish.
