What is the most irrelevant and boring region of your cuntry?

What is the most irrelevant and boring region of your cuntry?

Pic unrelated

melilla, ceuta?

I don't know

Tlaxcala, Baja California Sur, Colima ?


Are you stealing jerrbs even in Argentina?


pic related



>chicago, detroit, minneapolis

>tfw I live here

Detroit is niggers, Minneapolis is irrelevant, and CHICAGO 'ZA

Bye flyover.

I would happily live in an irrelevant and boring state, so please take no offense my Americano frienderinos.

Iowa is relevant?

I don't know about boring or irrelevant, but I think this is hands down the most forgettable state, and I'm only one Maryland away from it


That's where the internet comes from, directly to your computer screen


The Maritimes. Poorest region of the country, and everything vaguely interesting about them is at least sixty years old. The Prairies aren't terribly interesting either, but push above their weight and have been responsible for most of the country's economic growth over the past twenty years. The North is even worse than either the Maritimes or the Prairies, but choosing the Territories would basically be cheating.

Detroit is actually a nice city
t someone who lives there

Fuck off with ur dindu memes

Le Nord.

one of those square states in the middle

The maritimes are the only interesting part of anglo Canada 2bh

maybe jeju but the place is beautiful and clean

Yeah just barely. It gets a lot of attention from presidential candidates because it's the first presidential caucus in the country.

Newfoundland has a much more interesting history (e.g. oldest city in North America). Nothing interesting has ever happened in the Maritimes and nothing interesting will ever happen there.

Where do you live? Seems to be somewhere talked about and not shitty.


nope, at least sometimes you hear that the shitskins are trying to enter into spain through there

Granada and Extremadura I would say

I forgot about the government spooks in Langley, and Quantico. pls ignore my ignorance


Ohio. It's the most bland of the Midwest. It wants to be a Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota but it can't. It's just ohio

What happens there?

Wilderness, it's the most mountainous area of Finland. Sami people. Some tourism. Reindeer.

I wouldn't consider it the most irrelevant part of Finland. I think eastern Lapland is.

It's Finlands benis

Defending the ryssä border is not irrelevant.

B-but Finland is a grill. It does look like a raging boner tho.

Then some that isn't a ryssä border.


Oppland and Ostfold.

Oslo isn't really a part of the country either.


Extremadura, by far.

>not Pomerania

Pomerania has that famous dog breed associated with it at least.

They make tv shows there so not irrelevant.

Ylitornio is the least relevant area there is

West Zealand

and being bought up by those slimy chinese ;-;

it's the chilean antartic territory

>Knock knock
>It's Chicago motherfuckers
Literally the best designed city in America, no trash pilled on the sidewalk like Jew York, or ghettos in the middle of downtown like LA. All of the crime here is in the southern part of the city, nowhere near downtown area.
Also to answer the OP, It's either Missouri, Montana, or Maine
